Chiefs releasing Kareem Hunt

The Chiefs knew about Hill before they drafted him. Hunt lied about his incident. That's the difference.

Plus there's a video and I don't care what anyone says it's always worse if you see it.
Ya know? At first, straight off the cuff, My initial "go to" reaction was akin to " so much for ride& die for the Brand" ,,,yet, That was the outta the blue, blind sided "professional football fans ill- equipped & unarmed view":confused:
I'm curious why some feel that Hunt will be back on an NFL team very quickly while Ray Rice's career was basically over after his incident?
Ray Rice was aging and declining. Hunt is a young top end player in the game.
I'm curious why some feel that Hunt will be back on an NFL team very quickly while Ray Rice's career was basically over after his incident?

A 23 year old stud vs. an old depreciating back. You tell me.
We don't need a confirmed and verified DV offender on the team. No more drama, especially of that ilk. PASS.
Did you ever see ray rice play again after the video came out? That was also at a different it's even more of a sensitive issue and what's more is he lied....

Ray Rice repeatedly punched his wife in the face. It was shocking in its brutality. This video and the backstory are not on that level. Someone will sign him after he gets reinstated if not sooner.
Ray Rice repeatedly punched his wife in the face. It was shocking in its brutality. This video and the backstory are not on that level. Someone will sign him after he gets reinstated if not sooner.
NOT going to disagree.But keep in mind, we don't have the rest of the back story that led up to this incident. What if the team, the league found out through investigating, he has a pattern of abusing women? Lets wait and see. You may be right when this shakes out. But I think all parties involved have more vital info than the public is aware of at this time. The Chiefs would NEVER have released him solely based off of the footage and the fact he lied to them. The brutal truth is, he's too talented to let go UNLESS they have more damning evidence on him that's yet to emerge. THINKING THATS GONNA HAPPEN within the next few days...
As soon as the smoke clears, Hunt will be in someone's backfield. The NFL is a money making entity, and Hunt is a marketable commodity. GAWD...your right. That Ray Rice footage made me cringe. I can't fathom a man doing that to a woman. Made me sick then, makes me sick now. ONLY A POS would conduct himself like this. Buyer beware on Hunt. Patience and due process needs to shake out the facts first before I sign him if I am a prospective team.
As soon as the smoke clears, Hunt will be in someone's backfield. The NFL is a money making entity, and Hunt is a marketable commodity.
THE CAVEAT …" AS SOON AS THE SMOKE CLEARS." Listen, lets hope no new stuff comes out that shows a pattern of behavior and abuse. He will be banned at least for a year. Keep that in mind.
THE CAVEAT …" AS SOON AS THE SMOKE CLEARS." Listen, lets hope no new stuff comes out that shows a pattern of behavior and abuse. He will be banned at least for a year. Keep that in mind.

I think he will be back next year; unless they decide to "Zeke" him.
pushing is one thing, and probably could be overlooked with time. But he kicked her while she was on the ground. That part of it is going to hurt him worse than anything else. If he would have just pushed her away and walked away and stayed away he probably would have gotten a 3 to 6 game suspension. But this? Might get'em a year if not more
The NFL keeps looking like a complete idiot. The only evidence they had on zeke was a girls word and some bruises she posted online. Nevermind all the evidence Zeke had to prove his innocence. But the NFL couldnt get the security footage from the hotel last February even after she told them what he did. But TMZ could? Wow, my favorite business entity since i was a young child has fallen so far.
pushing is one thing, and probably could be overlooked with time. But he kicked her while she was on the ground. That part of it is going to hurt him worse than anything else. If he would have just pushed her away and walked away and stayed away he probably would have gotten a 3 to 6 game suspension. But this? Might get'em a year if not more
yup.. AT LEAST a year, providing no new evidence comes out showing a pattern of abuse. That's the part we just dont know. Normally when a guy hits a female without thinking twice, as the video seems to show, THAT tells law enforcement and the average joe and jane THAT maybe we have a repeat offender here. Time will tell. The kicking part really stuns me as brutal and sickens me. GAWD...your right. That Ray Rice footage made me cringe. I can't fathom a man doing that to a woman. Made me sick then, makes me sick now. ONLY A POS would conduct himself like this. Buyer beware on Hunt. Patience and due process needs to shake out the facts first before I sign him if I am a prospective team.

I don’t remember multiple hits but I do remember the one KO shot. He got his punishment and deservedly so, but it seriously bugs me when so many have no issue with ignoring the events that lead up to that outcome. The aggressive and violent individual up to that moment was his fiancé. Situations like this will never go away as long as only one side matters or has to conduct themselves in a decent manner.
He's also being investigated for punching a man at an Ohio resort in June.

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