Character wins Championships


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jterrell;2616428 said:
That isn't morals... it is character.

Slapping one's girlfriend isn't a moral question unless you are truly an idiot in which case you'd need more help then with your English grades.
Well I'd say we're getting more into philosophy than english now, but the point is you can be a total jerk in life off the field while still being a great teammate on the field and in the locker. Its those that blur the line between the two that cause the most problems.

FWIW I have a B.A. in English so I did just fine.
So do I. Who cares?

Three cases I presented... 1 a guy breaking the law during the season that resulted in a game suspension and could have resulted in entering the League's substance abuse program, 1 a guy insulting his QB which is hardly putting team first, and 1 a guy assaulting his girlfriend which is just plain wrong period on any level.

See above. Heck, some people are dying for Ray Lewis to come here and 'fix' our locker room issues and there is a pretty good chance he is at least an accessory to murder.

But that Ravens defense would run through a wall for him.

In most sports circles, he's a 'character' guy, even if a lot of people think he is a thug off the field.


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wileedog;2616322 said:
No, "I can't throw the ball and catch the ball" is a direct shot at your QB.

That is just Hines being defensive, especially considering Roth had already won one SB without a "tall WR"

Doesn't matter, the Steelers have a strong organization, team and coach in place that quickly puts the focus back on the field after any disagreements.

We have reality TV shows.


Maybe we'll win an Emmy. :(


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jterrell;2616434 said:
Are you seriously that ******** or unaware?

Bryant's jersey tossing was HUGE news. It followed him and he even still addresses it to this day. If it was squelched at all it was Big Bill wouldn't even discuss it and ofrbid any one on the team from commenting on it.
I live in NJ. Most people I know here had no idea it happened. Because it was blown up in your world doesn't mean it was national news - it wasn't, it was a blip at best.

It got NO WHERES NEAR the airplay of TO even riding the bike in camp with the helmet on outside of Dallas.

Bryant was actually out of football for a good while because of this stuff.
He was out of football for driving drunk when he was a 49er and a failed drug test. WTH are you talking about?

The internet <> real world


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wileedog;2616415 said:
Morals are completely subjective anyway.

Uh, no, Morals ARE NOT completely subjective. There are some behaviors that most people frown upon or maybe I should say people who abide by the moral standards society sets frown upon.

You can always have some knucklehead who thinks his warped morals trump God's and society's standards.

Having said that, carry on. :)


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tyke1doe;2616479 said:
Uh, no, Morals ARE NOT completely subjective. There are some behaviors that most people frown upon or maybe I should say people who abide by the moral standards society sets frown upon.

You can always have some knucklehead who thinks his warped morals trump God's and society's standards.

Having said that, carry on. :)

Wileedog represents our team's attitude rt now. What a ridiculous statement.

Agree, carry on Wilee, carry on


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tyke1doe;2616479 said:
Uh, no, Morals ARE NOT completely subjective.

Maybe I shouldn't have said completely, but I assure you even as part of the same society you and I have different opinions on whether certain things are right or wrong. Anything from abortion to capital punishment to use of torture on terrorists or any number of vital moral issues we may have very large gaps based on our own upbringing and individual values.

In some of the things we are talking about for instance, I 'm sure there are plenty of people who don't think Santonio Holmes is a bad guy or bad character guy because he was caught with pot. He wasn't stoned while he was driving, and is it really that different than him taking a bottle of Jack home with him?

They are subjective to a point, although obviously you are right there is a baseline in place or we wouldn't last long as a society.

Wileedog represents our team's attitude rt now.
lol wut?


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wileedog;2616505 said:
Maybe I shouldn't have said completely, but I assure you even as part of the same society you and I have different opinions on whether certain things are right or wrong. Anything from abortion to capital punishment to use of torture on terrorists or any number of vital moral issues we may have very large gaps based on our own upbringing and individual values.

