Well, right now you have social worker system where they essentially have more power than a judge doing pseudoscience analagies and then molesting your kids while in their custody, killing them things like that. So you bet you tie up resources in children and not these slimy pedophile playgrounds we call DFPS or CPS, who makes society actually worse.
If anyone put any effort forth in actually investigating my actions before removing my child and before baby farming her for profit and promising me her back after I completed "a service plan"..."free", they said. And then I could have my daughter back...all because I didn't want her to have donor breast milk at 35 weeks gestational period...well, they took my baby girl who was born on 7-7-10, and they placed her with someone who drinks, does drugs, etc...and guess what, she was suffocated.
In my view, neglecting your child is and should be classified up there with those same sorts of felonies.
You bet.
The most valuable resources are children. Period.
I get to spend tomorrow, my birthday, the same day my daughter was born, wishing someone had actually talked to me and heard my reasoning for getting upset at the staff in hospital.
If only they spent the time and resources, I'd have my baby girl right now.
No one should ever have the image of their own baby in a coffin seared into their memory...
I'm supposed to live in this great country and I end up getting treated like a North Korean.