CeeDee's AC

that doesn't excuse him from having those soft touched throws dropped out of his hands he was looking for hero ball so this is a way to make this guy a hero because he's playing injured I'm not doing it if you're gonna play you catch the easy balls thrown to you he didn't have to dive or jump or have any kind of contact he literally dropped 3 balls in that game that changed the flow of the game they hit him in the hands like somebody tossed it underhand that's how soft they look he literally made me mad so if you're looking for some excuses and that ain't one.... If you can't play get off the field if you can then you at least need to catch the easy stuff the basic stuff...34.5 mil you make all 3 of those

FYI he will be fine.. Did you realize sports teams have some of the best doctors in the world that's what the billion dollar leagues and ownership get you they make sure these guys are taken care of best you can get no doubt 'cause if they don't like what they're hearing they go to specialists they get referrals they will end up with some of the best care and rehab afterwards then it's offered anywhere in the world
We are lucky to have him.
As someone with a previous AC joint disorder, I sympathize with our star receiver's pain and discomfort.

#88 has a partial tear of the ligaments connecting the end of the clavicle (collarbone) with the acromion bone. Playing football and getting knocked to the ground can cause a full separation. I hope our playmaker gets the best medical care.

I do not understand his wearing minimal shoulder pads. For an "AC joint sprain," he needs special shoulder pads. Very few orthopedic docs truly know shoulders well. Most are experts on knees.

A long time ago, I sent All-Pro WR Mark Clayton of the Dolphins to a shoulder expert, an outside medical expert who saved his season after the Fins' doc said he was out for the year with an AC joint injury. This other private doc, a disciple of the legendary doc Frank Jobe, MD, properly diagnosed the injury, treated it properly, reducing the severe inflammation and provided Clayton with special shoulder pads the Fins' doc knew nothing about. As a result, Clayton returned to the team and played well the rest of the year.

I pray for Cee Dee getting the best medical care this nations' shoulder specialists can provide.

I refer you all to a video which illustrates the AC joint injuries:

If he had a partial tear he wouldnt be able to raise his arm.

He has a sprain. He is under pain not injured.
As someone with a previous AC joint disorder, I sympathize with our star receiver's pain and discomfort.

#88 has a partial tear of the ligaments connecting the end of the clavicle (collarbone) with the acromion bone. Playing football and getting knocked to the ground can cause a full separation. I hope our playmaker gets the best medical care.

I do not understand his wearing minimal shoulder pads. For an "AC joint sprain," he needs special shoulder pads. Very few orthopedic docs truly know shoulders well. Most are experts on knees.

A long time ago, I sent All-Pro WR Mark Clayton of the Dolphins to a shoulder expert, an outside medical expert who saved his season after the Fins' doc said he was out for the year with an AC joint injury. This other private doc, a disciple of the legendary doc Frank Jobe, MD, properly diagnosed the injury, treated it properly, reducing the severe inflammation and provided Clayton with special shoulder pads the Fins' doc knew nothing about. As a result, Clayton returned to the team and played well the rest of the year.

I pray for Cee Dee getting the best medical care this nations' shoulder specialists can provide.

I refer you all to a video which illustrates the AC joint injuries:

I want to know if his hands are ok?
Did you realize sports teams have some of the best doctors in the world that's what the billion dollar leagues and ownership get you they make sure these guys are taken care of best you can get no doubt 'cause if they don't like what they're hearing they go to specialists they get referrals they will end up with some of the best care and rehab afterwards then it's offered anywhere in the world

RESPONSE FROM FLORIDA COWBOY: I believe players are pressured to having surgery which can quick fix an injury, but the long term affects are not good. I believe many of the team docs are overly aggressive in recommending surgery, thinking about the team first and not taking the player's long term interests as a human into consideration. Jones had a lingering hip problem form late 2018 to early 2019, and underwent a brutal operation which allowed him to play in 2019 and gave him a huge free agent signing with the Dolphins. $82 million. Byron has been largely silent since his failed recovery in early 2022 from lower left leg surgery, ankle and achilles tendon, didn’t progress to ever allow him to play in the 2022 season.

