
A cell phone can save you and/or your families lives.

So could any number of things. A smart phone isn't necessary at all. Heck, people survived thousands of years without cell phones, yet alone smart ones. I think it can be done. If you're that worried about it, keep yours. If I do decide to stop using a smart phone, it doesn't mean I'd stop carrying it without the battery in it (so I could put the battery in when needed) or downgrade to a non-smart phone. They still exist.

Why does it matter to you why some of us think smart phones may have made things a little worse all around?
So could any number of things. A smart phone isn't necessary at all. Heck, people survived thousands of years without cell phones, yet alone smart ones. I think it can be done. If you're that worried about it, keep yours. If I do decide to stop using a smart phone, it doesn't mean I'd stop carrying it without the battery in it (so I could put the battery in when needed) or downgrade to a non-smart phone. They still exist.

Why does it matter to you why some of us think smart phones may have made things a little worse all around?
Whoa, easy now DM! I think he was just adding another perspective. It seems uncharacteristic of you to react so defensively. Everything okay?
So could any number of things. A smart phone isn't necessary at all. Heck, people survived thousands of years without cell phones, yet alone smart ones. I think it can be done. If you're that worried about it, keep yours. If I do decide to stop using a smart phone, it doesn't mean I'd stop carrying it without the battery in it (so I could put the battery in when needed) or downgrade to a non-smart phone. They still exist.

Why does it matter to you why some of us think smart phones may have made things a little worse all around?
You do what you want. I don’t care. I was just pointing out one of the most important aspects of having a cellphone.
I bet they've cost more lives than they've saved.
You got that right. I was pumping gas the other day and just watching the traffic go by which was very close. The stop light was red and there was one vehicle patiently waiting for the green light when a lady in an SUV smacked right into her from behind. I watched the whole thing and she had the cellphone stuck in her ear.
I've encountered idiots who are texting while driving. Wish I could have them arrested. I can't believe anyone could do something so stupid.
I was at a red light and I was dialing my wife's number. I had my window open and across from me was a police officer in a parking lot outside of his car. He looks at me and says you have got to be ****** kidding me! He is about to get into his cruiser and then sees me lift the phone to my ear. I would have been pulled over for texting and driving for sure if it hadn't been a phone call lol.
On the flip side I was driving my box truck last year and I was pacing a cruiser who was in the left lane just.... well cruising..... I looked into his vehicle and low and behold texting and driving. I blared the horn. He looked up and I threw up the x. I think he got it. He put his phone down and put the pedal to the metal and sped off. Two infractions in one minute. Our stand up police officers!!
I heard a story early this week about Instagram activating someones camera and mic without their knowledge and was recording. I dont remember the victim, but they were some sort of celeb.

I saw on a national news program how easy it is for hackers to access anyone's phone and use your camera to watch you. They also got into the reporter's email account without him giving them his password and was showing him new emails he wasn't aware of yet. (I've stuck some electrical tape across the camera lens just for fun, not paranoid or anything like that.)
I was at a red light and I was dialing my wife's number. I had my window open and across from me was a police officer in a parking lot outside of his car. He looks at me and says you have got to be ****** kidding me! He is about to get into his cruiser and then sees me lift the phone to my ear. I would have been pulled over for texting and driving for sure if it hadn't been a phone call lol.
On the flip side I was driving my box truck last year and I was pacing a cruiser who was in the left lane just.... well cruising..... I looked into his vehicle and low and behold texting and driving. I blared the horn. He looked up and I threw up the x. I think he got it. He put his phone down and put the pedal to the metal and sped off. Two infractions in one minute. Our stand up police officers!!
I keep forgetting you can talk on a handheld phone in MA...not in CT.
I saw on a national news program how easy it is for hackers to access anyone's phone and use your camera to watch you. They also got into the reporter's email account without him giving them his password and was showing him new emails he wasn't aware of yet. (I've stuck some electrical tape across the camera lens just for fun, not paranoid or anything like that.)
I have tape over the camera on my laptop.
I have talked about a Glock many times with friends and even looked up some Videos of Glocks on youtube.

Never had any adds for Glock pop up in any browser.

Now Guitars...I go on sweetwater and a couple of music sites and look them up....I get all kinds of adverts for those on web pages...which I don't mind seeing ads for those lol.
Really? I guess I could see that. Massachusetts State police dress like *****. That's gotta affect them. Lol
Biggest a holes I have ever dealt with. MA state troopers are the worst. There is an investigation going on right now. Suspected 30 officers are being investigated for overtime fraud.

And don't get me started on the "special" dot unit they have here. If I could punch a cop without repercussions those are the ones I'd love to knock out.
I have talked about a Glock many times with friends and even looked up some Videos of Glocks on youtube.

Never had any adds for Glock pop up in any browser.

Now Guitars...I go on sweetwater and a couple of music sites and look them up....I get all kinds of adverts for those on web pages...which I don't mind seeing ads for those lol.
Depending on where you live. Glocks are banned in my state for example. Then again I've done a ton of research on firearms and never got a single add for one. Must just be a firearm thing. Same with bows. I read a lot on that as well and don't get any adds.
I have talked about a Glock many times with friends and even looked up some Videos of Glocks on youtube.

Never had any adds for Glock pop up in any browser.

Now Guitars...I go on sweetwater and a couple of music sites and look them up....I get all kinds of adverts for those on web pages...which I don't mind seeing ads for those lol.
Depending on where you live. Glocks are banned in my state for example. Then again I've done a ton of research on firearms and never got a single add for one. Must just be a firearm thing. Same with bows. I read a lot on that as well and don't get any adds.
Maybe you should talk about something more innocuous, like McDonald's.....No, that's more deadly than a Glock....Try diapers.
I'm going to talk about celery 20 times a day and see what happens.
I'm going to talk about celery 20 times a day and see what happens.
I've never seen a celery ad anywhere. I think if you're looking to seriously experiment, you need to try brand names, or at least popular products, such as potato chips or golf balls.

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