Video: Charles Haley: Trade Dak


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A lot of dishonest spin in media on this. Everyone is claiming that Haley said trade Dak. He did, but not in the context they are framing it.

Haley is practical and says Jones screwed it up by back-loading Dak’s contracts. Haley said Dak is a winner who any team would want as their QB and problem is that the contract was pushed to the end too much so now Cowboys have to make a tough choice on Dak, CeeDee and Micah. Haley thinks all 3 should remain Cowboys.



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A lot of dishonest spin in media on this. Everyone is claiming that Haley said trade Dak. He did, but not in the context they are framing it.

Haley is practical and says Jones screwed it up by back-loading Dak’s contracts. Haley said Dak is a winner who any team would want as their QB and problem is that the contract was pushed to the end too much so now Cowboys have to make a tough choice on Dak, CeeDee and Micah. Haley thinks all 3 should remain Cowboys.

NTC, but Haley's right, but he's missing out on when the contract was signed and Dak/France the 4 years, it was always going be restructured into the Void years.......what went wrong is the GB 1st half. Im dying on the hill that on the morning of the Packers game we had a market busting contract already drawn up. The stark reality is that we arent there as a competitor, so why kill your CAP whilst not moving the needle.....when he needs a Defense that doesnt concede points in tough play-off games.


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Lost me when you said dak is a winner…

He beats bad teams in the regular season - time and time again when he has real competition he and the team fall short…that’s not the definition of a winner, it’s the definition of average which when you net his performance out he is.


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.....what went wrong is the GB 1st half. Im dying on the hill that on the morning of the Packers game we had a market busting contract already drawn up.
Interesting take. I never thought about that possibility. You could be right. I’m dying on the hill that whatever the plan was prior to the Green Bay game immediately changed after the GB game. I agree with you that these plans involved Dak but I think it may involve other players as well.

The Green Bay game changed everything. I think with fans and FO it changed things. I do believe if we won that game or at least was competitive, Dak, CD and Micah would already be signed. JMO and pure speculation.


I'm not dead yet......
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Well, look, Dak can go to Jerry and ask to write the no trade clause out of his contract, Jerry would surely comply ASAP. It would serve him well before he faces the embarrassment coming his way here this season.
Come on Dak go get the huge multi year deal out there waiting for you:dance:


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Interesting take. I never thought about that possibility. You could be right. I’m dying on the hill that whatever the plan was prior to the Green Bay game immediately changed after the GB game. I agree with you that these plans involved Dak but I think it may involve other players as well.

The Green Bay game changed everything. I think with fans and FO it changed things. I do believe if we won that game or at least was competitive, Dak, CD and Micah would already be signed. JMO and pure speculation.
That sinking look on Jethro’s face after that embarrassing loss…yes, don’t think it’s far fetched to assume he made some decisions right there on futures.


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The Green Bay game changed everything. I think with fans and FO it changed things. I do believe if we won that game or at least was competitive, Dak, CD and Micah would already be signed. JMO and pure speculation.
That game changed nothing. Jerry's mind was still thinking Cowboys long term and still believing in McCarthy's future plan. Jerry was easily his most chill of the last 3 losses.

The San Francisco losses had him more in disappointment. He thought we came close in those 2 games.

It doesn't change anything. Jerry's just trying to get all the math correct (maybe also exploring some free agent opportunities) to keep all 3 of CD, Micah, and Dak.


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Interesting take. I never thought about that possibility. You could be right. I’m dying on the hill that whatever the plan was prior to the Green Bay game immediately changed after the GB game. I agree with you that these plans involved Dak but I think it may involve other players as well.

The Green Bay game changed everything. I think with fans and FO it changed things. I do believe if we won that game or at least was competitive, Dak, CD and Micah would already be signed. JMO and pure speculation.
Yep, I mean we restructured the contract into Void Hell. There was no way we were going to be able to afford it, and Jerry's renowned for signing his own.....he wasnt letting Dak go. Indeed, we were lucky that the CAP went up by an unprecedented $30m.

