Cardinals Had To Add 4 Hours Of "Independent Study" Per Game Week To Kyler Murrays Contract


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Wow! I can understand if it was April 1st, because this looks like a joke.

john van brocklin

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Imagine paying this guy as much money as Arizona did and then having to require, in his contract, that he watches at least 4 hours of film a week instead of playing video games.

Yes, the Cardinals literally had to add "playing video games" as something not allowed during Kylers mandated 4 hours of film watching per game week.

We'll make you 1 of the highest paid NFL players ever, but you have to promise that you'll care about your job, Kyler.

This is embarrassing for both Kyler and the Cardinals, but hey, it was his turn to get paid and that's just how contracts work, right?

Can you imagine if they had to add this to Daks contract ?
The Zone would melt down with critisism !


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Not that I'm a Murray fan and yeah this is a ridiculous clause...not every young player who has had as much success as he has by just being physically more talented than everyone else comes in with the right mindset...can he grow as a PRO in his field will be a big question. If I am his QB coach I'm telling him to contact Wilson and Brees as he does have a huge disadvantage in hieght and those 2 could probably give him great advice on how to overcome it and yeah study the game your not the most talented athlete on the field by a mile anymore once your in the NFL. Time will tell on this one. Big risk for the Cards for sure but any bigger than trying to draft another #1 QB and finding out he does not have the talent?


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They will put anything in contracts that seemed pretty absurd to some. I think Ben Rothensburgh had in his contract that he couldn’t ride motorcycles. I remember another guy had in his that he couldn’t go skiing- cross country that is.

Big Ben got into an accident riding a motorcycle and was out for a while. Patrick Mahomes has a ton of things he can't do. He can't even shoot a basketball around on his free time.


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Big Ben got into an accident riding a motorcycle and was out for a while. Patrick Mahomes has a ton of things he can't do. He can't even shoot a basketball around on his free time.

I'm pretty sure that a lot of NBA players have in their contracts that they can't even play pick up games in the offseason.


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No shock he accepted these clauses but for the $$$$ he had no choice I suppose. At least this won't be a season long distraction during pre and postgame pressers :muttley:


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I'm pretty sure that a lot of NBA players have in their contracts that they can't even play pick up games in the offseason.

They can still do whatever they want. They just won't get paid if they're out due to injury as a result of doing so.


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I think those types of things are in a lot of contracts as to prevent injuries.
Yeah I know but some of them are pretty insane. I can see basketball, riding motorcycles, etc. but cross country skiing is like running


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Big Ben got into an accident riding a motorcycle and was out for a while. Patrick Mahomes has a ton of things he can't do. He can't even shoot a basketball around on his free time.
Yeah I remember about Ben getting in an accident. I can see the teams protecting their investment but I just think some of the stuff in the contracts that some are not allowed to do is just strange but when you are putting that much into it I would want to protect it too.


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They will put anything in contracts that seemed pretty absurd to some. I think Ben Rothensburgh had in his contract that he couldn’t ride motorcycles. I remember another guy had in his that he couldn’t go skiing- cross country that is.
I had something similar in my soccer contract that I wasnt allowed to participate in indoor soccer due to the increased risk of injury.

These clauses actually make sense and protect the team.

The Murray Clause (thats what I am calling it) is basically saying. You need to commit to doing your job and lay off the Madden. The way I read that is. They literally paid him the most ever and also inserted a clause that says "grow up"

Its apples to oranges.


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Yeah I remember about Ben getting in an accident. I can see the teams protecting their investment but I just think some of the stuff in the contracts that some are not allowed to do is just strange but when you are putting that much into it I would want to protect it too.

Me personally, I'd ignore it. But I'd respect the money part in regard to the contract. If I got injured and was out, I can understand why I shouldn't be paid for that time. The Murray situation is different. This is something he should be doing anyway if need be. He's being paid to know what he's doing out on that field.


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I had something similar in my soccer contract that I wasnt allowed to participate in indoor soccer due to the increased risk of injury.

These clauses actually make sense and protect the team.

The Murray Clause (thats what I am calling it) is basically saying. You need to commit to doing your job and lay off the Madden. The way I read that is. They literally paid him the most ever and also inserted a clause that says "grow up"

Its apples to oranges.
The Cardinals are a loser organization and this is just another move that insures they continue to be a loser organization.


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Never been easier to be filthy rich these days. Average QB’s and annoying YouTubers make more than pediatric surgeons and nuclear engineers.



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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan

I disagree that such a clause is a blunder.

I am sure if you delve into contracts for other players, you will find equally "unusually" clauses. It is all about setting boundaries. The Cardinals make it very clear they want more study by Murray. My questions are -- how do they evaluate Murray's study time and what do they do should they discover he is not putting in the time.


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LMAO, they could tell from his Micro-Soft surface that he "just watched" all the film. He never paused, FF, rewound, or took notes on the tablet. SMH, I know he torches our boys, but Kyler better prays he stays healthy because his natural abilities in a compact body are all he got.


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LMAO, they could tell from his Micro-Soft surface that he "just watched" all the film. He never paused, FF, rewound, or took notes on the tablet. SMH, I know he torches our boys, but Kyler better prays he stays healthy because his natural abilities in a compact body are all he got.
It's funny you say that because there is literally an SI interview that he gave where he flat out says he doesn't need to watch as much film because of how naturally gifted he is lol