Charlie Sheen

First of all this is great. Charlie played in 3 great movies. Platoon, Major League,and Young Guns. The current show is kind of stupid but it looks like he is living out his character in show minus the drugs.
He is fighting the system and respect him for that> Alex Jones is greatness and allows freedom speech on his show unlike these other bs networks.
He also looks like he aged 10 yrs.
He couldnt man up to AA. He failed and the fact he states he is winning means he knows he is losing.

I love the show Two and Half Men. There are some good writers writing some really funny stuff. It's too bad they may have to lose their job along with the other actors on the show because Charlie is a pain in the ***
BraveHeartFan;3866522 said:
I don't get the big deal. The dude has been doing this for two decades. If the media and such would just stay the hell out of peoples private lives then they wouldn't be putting the show on the shelf and putting people out of work.

I find it hard to believe that all the sudden this is now a major problem, and they won't deal with him, when he's been like this forever. You knew that when you got him for the show in the first place so stop acting so surprised that Charlie Sheen is...well...Charlie Sheen.

So true! Charlie has been crazy for years!

Those goddesses better be careful. Charlie has been known to get violent with women.

On Twitter, he said he is taking applications for a new goddess. :eek:
BlueStar3398;3867515 said:
I love the show Two and Half Men. There are some good writers writing some really funny stuff. It's too bad they may have to lose their job along with the other actors on the show because Charlie is a pain in the a**
Been my favorite for years but the show has pretty much run it's course, the kid's not a kid anymore and now the show revolves around Charlie being a rich drunk, that's only funny for so long.
Went on another rant tonight...the guy looks like hell.
he also looks like christian bale in "the fighter" haha..


I'm watching "#Winning Ways" and he referred to himself as "Carlos Estevez".

That's hilarious. I've never heard him use that name before.
They need to get this man some help, .. instead of parading him around in front of cameras for other's enjoyment.

ajk23az;3868980 said:
Went on another rant tonight...the guy looks like hell.
he also looks like christian bale in "the fighter" haha..


He looks undead in those pics.

...and he looked so normal in Young Guns.

WV Cowboy;3869067 said:
They need to get this man some help, .. instead of parading him around in front of cameras for other's enjoyment.
That's half the problem right there.
big dog cowboy;3869093 said:
That's half the problem right there.

The problem isn't the parading him around, it's the fact that everyone wants to see him paraded around. If that wasn't the case the media wouldn't do it.

Nobody cares about Carlos, they just want to see him crash and burn. People love to watch other people fall from grace.
nyc;3869087 said:
He looks undead in those pics.

...and he looked so normal in Young Guns.

Young Guns came out 23 years ago. Not saying he doesn't look like crap now, but it's not a completely fair comparison.
Faerluna;3869109 said:
Young Guns came out 23 years ago. Not saying he doesn't look like crap now, but it's not a completely fair comparison.

I wasn't talking about aging, I was talking about looking crazy.

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