Chaz Green Comes Off P.U.P. After The Giants Game


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Does anyone know if he actually is healthy?
Being eligible to practice, and being healthy enough to practice is two different things


Vet Min Plus
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He is making 6.4M per season and Free is making 5M per season.

There is a good chance that Parnell would have signed for less with the Cowboys because they could negotiate with him before he was a free agent. They definitely could have signed him for less back around the beginning of the 2014 season. Their OL coach Callahan told them he would be good if given a chance.

The Cowboys management has drastically improved in the past few years, but they still make some odd decisions.

Jacksonville got a better deal with Parnell than the Cowboys did with Free. Why on earth would they pay Free 5M per when he was never very good and had just had his 2nd foot/ankle surgery in the span of a year just before they re-signed him?

My thoughts were always try to keep both or keep the younger stronger guy with more upside and draft somebody to groom...


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My thoughts were always try to keep both or keep the younger stronger guy with more upside and draft somebody to groom...

If we signed Parnell, Free probably would have come back for next to nothing to be the swing T, It is doubtful that he would have got close to 5m on the open market coming off of 2 surgeries and 3 average years.

Fla Cowpoke

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Surprised to see you going by yearly average xwalker when the cap hits are the bigger question for Dallas. They felt Free's play a year ago was on par with Parnell's and got him for cheaper overall but for cap hits this year that is over 5m less than Parnell's and next year's is 1m less. The cap number in year three is the same. Parnell has 14.5m guaranteed while Free has 6m. Free can be let go either of the next two years with significant cap savings either pre or post June cut. There was some risk with the in injury but apparently they felt he was likely to make a good recovery. Free isn't playing great but I think some of it is due to the struggles of the entire offense without Romo and Dez and with Leary not playing well. I wouldn't have minded trying to keep Parnell but it would have taken a lot of money and we weren't sure where we were in regard to Dez and Hardy's deals...not to mention Murray. Can always second guess things.

As far as RB's go, Coleman has played pretty decently when he has been healthy....Freeman didn't get his chance till Coleman went out with the broken ribs. Even being back this week he looked good except for the fumble. His ypc has been better than Freeman's in 3 of the 4 games that he has played in.


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Green will start at RT next year... Free is almost shot.

Parnell was gone. Should we have paid him that much? Maybe. I don't think so.

I think Green can be a good player, his only problem is durability. I don't think he had a holding penalty or allowed a sack in the SEC his last season. That's impressive. The question is health.

We might keep Free next season. It'd really depend on how the draft fell I guess. Weems looked pretty terrible, but maybe he can show enough improvement to be a RT. Otherwise, I could see us keeping Free as a swing and probably taking another Tackle relatively high. If we keep Hardy, we have few "needs" outside of DB's (Safety and CB, because Carr is gone imo. I don't know about Claiborne), and a big athletic guy on the interior of the line, WR and RB if CMike doesn't work out.

Free's just regressing, the injuries/age is showing in his ability to anchor and get to the 2nd level. I think next year Chaz will be an improvement, but he'll be inexperienced. I honestly wouldn't hate a Tackle in the 2-3rd if he's a real talent. Protect Romo and focus on OL for his successor.