Charlie Sheen

BrAinPaiNt;3864427 said:
Some of you need to chill out or...

I will summon the tiger blood in my veins

I will summon the power of my Adonis DNA

I will summon the power of my Ron Jeremy Back hair

I will summon my mean mug powers

I will summon my power of rough talk

I will rip off your arms and beat you repeatedly upon your cranium. The beating will be so severe that it will fracture both of your orbital sockets, make cerebral spinal fluid leak from your ears, make you pass out resulting in the involuntary evacuation of your bowels and bladder. Then I will stand above you with a smug look on my face, throw down your bloody appendages onto your soiled body and say...Next time you will heed my warnings you mortal, you serf of the surf, you internet wannabe G. With this I will put my hands on my waist, thrust one leg out so that I will be in a Captain Morgan pose then I will look upwards and laugh at how awesome I am.

I used to believe that I did a lot of drugs when I was younger, .. but now I'm jealous.
BrAinPaiNt;3864427 said:
Some of you need to chill out or...

I will summon the tiger blood in my veins

I will summon the power of my Adonis DNA

I will summon the power of my Ron Jeremy Back hair

I will summon my mean mug powers

I will summon my power of rough talk

I will rip off your arms and beat you repeatedly upon your cranium. The beating will be so severe that it will fracture both of your orbital sockets, make cerebral spinal fluid leak from your ears, make you pass out resulting in the involuntary evacuation of your bowels and bladder. Then I will stand above you with a smug look on my face, throw down your bloody appendages onto your soiled body and say...Next time you will heed my warnings you mortal, you serf of the surf, you internet wannabe G. With this I will put my hands on my waist, thrust one leg out so that I will be in a Captain Morgan pose then I will look upwards and laugh at how awesome I am.

I told you, your mom really does love you. Will you call her, already!
Someone look up "ode to Charlie Sheen's Tiger blood" on youtube, really it is good.
MonsterD;3865590 said:
Someone look up "ode to Charlie Sheen's Tiger blood" on youtube, really it is good.

Wow!! This Charlie Sheen thing has taken on a life of its own lmao
The guy is rich as heck, lives with two sexy 24 year old girls but I wouldnt want to be him for a minute. How sad is that!
I don't get the big deal. The dude has been doing this for two decades. If the media and such would just stay the hell out of peoples private lives then they wouldn't be putting the show on the shelf and putting people out of work.

I find it hard to believe that all the sudden this is now a major problem, and they won't deal with him, when he's been like this forever. You knew that when you got him for the show in the first place so stop acting so surprised that Charlie Sheen is...well...Charlie Sheen.
He's an idiot, but you can't deny the interviews were hilarious for one-liners.
Doomsday;3866519 said:
The guy is rich as heck, lives with two sexy 24 year old girls but I wouldnt want to be him for a minute. How sad is that!
It is sadder that he could not find a pair of equally sexy or sexier women out of his tens of thousands of female fans. Instead, he's paying porn stars tens of thousands to live with him and have sex. Well, it's his money and he is right by saying, "They pros!", but he's only screwing himself and that's really not a pun.
They just played Major League on Comedy Central... Suddenly the nickname Rick "Wild Thing" Vaughn makes so much more sense.
He's certainly scraping the bottom of the bimbo barrel.

Al: "Bud, what's more important: love or money?"

Bud: "Money. You can always rent love."

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