I think the cause of death angle is a little ridiculous.
If some brilliant mastermind cleans out a bank, is caught after the fact and no one can figure out how he did it they don't just say, "well we don't know so it must not have happened".
What a ridiculous standard to apply. "We don't know so it didn't happen".
What does it matter if the method of murder is known? The baby is dead, was discarded like a piece of trash and there's a plethora of irrational behavior pointing directly to the mother. Who cares how it was done?
The jury isn't there to determine the proximal cause of death. They are they to determine if the mother was responsible for the death, no matter how it occurred.
And this is the guy I heard on phone interview talking about how they couldn't determine the actual cause of death.
And motive? How about she's a sociopath? Does anyone beg for a motive when other nut jobs commit these gruesome crimes? No, we just acknowledge they are a bat **** crazy and don't need to understand why.
What a complete failure.
It wouldn't shock me at all if a few months from now one of the jurors comes out and says that they are having 2nd guesses regarding their decision.