Casey Anthony trial starts today...*Found not guilty*

Doomsday101;3986264 said:
At least people would know the truth. I'm not thrilled with the verdict but I don't see our legal system as a joke I see it as imperfect but then there is no legal system that is. I would much rather have a system that ensures the accused the presumption of innocent and the state proves guilt than a person trying to prove they are innocent.

What people believe right now probably isn't that far from the truth.
MarionBarberThe4th;3986180 said:
Accidental drowning seems more likely than a Mother snapping and doing what most people couldn't imagine.

I don't know all the facts so I don't know if the father would have to be involved in a cover-up. I heard he was former law enforcement so I don't think he'd be involved in a shoddy cover-up

I don't believe for a second it was accidental. They had an expert on the stand at one point (one of the only points I did see) and she said that everything about where and how the body was found was 100% consistent with years of case studies on murders.

She didn't cite any cases but I'm sure she could produce them if needed. Children drown all the time. It's horrible, some guy in my area had his little boy fall into a creek and drown about a month ago. Guess they were at a local park and one of the wooden fences had some slats missing. Not really sure on the rest of what supposedly happen but here's what I did see. I saw a guy on TV agonizing over the loss of his son and feeling absolutely terrible and filled with guilt. He could barely finish the interview he was so shaken. It was absolutely heart-wrenching.

And here's what I didn't see. I didn't see this guy on TV reenacting an episode of Jersey Shore and parading around from bar to bar. Also didn't see him fabricate some story about the child being with a fictional nanny.

Oh, and he reported it immediately and tried to get help. There were able to keep the child alive for a couple of days but he ended up passing away.

IMO, accidental drowning is probably the least likely event.
FloridaRob;3986206 said:
True, but that fact along with many other facts prove she did. Not only did she not report it, she lied to her parents about her whereabouts for over a month (she lived at their house with Caylee), she lied to the police about what happened to the little girl when they offered to help her find her, she tells the police she had been looking for her for over a month but we later found out she had been partying and never mentioned the baby being gone to her friends, she was driving around a car that was proven to have decomposing flesh and a hair from Caylees head after death, (she was the only one that drove the car) in phone calls after being arrested she did not want to talk about Caylee, when Texas Equisearch came to her house she refused to cooperate to find her little girl. She basically admitted in her defense that the baby died under her care (even though she lied about it was the pool) Duct tape was found over the babys face.

Not one fact proves she did it. But all the facts show she and she alone was responsible for her death. Who puts duct tape over a baby in an accident.

Anybody that thinks George had something to with it I can tell you is not a grandparent.

Meanwhile the alternate juror questions whether or not the baby was ever in the car. What a moron. No duffuss, the smell that was still there two years later was from moldy cheese. And the hair from Caylees head after she had died proves nothing. He believes it was an accident and a coverup. Yea again duffuss, anytime there is an accident, people stage it to look like a murder scene.

Well, said, Rob. I watched a lot of the trial last night. The lawyer she had was convincing and they used other witnesses to tell her lie.
Sarge;3986209 said:
The one question I had is.......and I never heard anyone ask it......if Caylee drowned accidentally as claimed - why did Casey allow a "manhunt" to go on for weeks? Why allow hundreds of people search for your daughter and you not say anything? Was it because you didn't know what your defense would ultimately be? I dunno.

Doesn't pass the smell test.

The same amount of evidence was in the Scott Peterson case. It's just easier to look at him as demented because he's not cute with boobies.
Joe Rod;3986233 said:
I thought this tweet was funny....


*** priceless.
peplaw06;3986430 said:
How did her attorney get to present "Casey's testimony?" I'm going to need specifics before I can answer this question properly.

Are you being serious here?
casmith07;3986377 said:
And then what? Tie up valuable resources by having police officers and other law enforcement officials investigating child neglect cases rather than catching drug dealers, murderers, rapists, and child molesters?


Well, right now you have social worker system where they essentially have more power than a judge doing pseudoscience analagies and then molesting your kids while in their custody, killing them things like that. So you bet you tie up resources in children and not these slimy pedophile playgrounds we call DFPS or CPS, who makes society actually worse.

