Charger Steve Foley shot by police officer

cowboyfan4life_mark said:
Did you even read the article?

The question that I would have is, ever hear of pepper spray first?

yup, she was driving the car at the officer foley was on foot and he kept coming after he was shot.
The cop screwed up big time in my opinion and the city of coronado will be lucky to not get sued
stealth said:
lol she is driving at the cop so the cop shoots steve foley multiple times?

sounds like he is an officer of the year candidate for sure.

:laugh2: :laugh2:
cowboyfan4life_mark said:
Read the article, she drove at the officer, then he fired.

If they thought it was a car-jacking, call 911 on the cell phone. Why drive to your home?

I do wonder how the officer "identified" himself if he was in an unmarked car. Does he carry a bullhorn?
Car Jacking, crazed fan, Drunk driver, overzealous cop using excessive force, hero cop. What happened will come out in time and the most telling thing will be what Foley's Blood Alcohol Level was when he arrived at the ER. Anything else is premature at best. And calling the cop or foley an idiot is idiocy.
cowboyfan4life_mark said:
Did you even read the article?

The question that I would have is, ever hear of pepper spray first?
I think it would depend on how the Cop felt. Did he feel peper spray would do the job. Remember The Raider (Barret Robins I think his name was) with the cops down in Miami? Ring any bells. If I where a cop and had a mad woman trying to run me over and her BIG boyfriend coming at me on foot I'd shoot him as well.
koolaid said:
i think anyone who gets behind the wheel drunk is an idiot

Everyone makes stupid choices from time to time. It's what you learn from those those mistakes which determines what kind of person you are.
stealth said:
off duty cops are just that, off duty.

not saying what the steve foley did was right but the cop is an idiot.
and the fact that foley now looks like an attempted cop killer is laughable and no doubt he and his GF will get the book thrown at them, regardless of the facts

As a police officer you are never off duty, as long as you are in your juridiction (sp). But I hope he will be OK.
jksmith269 said:
I think it would depend on how the Cop felt. Did he feel peper spray would do the job. Remember The Raider (Barret Robins I think his name was) with the cops down in Miami? Ring any bells. If I where a cop and had a mad woman trying to run me over and her BIG boyfriend coming at me on foot I'd shoot him as well.

he shouldn't have had his gun out in the first place.
Screw The Hall said:
Everyone makes stupid choices from time to time. It's what you learn from those those mistakes which determines what kind of person you are.
Disagree 100% with this NO ONE NO ONE should ever drink and drive. I don't care about this live and learn on this one there have been toooo many inocent people killed by these IDIOTS...... And if they can't learn from the videos we see every holiday weekend then they need to be SHOT.
stealth said:
he shouldn't have had his gun out in the first place.
You ever see COPS? the show? every time they pull over someone who ran from them they get out with GUNS drawn.

BTW the article says he was off duty it doesnt' say what type car he was in. Maybe in his precent he drives a MARKED car home and was in that or an unmarked police car. We don't know but by the sound of it he tried to get the IDIOT to pull over and he refused. I'd get out with my gun drawn as well. Its called self protection....
stealth said:
lol she is driving at the cop so the cop shoots steve foley multiple times?

sounds like he is an officer of the year candidate for sure.

Misguided poster of the year award as well.......

A drunk driver attacks an off-duty cop and you defend the drunk.....

stasheroo said:
Misguided poster of the year award as well.......

A drunk driver attacks an off-duty cop and you defend the drunk.....


personally I'd rather be drunk than a cop :D
Natedawg44 said:
Nobody knows all of the facts so saying Foley is an idiot is rediculous.

Steve Foley was arrested back in April for battery on a police officer and public drunkeness.

That shows a history of this type of act. Yep...Foley is the idiot. Yep, sure enough.
stasheroo said:
Misguided poster of the year award as well.......

A drunk driver attacks an off-duty cop and you defend the drunk.....

Maybe he's a drunk as well? who knows,.... I'm sick of the CROOKS getting away with everything.... A drunk driver is a KILLER same as a MURDERER.... Little of the Rams is a MURDERER and should be in JAIL for LIFE as well. this IDIOT got off lucky because he didnt' kill anyone and if the cop did what he was taught unfortunantly this Charger may not make it. Cops are taught to shoot center mass.....
stasheroo said:
Misguided poster of the year award as well.......

A drunk driver attacks an off-duty cop and you defend the drunk.....


lol blindly follow on
Screw The Hall said:
Everyone makes stupid choices from time to time. It's what you learn from those those mistakes which determines what kind of person you are.

Steve Foley was arrested back in April for battery on a police officer and public drunkeness.

Apparently he hasn't learned...What does that say about him now?
jksmith269 said:
Disagree 100% with this NO ONE NO ONE should ever drink and drive. I don't care about this live and learn on this one there have been toooo many inocent people killed by these IDIOTS...... And if they can't learn from the videos we see every holiday weekend then they need to be SHOT.

Look whatever ... there's a big difference in degree of mistake between someone who is piss drunk driving and kills someone and another guy who makes the stupid but certainly not "deserving of being shot" error of having a couple to many drinks and getting behind the wheel. Once again we all make mistakes but learning from them is what is important.
stealth said:
lol blindly follow on

Pot meet kettle.

Continue to defend the drunken criminal all you want.

You only make yourself look bad.

I guess I messed the part in the story that said Foley was driving drunk.

As a law enforcement officer myself, I will say that the cop is the idiot. Regardless of what you think, even cops have off time, and are not always on duty. In this situation, if I saw a car that I suspected was being driven by a drunk driver, I would have called in for an officer in that jurisdiction, to investigate. I would continue to follow the vehicle, until the unit was in position. I would under no circumstance approach the suspect, without proper uniform or identification, unless I had back up.

Furthermore, from reading the article and seeing the video, This officer was out of his jurisdiction. He is a cop in Coronado, and shot this guy in Poway. If he was on duty, he would have had to call the Poway Police for assistance, and should have done the same while off duty.

I would hate to be this officer, he is in deep doo doo whether the shooting was justified or not.
stasheroo said:
Pot meet kettle.

Continue to defend the drunken criminal all you want.

You only make yourself look bad.


keep being convinced that because he was a cop that what he did was right...

don't be this naive

and fyi in a america a drunk is entitled to defense