Chris Henry: Assault Accusation...Claims are false *Updated*

5Stars;1527795 said:
You did not respond to my last post, maybe you will respond to this one?

It's cool that your tutored kids. Ya think maybe that is what the Commish might be trying to do? He might actually be saving these knuckleheads from going where you are argueing about...the courts!

Lots of rich people can get off in a court of law...that is well known! However, if these same people would know that doing things that are not acceptablel to good behavior and need punishment, then maybe they are being taught how to abide like the rest of good society? Maybe they will learn BEFORE they go before the courts?

Is that too hard to comprehend for you?


Rich people have a better chance to defend themsleves than the poor so whats your point? This isnt even a case where the courts failed and Goodell stepped in anyway so i really dont see your point. the outlook in court for jones and henry doesnt look good.
DallasEast;1527801 said:
I never said that you weren't entitled to your opinion--only that none of our opinions will factor into what Goodell has and/or will do concerning enforcement of the NFL conduct policy at all.

i disagree with this statement. if goodell is worried about public perception then you bet hell react to public scrutiny.
FuzzyLumpkins;1527805 said:
i disagree with this statement. if goodell is worried about public perception then you bet hell react to public scrutiny.
Do you have examples of negative public scrutiny which have surfaced during Goodell's enforcement actions which lead you to believe that it will carry any real weight? Or are you basing your assumption on the reactions of those on the forum here who do not agree with the commissioner's actions?
FuzzyLumpkins;1527805 said:
i disagree with this statement. if goodell is worried about public perception then you bet hell react to public scrutiny.

:laugh1: riiiight

like suspending PacMan was supposed to bite him in the arse
Bob Sacamano;1527791 said:
Main Entry: ar·bi·trary
Pronunciation: 'är-b&-"trer-E, -"tre-rE
Function: adjective
1 : depending on individual discretion (as of a judge) and not fixed by law <the manner of punishment is arbitrary>
2 a : not restrained or limited in the exercise of power : ruling by absolute authority <an arbitrary government> b : marked by or resulting from the unrestrained and often tyrannical exercise of power <protection from arbitrary arrest and detention>
3 a : based on or determined by individual preference or convenience rather than by necessity or the intrinsic nature of something <an arbitrary standard> <take any arbitrary positive number> <arbitrary division of historical studies into watertight compartments -- A. J. Toynbee> b : existing or coming about seemingly at random or by chance or as a capricious and unreasonable act of will <when a task is not seen in a meaningful context it is experienced as being arbitrary -- Nehemiah Jordan

really? the definition sounds pretty illogical and on whim

im looking for the word logic in all of this. the last defintion you might try to stretch but at best that deals with external perception.

depending on individual discretion (as of a judge) and not fixed by law <the manner of punishment is arbitrary> is the first and best best definition. it shows why I say laws are arbitrary. in this case as of a legislative body.
DallasEast;1527792 said:
Fuzzy, what Goodell has, in the form of the NFL conduct policy, is reality personified. You're reaching with this fantasy contract between Hos and me. And besides, Hos won't kick me it the nads, would ya Hos? :)



HOSTILE!!! :mad:
No, DE I wouldn't kick you in the nads. We don't have a contract.
burmafrd;1527776 said:
I would pay good money to see Fuzzy kicked in the nads by Hos.
This conversation is painful to me, and I'm the guy doing all the kicking.
FuzzyLumpkins;1527813 said:
im looking for the word logic in all of this. the last defintion you might try to stretch but at best that deals with external perception.

you don't think dictators are illogical? Hitler, Stalin, Ceaser, Peron, the list goes on

FuzzyLumpkins said:
depending on individual discretion (as of a judge) and not fixed by law <the manner of punishment is arbitrary> is the first and best best definition. it shows why I say laws are arbitrary. in this case as of a legislative body.

so people making decisions that has no basis in law is what you're saying our legislative body is made up of?
Fuzzy for some reason thinks the laws in this country have something to do with the NFL and its disciplinary actions. Why is that?
FuzzyLumpkins;1527803 said:
Rich people have a better chance to defend themsleves than the poor so whats your point? This isnt even a case where the courts failed and Goodell stepped in anyway so i really dont see your point. the outlook in court for jones and henry doesnt look good.

My point listen! Maybe Goodell is actually helping these knuckleheads BEFORE they become worse criminals? What is wrong with that?

Some things in life need some "tough love"!

Like I asked before, do you have kids? Were you and only child? Did you have both parents growing up?

Some of these kids did not have any of that, so they know nothing about how to act in society! They think "money can by me love"...! Well, it can't!

So, someone had to step up and break out the belt, because some of the morons just don't seem to get it!

You want to wait a few more months to let the court teach the lesson? These are kids that should have know what is right or wrong in the first place...yet, you seem to believe that they can to WHATEVER unless the court punishes them?


Take care Fuzzy!

(oh, and if you don't have kids...get a vasectomy...tomorrow)!!
burmafrd;1527827 said:
Fuzzy for some reason thinks the laws in this country have something to do with the NFL and its disciplinary actions. Why is that?

I thought he was an expert in the old CBA, because if he were, he would know that the NFL doesn't work in conjuction w/ the law
burmafrd;1527827 said:
Fuzzy for some reason thinks the laws in this country have something to do with the NFL and its disciplinary actions. Why is that?

im actually goping to quit responding t you in concern to this. it is obvious you have no idea what is being discussed and are unable to form an informed opinion.

how about you tell us about how apes walk or some other gem.
burmafrd;1527823 said:
Hey, Hos, would you kick Fuzzy in the nads?
Only if I had a valid contract, or he stole my Nyquil.

Me and Fuzzy are partners in crime, but I can't have my Nyquil stolen.
Bob Sacamano;1527830 said:
I thought he was an expert in the old CBA, because if he were, he would know that the NFL doesn't work in conjuction w/ the law

for the 105th time I never said that he was not within his contractual authority to do what he did.

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