If anyone put any effort forth in actually investigating my actions before removing my child and before baby farming her for profit and promising me her back after I completed "a service plan"..."free", they said. And then I could have my daughter back...all because I didn't want her to have donor breast milk at 35 weeks gestational period...well, they took my baby girl who was born on 7-7-10, and they placed her with someone who drinks, does drugs, etc...and guess what, she was suffocated.

In my view, neglecting your child is and should be classified up there with those same sorts of felonies.

You bet.

The most valuable resources are children. Period.

I get to spend tomorrow, my birthday, the same day my daughter was born, wishing someone had actually talked to me and heard my reasoning for getting upset at the staff in hospital.

If only they spent the time and resources, I'd have my baby girl right now.

No one should ever have the image of their own baby in a coffin seared into their memory...

I'm supposed to live in this great country and I end up getting treated like a North Korean.
Stautner;3986442 said:
Read Post #230
Presenting alternate scenarios is not presenting Casey's testimony. The defense's job is to prevent the state from meeting their burden... to do that, they try to create reasonable doubt. If the medical examiners can't come up with a cause of death, then it's not unreasonable for a defense attorney to ask "well then you can't rule out an accidental drowning?" That's not the same as saying, "the child drowned at 7:05 p.m. on ____________ date, while we were having a cookout and we panicked." If the defense did that and the prosecution didn't object, then the prosecutor is a moron.

CowboyMcCoy;3986530 said:
Are you being serious here?
Is there some reason for you to question whether I'm being serous? I've already stated that I didn't hear all of the evidence, seeing as I have a job where I can't spend six weeks or whatever in front of the TV/computer and watch it all unfold. I tend to let what the media says go in one ear and out the other. So if you got your info from Nancy Grace or someone like that, it's not gonna carry much weight with me.
This is the 2nd different city I lived in where there was a big, high profile murder case. First being Ray Lewis in Atlanta and second being now with Casey Anthony in Orlando.

Of course, Lewis wasn't actually tried and for good reason...the DA's office had jack squat on him and were eager to try and please constituents who were looking for the high profile celebrity and/or were just flat out racist. Believe me, I heard...quite frankly very open and disturbing talk from more people than I wish to count...where they wanted Lewis convicted more or less because he was black.

And when the DA's office realized they didn't have anything and let a guy they once accused of double murder go...the city of Atlanta was in an uproar.

In Orlando, most people I know have followed the case closely. In my heart I'm confident that she did kill her baby. But, the general consensus here is the same thing...unfortunately the DA's office didn't prove that. To me, they proved that Caylee was most likely in her trunk of her car.

To me, the DA's office should've gone out and tried to get Casey on every other charge possible and get the max penalty for each of those charges if they really couldn't prove that Casey did indeed killer Caylee.

Really sad to think about the entire thing. Sad to think of an innocent girl being dead and almost nothing to show for it...and even if there were, it wouldn't bring her back.

I will say that the people of Orlando seem much more informed about this case than the people of Atlanta in the Ray Lewis incident...which doesn't surprise me.

I don't think the justice system failed, I just think that the DA's offices tend to keep failing us. From the Ray Lewis case to the Dule Lacrosse player case to this case, DA's seem to be overzealous with their plans instead of being smart and practical and work with what they have.

peplaw06;3986566 said:
Presenting alternate scenarios is not presenting Casey's testimony. The defense's job is to prevent the state from meeting their burden... to do that, they try to create reasonable doubt. If the medical examiners can't come up with a cause of death, then it's not unreasonable for a defense attorney to ask "well then you can't rule out an accidental drowning?" That's not the same as saying, "the child drowned at 7:05 p.m. on ____________ date, while we were having a cookout and we panicked." If the defense did that and the prosecution didn't object, then the prosecutor is a moron.

If it is Casey's claim that the alternative happened, then absolutely it is Casey's testimony. Considering there was not one iota of testimony or one shread of evidence presented to support these things (father cover up and father molestation), then where else could the claims have come from?

Remember that this wasn't just throwing out possible alternatives, this was giving a specific step by step account of what the defense claimed to have occurred.