In some of the things we are talking about for instance, I 'm sure there are plenty of people who don't think Santonio Holmes is a bad guy or bad character guy because he was caught with pot. He wasn't stoned while he was driving, and is it really that different than him taking a bottle of Jack home with him?

They are subjective to a point, although obviously you are right there is a baseline in place or we wouldn't last long as a society.

That can be said about anything, though.

Look, even if we don't agree on all points of morality, we have a pretty good barometer in our laws, the Ten Commandments (specifically those portions dealing with one person's relationship to another) and NFL policies and procedures.

Despite what you think about weed (and I know there are a lot of people who like smoking weed), to smoke weed knowing you could get suspended from the team IS NOT showing good character. It doesn't matter whether you think it should be okay. You know that it's against the NFL, you're expected to understand this and how smoking weed can cost you and your team, and as a member of the NFL society, you don't do it. If you do, you don't have good character. Slapping your girlfriend around when you are a 256 lb lineman is not good character, I don't care how you spin it. "She hit me first." :rolleyes:

We have to use some barometer. Otherwise, we wouldn't agree on anything and society and the NFL would come to a standstill based on subjectivity and indecision.

Let's deal with reality and not theoretical mumbo jumbo.

Having said that, I understand what you're trying to say. I understand you are making a distinction between work ethic and character. But you should understand why some posters would take exception to a person saying with a blanket statement that the Steelers value character more than the Cowboys.

The Cowboys character flaws are more pronounced because of their celebrity status and because their owner has made it a point to bring in players suspended from their former clubs because of "character" issues, i.e., illegal gun possession, repeated violations of the NFL conduct policy (not to mention allegations involving shootings at night clubs) and sowing so much discord on your team its only option was to cut you to get you out of their hair.

The Steelers have their problem children too. But they don't actively pursue players who got booted from another team for character flaws. We do. That's why the Cowboys get criticized more. And that's why people feel that the Steelers put more of an emphasis on "character" than the Cowboys.


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CutMeMick;2616051 said:
Big Ben's Two(2) rings were "stolen" by the refs.

Eli's title last year was "lucky" & he didn't deserve it.

Yet our golden boy is sitting at home eating Doritos with
some fat chick!
Some Cowboys fans can be so ***** S T O O P I D!!!!


Fricken LOSERS!!!!!!!:bang2:

While I thought the officiating sucked tonight, I agree with the spirit of your post.

Us Cowboys fans love to belittle the achievements of every other Super Bowl winner the past few years, almost as if to try to make us feel better about never being in this position of late.

Warner a fluke. Brady overrated. Eli lucky. Roethlisberger a thief. Dilfer fortunate. ... the list goes on.

You get the feeling we could be gift-wrapped a Super Bowl win, only to let it slip right through our fingers.


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tyke1doe;2616530 said:
Slapping your girlfriend around when you are a 256 lb lineman is not good character, I don't care how you spin it. "She hit me first." :rolleyes:
I didn't try spinning that, for the record.

And I'm too tired to continue the rest of the mumbo jumbo so we'll just leave it :)

But you should understand why some posters would take exception to a person saying with a blanket statement that the Steelers value character more than the Cowboys.

The Cowboys character flaws are more pronounced because of their celebrity status and because their owner has made it a point to bring in players suspended from their former clubs because of "character" issues, i.e.,

That's kind of the point. Jerry likes bargain shopping. He thinks 'character' however we are choosing to use the term, and team chemistry are over-rated. He thinks like many on this board do that if you win you will have character, and if you lose you don't. So he can pick up a talented guy like Pac man for a song - in relative talent vs price terms - and all will be hunky dory.

How's that working out for him?

Someone said above that because the Cards lost tonight then guys like Warner and Fitz must not have character - bull. No one gave them half a chance to even be in that game. Heck most people thought they would be bounced in the first round. And they showed more than our team did all year on their last TD drive, the defense simply couldn't hang on to win.

