Well, the Cowboys have already left the Dinner table. They have already had their 5 Star Top Sirlion meal, with dessert. They have drank the best wine served. They have put the candle light out and have retired to their beds for some sleep.
Let the Commanders come in now and scratch and claw for the scraps that are left on the table. Let them chew on the leftover bones on the table. Let them try and get the last drops of wine from the empty bottles left on the table. Let them try and satisfy their hunger from the leftovers that the Cowboys have disgarded on the dining room floor.
The Cowboys are resting today, Supper has been served in week 17.
Let the Commanders travel the road down dark allys, looking for food in the dumpsters so they can survive. Let them go into someone else's house and try to get fed. Let them get dirty and filthy crawling around looking for morsels of food to keep their Spirits alive.
The Cowboys are in bed, resting, dreaming about what they have just consummed. They have been well fed.
The Commanders on the other hand are panhandling, looking for a handout to survive. They are desperate to eat the kind of food that the Cowboys eat. They are like skinny dogs looking for a bone. They are like the skinny ally cat looking for a fish head. They are barely surviving and their bones show it.
The Dallas Cowboys are sleeping. They know that the best food is yet to be served. They worked hard and long for it. They know they will be served.
The Commanders can only wish they could sit at the same table as the Cowboys and it frustrates them. However, they know, yes, they know, that in the end, all they are going to do is wash the dishes and clean the floor, as always. They will once again have to go to the local homeless Mission to get fed with the rest of the losers out on the road to Arizona.
The Cowboys are sleeping!
Sweet dreams, Commanders...because that is all you can do, is dream!