Chris Henry: Assault Accusation...Claims are false *Updated*

Goodell had a lot of conversations with the Players Board, Upshaw and the owners. Fuzzy, do you really think he did not check with them FIRST to see what they considered acceptable? AND they are what matters- not what you think.
burmafrd;1527775 said:
Goodell had a lot of conversations with the Players Board, Upshaw and the owners. Fuzzy, do you really think he did not check with them FIRST to see what they considered acceptable? AND they are what matters- not what you think.

fuzzy just can't get it around in his head that Goodell is mainly looking after the league's image, he thinks Goodell is saying they are guilty of their crimes, courts be damned, when that's not the case, no man could reach the position of his power by being that stupid
Bob Sacamano;1527773 said:
and conduct detrimental to the league's image

The kids that I used to tutor were in regular classes but were in a program to help them get into honors classes so they really did try but they sure did pick up on things faster than you do.

I conceded a long time ago that Goodell was withing his contractual rights to act. That is not why I am criticizing him.
burmafrd;1527775 said:
Goodell had a lot of conversations with the Players Board, Upshaw and the owners. Fuzzy, do you really think he did not check with them FIRST to see what they considered acceptable? AND they are what matters- not what you think.

if they all considered it acceptable to beat Jones and Henry it still wouldnt make it right.
Fuzzy do you have any evidence that what Goodell did is NOT supported by the owners and the players by huge majorities? Unless you do, then nothing else matters- no matter what you whine and cry about.
FuzzyLumpkins;1527779 said:
The kids that I used to tutor were in regular classes but were in a program to help them get into honors classes so they really did try but they sure did pick up on things faster than you do.

another personal attack?

FuzzyLumpkins said:
I conceded a long time ago that Goodell was withing his contractual rights to act. That is not why I am criticizing him.

so slandering Goodell isn't criticism?
So fuzzy you are setting yourself up to say what is right and wrong. A little arbitrary, isnt it?
Bob Sacamano;1527771 said:
so all laws were done on a whim w/ no logical reasoning?

arbitrary does not mean illogical. try again. you really dont know what it means.
burmafrd;1527785 said:
So fuzzy you are setting yourself up to say what is right and wrong. A little arbitrary, isnt it?

in this case im using the US Constitution as a guide.
Bob Sacamano;1527784 said:
another personal attack?

so slandering Goodell isn't criticism?

No its an factual observation. Those kids picked up on things faster than you do. Draw your own conclusions.

plus slander involves speaking, youre thinking of libel and where am i sladering him?
FuzzyLumpkins;1527786 said:
arbitrary does not mean illogical. try again. you really dont know what it means.

Main Entry: ar·bi·trary
Pronunciation: 'är-b&-"trer-E, -"tre-rE
Function: adjective
1 : depending on individual discretion (as of a judge) and not fixed by law <the manner of punishment is arbitrary>
2 a : not restrained or limited in the exercise of power : ruling by absolute authority <an arbitrary government> b : marked by or resulting from the unrestrained and often tyrannical exercise of power <protection from arbitrary arrest and detention>
3 a : based on or determined by individual preference or convenience rather than by necessity or the intrinsic nature of something <an arbitrary standard> <take any arbitrary positive number> <arbitrary division of historical studies into watertight compartments -- A. J. Toynbee> b : existing or coming about seemingly at random or by chance or as a capricious and unreasonable act of will <when a task is not seen in a meaningful context it is experienced as being arbitrary -- Nehemiah Jordan

really? the definition sounds pretty illogical and on whim
FuzzyLumpkins;1527774 said:
i conceded that he was completely within his contractual rights to act. if there was a contract out there that said Hos could kick you in the nads i would still think Hos wasnt nice if he kicked you in the nads.
Fuzzy, what Goodell has, in the form of the NFL conduct policy, is reality personified. You're reaching with this fantasy contract between Hos and me. And besides, Hos won't kick me it the nads, would ya Hos? :)



HOSTILE!!! :mad:
burmafrd;1527789 said:
So now you are an expert on the US Constituition?

i never said that. i am aware of the contents of the 5th and 6th amendments however. are you?
FuzzyLumpkins;1527779 said:
The kids that I used to tutor were in regular classes but were in a program to help them get into honors classes so they really did try but they sure did pick up on things faster than you do.

I conceded a long time ago that Goodell was withing his contractual rights to act. That is not why I am criticizing him.

You did not respond to my last post, maybe you will respond to this one?

It's cool that your tutored kids. Ya think maybe that is what the Commish might be trying to do? He might actually be saving these knuckleheads from going where you are argueing about...the courts!

Lots of rich people can get off in a court of law...that is well known! However, if these same people would know that doing things that are not acceptablel to good behavior and need punishment, then maybe they are being taught how to abide like the rest of good society? Maybe they will learn BEFORE they go before the courts?

Is that too hard to comprehend for you?

FuzzyLumpkins;1527790 said:
No its an factual observation. Those kids picked up on things faster than you do. Draw your own conclusions.

I picked up on Goodell cracking down to repair the league's image, which you haven't

FuzzyLumpkins said:
plus slander involves speaking, youre thinking of libel and where am i sladering him?

saying he sees guilt in cases that haven't even gone to trial yet is a pretty strong thing to say about someone
DallasEast;1527792 said:
Fuzzy, what Goodell has, in the form of the NFL conduct policy, is reality personified. You're reaching with this fantasy contract between Hos and me. And besides, Hos won't kick me it the nads, would ya Hos? :)



HOSTILE!!! :mad:

you can call it a reach all you want but its a reasonable analogy. just because a contract gives someone the right to do something does not mean that it is good or right that they do. i hope i am entitled to my opinion on the matter.

he couldve watied two months still hammered johnson quickly and done it right.
Bob Sacamano;1527797 said:
I picked up on Goodell cracking down to repair the league's image, which you haven't

saying he sees guilt in cases that haven't even gone to trial yet is a pretty strong thing to say about someone

you sure are incapable of picking up on anything beyond that.

he did it and i have PROOF Its not slander if its true.
FuzzyLumpkins;1527798 said:
you can call it a reach all you want but its a reasonable analogy. just because a contract gives someone the right to do something does not mean that it is good or right that they do. i hope i am entitled to my opinion on the matter.

he couldve watied two months still hammered johnson quickly and done it right.
I never said that you weren't entitled to your opinion--only that none of our opinions will factor into what Goodell has and/or will do concerning enforcement of the NFL conduct policy at all.

EDIT: Even Johnson agreed that Goodell did the right thing.

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