And remember that the claim of Casey's dad molesting her wasn't even an alternative to how the child may have died, it was an outright claim with no foundation that Casey's dad committed a crime, and the specific purpose was to excuse Casey's behavior after Caylee disappeared.
peplaw06;3986566 said:
Is there some reason for you to question whether I'm being serous? I've already stated that I didn't hear all of the evidence, seeing as I have a job where I can't spend six weeks or whatever in front of the TV/computer and watch it all unfold. I tend to let what the media says go in one ear and out the other. So if you got your info from Nancy Grace or someone like that, it's not gonna carry much weight with me.

I misunderstood what you were saying. I was just saying from a realism standpoint, a lawyer can get testimony or at least a story in that the jury is led to believe just by questioning other witnesses.

Prosecutors even do this in some cases with no victim to testify, etc. This isn't the norm, but getting a story in without actually having to testify is left to the art of the attorney examining the witnesses through the story they tell.

Just from watching [some of] the case, I can see others reading her letters and what not, which they then allow in as a form of testimony (imo).
To clarify, the letters were read by a defense witness. I can't remember the specifics as I was multitasking. During next segment of the trial, the judge made an proposal not to allow these letters in to evidence. The defense opposed and the judged ruled with the defense...on what grounds, I forget.
CowboyMcCoy;3986533 said:
Well, right now you have social worker system where they essentially have more power than a judge doing pseudoscience analagies and then molesting your kids while in their custody, killing them things like that. So you bet you tie up resources in children and not these slimy pedophile playgrounds we call DFPS or CPS, who makes society actually worse.

If anyone put any effort forth in actually investigating my actions before removing my child and before baby farming her for profit and promising me her back after I completed "a service plan"..."free", they said. And then I could have my daughter back...all because I didn't want her to have donor breast milk at 35 weeks gestational period...well, they took my baby girl who was born on 7-7-10, and they placed her with someone who drinks, does drugs, etc...and guess what, she was suffocated.

In my view, neglecting your child is and should be classified up there with those same sorts of felonies.

You bet.

The most valuable resources are children. Period.

I get to spend tomorrow, my birthday, the same day my daughter was born, wishing someone had actually talked to me and heard my reasoning for getting upset at the staff in hospital.

If only they spent the time and resources, I'd have my baby girl right now.

No one should ever have the image of their own baby in a coffin seared into their memory...

I'm supposed to live in this great country and I end up getting treated like a North Korean.

I understand your pain and I am sorry for your loss, but I hope that even if custody was taken from you that you pursued pressing charges against the foster family for their role in this tragedy.
Yakuza Rich;3986579 said:
This is the 2nd different city I lived in where there was a big, high profile murder case. First being Ray Lewis in Atlanta and second being now with Casey Anthony in Orlando.

Of course, Lewis wasn't actually tried and for good reason...the DA's office had jack squat on him and were eager to try and please constituents who were looking for the high profile celebrity and/or were just flat out racist. Believe me, I heard...quite frankly very open and disturbing talk from more people than I wish to count...where they wanted Lewis convicted more or less because he was black.

And when the DA's office realized they didn't have anything and let a guy they once accused of double murder go...the city of Atlanta was in an uproar.

In Orlando, most people I know have followed the case closely. In my heart I'm confident that she did kill her baby. But, the general consensus here is the same thing...unfortunately the DA's office didn't prove that. To me, they proved that Caylee was most likely in her trunk of her car.

To me, the DA's office should've gone out and tried to get Casey on every other charge possible and get the max penalty for each of those charges if they really couldn't prove that Casey did indeed killer Caylee.

Really sad to think about the entire thing. Sad to think of an innocent girl being dead and almost nothing to show for it...and even if there were, it wouldn't bring her back.

I will say that the people of Orlando seem much more informed about this case than the people of Atlanta in the Ray Lewis incident...which doesn't surprise me.

I don't think the justice system failed, I just think that the DA's offices tend to keep failing us. From the Ray Lewis case to the Dule Lacrosse player case to this case, DA's seem to be overzealous with their plans instead of being smart and practical and work with what they have.


