
You do what you want. I don’t care. I was just pointing out one of the most important aspects of having a cellphone.

I didn't mean it to sound as harsh as it did. My bad. But I am firmly of the opinion that smart phones have hurt society more than they've helped it.
I didn't mean to come across as harsh as it did. I guess I'm just sick of the warping of society that it's caused, with texting and driving added in.
And of course, the loss of human connection. I don't even really know who my nieces are.
I didn't mean it to sound as harsh as it did. My bad. But I am firmly of the opinion that smart phones have hurt society more than they've helped it.
You’re probably right but I’m not letting my daughter go out the door without it.
Society as a whole, I agree. Like anything else, the benefits are accentuated or nullified relative to the particular user.
Yeah....I see lots of folks hating it all,but I use it to my advantage. It really doesn’t bother me personally anyways,because when you’re me....there’s no bottom to risk. Who the heck doesn’t already know that I’m a total lost cause with nothing to lose....but a good hearted honest one nonetheless? Sooo...filthy pictures or me peeing in public,and Russian hackers is really of no consequence to me. Go ahead FB track me....you won’t like where I take you. Loooool
I get the appeal of convenience but at what point does it become intrusive? Would you pay the price of privacy to have it?
Yeah....I see lots of folks hating it all,but I use it to my advantage. It really doesn’t bother me personally anyways,because when you’re me....there’s no bottom to risk. Who the heck doesn’t already know that I’m a total lost cause with nothing to lose....but a good hearted honest one nonetheless? Sooo...filthy pictures or me peeing in public,and Russian hackers is really of no consequence to me. Go ahead FB track me....you won’t like where I take you. Loooool

I get what you're saying. It's like when people went up-in-arms about the Xbox coming equipped with the Kinect system (which has a camera, if you didn't know). Do they really want to hang out and watch me sitting there gaming? Hey, you never know, maybe one day I might be in my boxers!! I have nothing to hide. And if I did, I certainly wouldn't be performing it in front of a camera that is hooked up to the internet.

At the same time though, I get the concern.
I saw on a national news program how easy it is for hackers to access anyone's phone and use your camera to watch you. They also got into the reporter's email account without him giving them his password and was showing him new emails he wasn't aware of yet. (I've stuck some electrical tape across the camera lens just for fun, not paranoid or anything like that.)
I have tape over the camera on my laptop.
I get what you're saying. It's like when people went up-in-arms about the Xbox coming equipped with the Kinect system (which has a camera, if you didn't know). Do they really want to hang out and watch me sitting there gaming? Hey, you never know, maybe one day I might be in my boxers!! I have nothing to hide. And if I did, I certainly wouldn't be performing it in front of a camera that is hooked up to the internet.

At the same time though, I get the concern.
Seriously....people should be more worried about the chick at the retail counter swiping your credit card,or people stealing your mail than this stuff. Long as you’re not being a total nimrod like pressing “yes” to porn ads,and text scams,and giving out your name,rank and serial number to every Jane Doe and site,or training to be a professional jihadist...you’ll do much more worrying than worth it. The big thing with analytics is when you actually make a purchase,in particular online. That’s what all this is about anyways,targeted marketing suited to your tastes,but is also a slippery slope.
So,be responsible,aware,and pay for small stuff in cash and keep things tidy and minimal is my advice.
I have talked about a Glock many times with friends and even looked up some Videos of Glocks on youtube.

Never had any adds for Glock pop up in any browser.

Now Guitars...I go on sweetwater and a couple of music sites and look them up....I get all kinds of adverts for those on web pages...which I don't mind seeing ads for those lol.

The place you use internet from - work - may block those types of Ad's.
This past week, when I'm using my phone to access this site, I keep getting pop-up crap, allegedly from Walmart and YouTube, congratulating me as a Moto G7 user, and telling me I won a new phone.
Life was def simpler before I had a smart phone. I regret the day my wife got me to buy one. Having quick access to the Internet whenever wherever isn't always a good thing.
Tell me about it!! Porn in the first pew is poor form. I usually move to the cry room so the heavy breathing doesn't bother those around me.
I didn't mean to come across as harsh as it did. I guess I'm just sick of the warping of society that it's caused, with texting and driving added in.
Put down that scythe and pickup your smartphone and text me some fun stuff.

As most everything else, they're just tools in the hands. It is the hands that can be a problem.

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