I have a feeling that Jerry agreed to every one of Daks demands (inc NTC and length) in the last contract in a forlorn belief that he could buy some goodwill in the negotiations for the next (2025) contract. Not goodwill in that he'd take a cheap deal, but that he'd agree to a career ending length.

I just think the GB game was the opportunity to show the two previous years (with the defeats to SF) were just down to playing outstanding teams and that we were not there yet, but getting there.......that first half vrs GB killed that belief.


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Restructuring his contract was sort of required.

The front office "failure" isn't restructuring or backloading the deal. It was letting it stay at this cap hit IF they planned on re-signing him.
If they wanted to start fresh at the QB spot, well, it's the cost of having a cheap cap hit for your QB for 3 years relative to the AAV.


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it was always going be restructured into the Void years.......what went wrong is the GB 1st half. Im dying on the hill that on the morning of the Packers game we had a market busting contract already drawn
So you think one game changed Jerry's motivation to actually extend him or how/when to extend him? I agree that Dak's contract is structured with the same concepts and principles as Romo and Troy's but it seems the difference is Dak has walked a different tune. Remember Stephen once said/thought we could hear/see Dak's extension completed w/o the fanfare?

I'm not sure I agree about the GB game but we ALL can agree SOMETHING has happen from this time last season to now. There is no brown-nosing from either side. They both are trying to cover their own butts, team be damned.


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I have a feeling that Jerry agreed to every one of Daks demands (inc NTC and length) in the last contract in a forlorn belief that he could buy some goodwill in the negotiations for the next (2025) contract. Not goodwill in that he'd take a cheap deal, but that he'd agree to a career ending length
:hammer: Exactly and IMO THIS is straw currently stirring the pot coz Dak is giving that goodwill the finger. He's all business and their attitude seems to suggest two can play this game. To be honest, I have a hunch this marriage is over and both sides know it but are stuck with each other this season.


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Jerry wants a discount. He said so, but he isn’t getting it this close to FA when they can’t tag him. For all the debate, I don’t think it goes much past there.

And folks need to begin to consider the idea that maybe Dak wants to keep his options open. His only risk is injury (which probably won’t even matter, didn’t last time) and he will insure himself.

If he goes, the only thing that makes sense is a full rebuild, so they are in stand still mode as far as other players, and I don’t at all think it bothers Stephen to hold on to that bonus money for longer. The interest is significant and he seems to be the bean counter type.

Chances are, they eventually sign him and Lamb and both cost much more than they could have or should have. I don’t care how many billions they have made elsewhere….Jerry and his kid aren’t good at building a winning NFL team, and one mistake (Daks tags and last deal not getting done sooner for better team terms) fuels the next. On we go with our “advantage.”


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The Green Bay game changed everything. I think with fans and FO it changed things. I do believe if we won that game or at least was competitive, Dak, CD and Micah would already be signed. JMO and pure speculation.
IMO something happened with the week of practice leading to this game. I don't mean a single incident but so-called leaders fail the younger players and/or the team by dogging it and not taking the game seriously and it showed big time. I have always supported Dak 100% but for him to look so unprepared for a game he knew would be the most important of his career so far, is inexcusable.


Well-Known Member
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A lot of dishonest spin in media on this. Everyone is claiming that Haley said trade Dak. He did, but not in the context they are framing it.

Haley is practical and says Jones screwed it up by back-loading Dak’s contracts. Haley said Dak is a winner who any team would want as their QB and problem is that the contract was pushed to the end too much so now Cowboys have to make a tough choice on Dak, CeeDee and Micah. Haley thinks all 3 should remain Cowboys.

I would agree with him, and it's further proof of what I said in another thread. The Joneses procrastinated on the contracts to the point where now it's biting them in the tail. They waited and waiting had made the contracts that much more expensive. They're having to back load the deals to try to get short term contract benefits (that they never use in FA anyway). If they were smart and if they knew they were going to extend people, then the sooner it's done, the cheaper it'll be.