The Steelers have their problem children too. But they don't actively pursue players who got booted from another team for character flaws. We do. That's why the Cowboys get criticized more. And that's why people feel that the Steelers put more of an emphasis on "character" than the Cowboys.

But they do. Deliberately targeting guys who were so bad they got booted from other teams is pretty much the epitome of not caring about character. I mean watch the rumors fly when Vick gets out of jail, and does anyone really rule out Jerry at least kicking the idea around of bringing him in? Does anyone think the Mooney's would?


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wileedog;2616553 said:
I didn't try spinning that, for the record.

And I'm too tired to continue the rest of the mumbo jumbo so we'll just leave it :)

That's kind of the point. Jerry likes bargain shopping. He thinks 'character' however we are choosing to use the term, and team chemistry are over-rated. He thinks like many on this board do that if you win you will have character, and if you lose you don't. So he can pick up a talented guy like Pac man for a song - in relative talent vs price terms - and all will be hunky dory.

How's that working out for him?

Someone said above that because the Cards lost tonight then guys like Warner and Fitz must not have character - bull. No one gave them half a chance to even be in that game. Heck most people thought they would be bounced in the first round. And they showed more than our team did all year on their last TD drive, the defense simply couldn't hang on to win.

But they do. Deliberately targeting guys who were so bad they got booted from other teams is pretty much the epitome of not caring about character. I mean watch the rumors fly when Vick gets out of jail, and does anyone really rule out Jerry at least kicking the idea around of bringing him in? Does anyone think the Mooney's would?

I agree. I think the Cowboys approach is all wrong. I don't expect a team to take all choir boys. But I do expect a team to recognize that if a person has consistent problems, chances are he's going to continue having them, regardless of talent.

The Steelers have guys who aren't perfect. But they don't purposely go out to get guys with character problems or if they do, they vet those guys to determine if they want them on their team. Smoking weed aint a big deal even though it's still illegal in most places. A lot of teens do it. I'm not excusing it because I've never smoked weed, but I can understand how an impressionable teenager would do so.

But targeting guys specifically for their repeated character flaws, that's what Jerry Jones does. And that's why the Cowboys get criticized as they do.

I hate the Steelers, especially since they've won six. But I have the utmost respect for Dan Rooney. He knows how to pick coaches, stick with a philosophy and stay the heck out of the way.

And that's why his teams are consistently vying for the playoffs and the Super Bowl.

Are you listening Jerry? Of course not. :rolleyes:


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RCowboyFan;2616135 said:
Yep, if it was Cowboys, Antonio Holmes getting caught with Marijuana or at least Allegedly with Marijuana would have been brought up and and up again.

But one thing though, Mike Tomlin, took control of the situation and sat Him down for a game. Thats the difference. Also, when Willie Parker, talked to the media about Stealers needing to run ball more, Tomlin immediately set him straight by showing him 5 Trophies and asking whats more important?

Constrast that by what Jerry and Wade did when TO and his Best Buddy Deion did that interview? Thats why Stealers don't get bad press. Since players stay in line. And they are not the glamor team either.

That Tomlin is an impressive coach.

He had big shoes to fill following Cower. But he did it rather nicely, I'd say.


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Pittsburgh has character???


Please, Pitt is one of the dirtyest teams in the league. They got players busted for smoking pot, beating up their girlfriends, and cheap shotting opponents.

Harrison practically assualted that Cardinal tonight, even Madden said that crossed the line. You guys dont remember all the late hits and holding up our players for extra hits when we played Pitt???

Anybody that thinks Pitt has great character needs to get off their jock, seriously.


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ThreeSportStar80;2616284 said:
:lmao2: Another homer.
Because I think The Patriots 3 titles and 4 SB appearances are superior to Pittsburgh's 2 titles?


Randy White

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If the Dallas Cowboys win the Superbowl next year, does that mean they have " character " ?