Chiefs releasing Kareem Hunt

It wasn't his girlfriend so it isn't a Domestic Violence charge... the mitigating factors aren't in place either

It really should be a 2 game ban if they go by precedent but we know the NFL is its own worst enemy and will do the wrong thing whatever it is
Here is the Policy.....Hunt should cop to the misdemeanor assault and take the 2 games suspension and get it out of the way for 2019:

With regard to violations of the Personal Conduct Policy that involve: (i) criminal assault or battery
(felony); (ii) domestic violence, dating violence, child abuse and other forms of family violence;
or (iii) sexual assault involving physical force or committed against someone incapable of giving consent, a first offense will subject the offender to a baseline suspension without pay of six games, with consideration given to any aggravating or mitigating factors.

The presence of possible aggravating factors may warrant a longer suspension. Possible aggravating factors include, but are not limited to, a prior violation of the Personal Conduct Policy, similar misconduct before joining the NFL, violence involving a weapon, choking, repeated striking, or when an act is committed against a particularly vulnerable person, such as a child, a pregnant woman, or an elderly person, or where the act is committed in the presence of a child GAWD...your right. That Ray Rice footage made me cringe. I can't fathom a man doing that to a woman. Made me sick then, makes me sick now. ONLY A POS would conduct himself like this. Buyer beware on Hunt. Patience and due process needs to shake out the facts first before I sign him if I am a prospective team.
And she married him afterwards.
NFL never spoke to Hunt about the allegation for 9 months. You will never convince me that they did not know about the video and hoped to sweep it under the rug.

Goodwill should be gone! What a hypocrite!
Someone held out for a big payday. Or, (pure speculation on my part here) The $$ ran out on what Hunt gave them and decided to put it up for auction to the highest bidder. I can not for the life of me see how the Cleveland PD or NFL couldn't get their hands on it.
Someone held out for a big payday. Or, (pure speculation on my part here) The $$ ran out on what Hunt gave them and decided to put it up for auction to the highest bidder. I can not for the life of me see how the Cleveland PD or NFL couldn't get their hands on it.
The Police didn't have it but they did have Body Cam videos of the interviews with Hunt, the victims and his friends

Detectives only go back for the video on Felony cases and this was going to be a Misdemeanor but charges weren't even filed so the Hotel never turned it over

Someone eventually sold it to TMZ like you said..... Hunt has only grossed around 1.6m so he probably couldn't pay enough to destroy it
yup.. AT LEAST a year, providing no new evidence comes out showing a pattern of abuse. That's the part we just dont know. Normally when a guy hits a female without thinking twice, as the video seems to show, THAT tells law enforcement and the average joe and jane THAT maybe we have a repeat offender here. Time will tell. The kicking part really stuns me as brutal and sickens me.
How does that show a repeat offender? Maybe a person that is a repeat fighter but it doesn't have to be women necessarily. That's a big jump. I know people that will go upside men's heads worse than that and none of y'all would say nothing. Some people when they are in violent situations don't use the calm logic everybody can use from their computers. Doesn't make it right but I'm not going to act like anger won't have people do things they claim they aren't about. Heck a certain faux more poster in here started doing what they claimed wasn't necessary because I did it first. If its that easy to get someone off their claimed platform imagine alcohol induced probably violence. You should definitely try to avoid these situations whether its a man (which none of y'all care about) or woman but I'm not naive enough to clutch pearls like this was someone just slugging a woman just because.
How does that show a repeat offender? Maybe a person that is a repeat fighter but it doesn't have to be women necessarily. That's a big jump. I know people that will go upside men's heads worse than that and none of y'all would say nothing. Some people when they are in violent situations don't use the calm logic everybody can use from their computers. Doesn't make it right but I'm not going to act like anger won't have people do things they claim they aren't about. Heck a certain faux more poster in here started doing what they claimed wasn't necessary because I did it first. If its that easy to get someone off their claimed platform imagine alcohol induced probably violence. You should definitely try to avoid these situations whether its a man (which none of y'all care about) or woman but I'm not naive enough to clutch pearls like this was someone just slugging a woman just because.
You know you speak jibberish Mr White Knight

Try to make some sense with your verbal diarrhea
You are the only one defending KHunt ....inlcuding KHunt

You got issues with isn't OK to kick them or to fight them like men
Not really defending him but your type uses that weak try to shame people argument style. I don't agree with how some are making it worse than it was. I don't have issues with women and no record or anything of the sort. You're female argument style shaming tactics don't work on me. Its not a woman I've ever associated that would co sign your poo you're slinging on the wall. Who said it was ok to fight them like men or kick them? Show this post where I said such triggered person. I'm just realistic not living in your fantasy world.
Not really defending him but your type uses that weak try to shame people argument style. I don't agree with how some are making it worse than it was. I don't have issues with women and no record or anything of the sort. You're female argument style shaming tactics don't work on me. Its not a woman I've ever associated that would co sign your poo you're slinging on the wall. Who said it was ok to fight them like men or kick them? Show this post where I said such triggered person. I'm just realistic not living in your fantasy world.
Not triggered at fact I made several jokes in the original thread....said Hunt has a future as a FG Kicker

But those were just seriously believe Hunt was OK in fighting this 19 year girl

Nothing has been exaggerated.....she is not in the hospital or anything but Hunt caused visible injuries by pushing, punching, ramming and kicking this girl..... he will pay the cost and be back in the League just like Frank Clark, Ty Hill, Joe Mixon and EElliott..... but he has to pay
Not triggered at fact I made several jokes in the original thread....said Hunt has a future as a FG Kicker

But those were just seriously believe Hunt was OK in fighting this 19 year girl

Nothing has been exaggerated.....she is not in the hospital or anything but Hunt caused visible injuries by pushing, punching, ramming and kicking this girl..... he will pay the cost and be back in the League just like Frank Clark, Ty Hill, Joe Mixon and EElliott..... but he has to pay
I asked you to post this proof that I said this was ok. I see no proof just chick like emotional posting from you. Show me the proof
I find it amazing that the only person arrested that night was a guy that tried to help the female victim call 911.... he was arrested for Disorderly Conduct Intoxicated even though he said he wasn't drunk

The Hotel Staff tried to take his phone when he confronted them about not calling Police and not even viewing the video..... but this is where Hunt lives, not just a Hotel for the night so they were extra protective of him and cooperative with the victim or police

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