“It was an honor and privilege to play in the NFL but it came at a regrettable cost I did not foresee,” Jones tweeted. “In my opinion, no amount of professional success or financial gain is worth avoidable chronic pain and disabilities."
I played with my arm amputated at the shoulder. Didn't bother me too much. These younger guys are sawft.
..back in HS, that was called, shake it off. Rebecca was in the stands for rub down, after game.
A player can get a Xylocaine shot before a game to numb out all pain from a joint so he can play an have full range of motion. But that risks making the injury worse. However the acromio-clavicular (AC) joint of the shoulder can be readily repaired with full restoration of the athlete's non-throwing use of the arm/shoulder. So I am not concerned other than we do not hear if he LAMB has any special protective pads.

Talking about the AC joint, do you remember Tony Romo opted for surgery to cut off the end of his clavicle (collar bone) with the hope that he would not break his clavicle again and the forces would go down the clavicle and not stay within the AC joint? It made no difference, as he hurt his back again and Dak had to take over.

At the time, I spoke with some of my doc buddies and they all thought it was medically unethical to cut out a viable healthy part of the body -- the end of the clavicle -- to enable a person to better take a blow to the shoulder when being hit or knocked to the ground.

Cee Dee's injury makes me feel pain all over again, even as I write this.

By the way, do you all remember the miracle man Drew Brees, who became the first pitcher or QB to come back from a 100% shoulder labrum tear? Now, he cannot lift his right arm up and cannot throw at all.
Cee Dee is being ran in the ground with all the targets/carries over the past 2 years.....Zach Martin tried to hold an inexperienced OL together......seen this with a young Zeke........run 'em in the ground or overload the work. This franchise is dysfunctional.........solution now........just blame the QB. Too funny.
that doesn't excuse him from having those soft touched throws dropped out of his hands he was looking for hero ball so this is a way to make this guy a hero because he's playing injured I'm not doing it if you're gonna play you catch the easy balls thrown to you he didn't have to dive or jump or have any kind of contact he literally dropped 3 balls in that game that changed the flow of the game they hit him in the hands like somebody tossed it underhand that's how soft they look he literally made me mad so if you're looking for some excuses and that ain't one.... If you can't play get off the field if you can then you at least need to catch the easy stuff the basic stuff...34.5 mil you make all 3 of those

FYI he will be fine.. Did you realize sports teams have some of the best doctors in the world that's what the billion dollar leagues and ownership get you they make sure these guys are taken care of best you can get no doubt 'cause if they don't like what they're hearing they go to specialists they get referrals they will end up with some of the best care and rehab afterwards then it's offered anywhere in the world
Or they consult with some quack doctor that can’t even use proper punctuation let alone treat a serious injury.
I would guess those special shoulder pads would restrict him from playing. Impede him from stretching out to make a catch.
Or becoming injury prone after securing the bag!!! Typical Cowboys player
Is there a season ending surgery he can get for it?
Well for one he just stops dropping passes that be OK with it those were easy passes had nothing to do with the shoulder secondly I think he takes pride in his work he's trying to fight through the pain but he wants his 1000 yards because it adds to his career being another 1000 yard season injured with a backup quarterback that make him if it wasn't for his rookie year being short like I don't know 50 or 60 yards every one of his seasons would have been 1000 yards or more..

So in his mind while helping the team he can add to his career by getting 1000 yards to at least back up his 1800 yard season that way we can't say look at the man got paid got hurt and he didn't produce isn't that what said around here he's trying to fight through pain and not quit so you guys want him to quit and literally that would be what you were saying all he got paid he got hurt and then he just sat down and collected his bag 'cause that's what you say around here that's everyone says the man's gonna get his 1000 yards if he could just get a little help one those three passes he dropped was probably about yards or so he needed those but the Cowboys more or less would have won that game without it being closer throughout the game because of those 3 drops so let's hope he has a clean game I hope he has 100 yards and I do hope he gets his 1000 yards he deserves it...

Hes sitting at 5th in yards at 880 yards , surprising, right??

I know stats are not supposed to matter but him being on the field will help us win and I know y'all want to tank but he only needs less than 200 yards over five games and i hope he gets it.. I hope he puts up 120 and gets it all MN... .might end up with 1200 in lost year..not bad!!

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