That's my overall beef with this case too -- it was not a capital murder case, unfortunately, with the mickey mouse evidence they had. They should have really tried to go for convictions on things that they could prove, like conspiracy, rather than shooting for the moon with a BB gun by going for first-degree murder.

They let the Nancy Grace media train drive this thing to trial and they got burned for it. If the people want to be upset, they should be mad at the piss poor job done by the investigators and the 50% solution offered up by the State Attorney's office. It was a dog of a case as first-degree murder. Go for what you have an 80% solution on, not 50%.
peplaw06;3986566 said:
Presenting alternate scenarios is not presenting Casey's testimony. The defense's job is to prevent the state from meeting their burden... to do that, they try to create reasonable doubt. If the medical examiners can't come up with a cause of death, then it's not unreasonable for a defense attorney to ask "well then you can't rule out an accidental drowning?" That's not the same as saying, "the child drowned at 7:05 p.m. on ____________ date, while we were having a cookout and we panicked." If the defense did that and the prosecution didn't object, then the prosecutor is a moron.

Been there about 3 times in this thread man. But I appreciate the backup :)
Yakuza Rich;3986579 said:
This is the 2nd different city I lived in where there was a big, high profile murder case. First being Ray Lewis in Atlanta and second being now with Casey Anthony in Orlando.

Of course, Lewis wasn't actually tried and for good reason...the DA's office had jack squat on him and were eager to try and please constituents who were looking for the high profile celebrity and/or were just flat out racist. Believe me, I heard...quite frankly very open and disturbing talk from more people than I wish to count...where they wanted Lewis convicted more or less because he was black.

And when the DA's office realized they didn't have anything and let a guy they once accused of double murder go...the city of Atlanta was in an uproar.

In Orlando, most people I know have followed the case closely. In my heart I'm confident that she did kill her baby. But, the general consensus here is the same thing...unfortunately the DA's office didn't prove that. To me, they proved that Caylee was most likely in her trunk of her car.

To me, the DA's office should've gone out and tried to get Casey on every other charge possible and get the max penalty for each of those charges if they really couldn't prove that Casey did indeed killer Caylee.

Really sad to think about the entire thing. Sad to think of an innocent girl being dead and almost nothing to show for it...and even if there were, it wouldn't bring her back.

I will say that the people of Orlando seem much more informed about this case than the people of Atlanta in the Ray Lewis incident...which doesn't surprise me.

I don't think the justice system failed, I just think that the DA's offices tend to keep failing us. From the Ray Lewis case to the Dule Lacrosse player case to this case, DA's seem to be overzealous with their plans instead of being smart and practical and work with what they have.


It didn't help that Nancy Grace was apparently putting her nose in the case and exploiting a child's death for sensationalism and ratings...

I don't know what would be worse other than Judge Judy presiding over it.
casmith07;3986608 said:
I understand your pain and I am sorry for your loss, but I hope that even if custody was taken from you that you pursued pressing charges against the foster family for their role in this tragedy.

It was my brother. . .

I was given a choice, foster family or real family. So i picked my drunken brother instead of a potential molester...just read about all that happens in those places. Well, I made the wrong choice. And yeah, lawsuit coming down the pipe soon. I've just been dealing with the grief, so no hot body contests for me.

Seriously, this was because I didn't want them feeding my daughter bodily fluid from someone else, pasteurized or not...when it wasn't necessary. On top of this, the nurses would not stop and would not allow me access to a Dr.

So I yelled at them...they did what they wanted to with their social science garbage from there..

It wasn't just the foster family, it was the system who failed her by taking her out of her real home...a good home, where she would have been safe on the basis of no real charges other than I got upset and didn't want my daughter fed donor breast milk right away.

Indeed, it wasn't necessary to do so.
CanadianCowboysFan;3986414 said:
you clearly are projecting the pain you feel over your child's death onto this case. You feel no one was blamed for her death so you want to make sure Casey Anthony pays for her girl's death even though the evidence was not there.

I mean.. he's right. She should pay for it.
Hopefully the judge gives her the maximum sentence allowed on her lying convictions and places her in general population to correct this miscarriage of Justice.

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