Cannot watch games live anymore

Edit: my post was redundant. Should have read all through the thread before posting. Everything I said had alreay been said. Sorry.
DallasEast;1690838 said:
It's not something which I normally do. I first noticed it while watching a game on DTV, speaking to a friend (who's got cable) about the game and they tell told me about a play that hadn't happened yet. That was weird, but then I noticed the delay by switching between my cable and DTV while watching CNN, for example. Who knows? :confused:

Then stop all your moaning and groaning!!

:laugh2: :laugh2:

Yeah, who at it's finest. For example, an Iraqi can watch the smart bomb coming in on TV but he will never see the result...

DallasEast;1690838 said:
It's not something which I normally do. I first noticed it while watching a game on DTV, speaking to a friend (who's got cable) about the game and they tell told me about a play that hadn't happened yet. That was weird, but then I noticed the delay by switching between my cable and DTV while watching CNN, for example. Who knows? :confused:
Sometimes I think it's the broadcast.

I could watch a game (DTV HD, not ST), and someone I know who has cable has the delay.

However, I could be watching something else, and then I'll get the delay versus the other person getting the delay.
TheSkaven;1690754 said:
If you don't have a rooting interest and just want to watch good football, check out the NFL Redzone HD channel on DirecTV. They go game to game every 5 minutes, never a commercial. Great for weeks where our team plays on Sunday/Monday night or has a BYE. :)

I love the RZC just for the lack of commercials.
DallasEast;1690838 said:
It's not something which I normally do. I first noticed it while watching a game on DTV, speaking to a friend (who's got cable) about the game and they tell told me about a play that hadn't happened yet. That was weird, but then I noticed the delay by switching between my cable and DTV while watching CNN, for example. Who knows? :confused:

I see the delay between normal cable and hdtv. If i have my normal tv on next to my computer and the tv on and HD channel....the HD channel is a bit behind.
DallasEast;1690831 said:
Okay. Well, here's an example. I'm watching the Chargers/Broncos game on cable. Dre Bly was slightly injured on a play. He was pacing and trying to walk off the injury. I turned on the DVR and Bly hadn't even started pacing yet. That's the kind of delay I'm talking about.

That's not what I'm talking about.

I'm talking about when I hit the channel up or down button, or do anything with the remote when watching DTV HD ST channels - there is a response delay.
superpunk;1690893 said:
That's not what I'm talking about.

I'm talking about when I hit the channel up or down button, or do anything with the remote when watching DTV HD ST channels - there is a response delay.
My bad, but yeah, I've noticed that too. There's a huge pause while changing between HD channels.
superpunk;1690893 said:
That's not what I'm talking about.

I'm talking about when I hit the channel up or down button, or do anything with the remote when watching DTV HD ST channels - there is a response delay.

Did you re-programm the remote?

I had a smiilar problem AT FIRST...even after I initially programmed the remote. I called DiercTV (what a freaking mess that is), and eventually got a tech person, instead of the help desk person, and she gave me some other numbers to re-program my works fine delay.

SupermanXx;1690909 said:
If I wasn't aware of this from the 1 trillion times a game I have to see this, then I am aware now.

You are SO right. :laugh2:
burmafrd;1690729 said:
I just cannot stand all the commercials. So many of them and 90% either stupid or grate like fingernails down a blackboard. Glad I have TIVO and can just fast forward through all that garbage. BUT that means I have to wait untill the game is at least half over. If I start watching any sooner I run out of the recorded part before I run out of commercials. I watch so little network TV, or much of any other TV anymore that what little tolerance I have for the garbage gets used up real fast. I remember back in the 70s when you watched a game you probably got less then a quarter of the ones we suffer through now- and frankly the quality is worse. Just when I think commercials cannot get any dumber or any more offensive they find a way to lower the bar even more.

I remember people complaining about the amount of commercials back in the '70s and back then we had to get up and walk to the TV, turn the knob on the TV to change the channel to the other game just to find out that game was in a commercial too. :bang2: :bang2: :bang2:

We really have very little to whine about with today's TV coverage.
jimmy40;1690944 said:
I remember people complaining about the amount of commercials back in the '70s and back then we had to get up and walk to the TV, turn the knob on the TV to change the channel to the other game just to find out that game was in a commercial too. :bang2: :bang2: :bang2:

We really have very little to whine about with today's TV coverage.

:laugh2: :bow: :laugh2:

You got it...
How else do you think players can make 10 million a year? The networks pay a crap load to the money grubbing NFL, so they have to sell a whole lot of commercial time to actually turn a profit. Yet the NFL's profits keep going higher and higher, and instead of passing some of it along to the fans, they just keep asking for more and more money.

It's how any business works, but the NFL has gotten really good at sticking it to the fans over the last couple of years.
TheCount;1690956 said:
How else do you think players can make 10 million a year? The networks pay a crap load to the money grubbing NFL, so they have to sell a whole lot of commercial time to actually turn a profit. Yet the NFL's profits keep going higher and higher, and instead of passing some of it along to the fans, they just keep asking for more and more money.

It's how any business works, but the NFL has gotten really good at sticking it to the fans over the last couple of years.

It's just going to get worse...or better.

Heck, hard to complain. I can watch any NFL game I want.

I remember when cable first came out. Wow, we've come a long way.

The only thing bad about commercials is the quality.

That stupid Ipod commerical drives me insane!

1..2..3..4...Tell me blah, blah, blah....

And I used to kind of like John Cougar Mellancamp until his stupid Chevy commercial...which wasn't bad the first 80 times it was one day.
Bizwah;1690970 said:
Heck, hard to complain. I can watch any NFL game I want.

I remember when cable first came out. Wow, we've come a long way.

The only thing bad about commercials is the quality.

That stupid Ipod commerical drives me insane!

1..2..3..4...Tell me blah, blah, blah....

And I used to kind of like John Cougar Mellancamp until his stupid Chevy commercial...which wasn't bad the first 80 times it was one day.
I think that we should all give thanks that every other commercial isn't this:
I've watched most of two games today plus the night game is on now.

I have this burning desire to order a new Tundra gosh they paid out some cash today for the TV time. That plus I am expecting Reggie Bush to hand me the keys to it.

Look how NASCAR went...thats where the NFL could end up pretty quickly.
Realized the best thing to do during commercials is refresh the forum. I really enjoy the game threads from around the league, gives you alot of information on the going around. I almost knew everything that happened today before FNIA except that lienart is out 6-8 weeks.
This may sound crazy, but FOR COWBOY games I actually like having commercials to have time to think and drink more beer.

But other than Cowboy games I'd like to fast foward.

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