Christopher Nolan to produce ‘Justice League’, Christian Bale to return as Batman?

StevenOtero;5015258 said:
Hated Batman Begins? :( To each their own I suppose.

Since Art is subjective, you aren't right and you aren't wrong.
The best part about opinions is that when the reader isn't informed, they can rely on a person's opinion. And when someone expresses an opinion like "I hated Batman Begins", you can appropriately disregard anything the person says after that.
Don't know about screaming like a teenage girl at a Bieber concert, but if there's a Static Shock (anyone born in the early 90s like me knows where I'm going here) cameo I will literally do back-flips all through my house.
mldardy;5015373 said:
Probably. I might go with Inception but it's close.

I guess I'm partial to Memento just because at that point I had no idea who Christopher Nolan was...but after seeing that movie I knew I'd be seeing any of his future movies. It was jaw-dropping for me.

Inception was awesome, but for me Memento set a bar for Nolan as a director.

To me, the Batman movies all just seem like noir action films...but not so challenging for the viewer to piece together what is going on and what happened.
Bringing Nolan and co. on board is the only way for anything like this to work for Warner Bros. Nolan's Batman films have grossed well over $2 billion worldwide and who knows how much more via home video.

And you can darn near take it to the bank that it's going to be a Batman/Superman film, not a full-blown JL movie. There's no way this Batman won't look silly in a live-action film punching aliens in the face, blasting off into space, and fighting alongside superpowered beings.

As far as Superman, Nolan co-wrote the story for MAN OF STEEL and is producing that film. It, like his Batman films, are going with the "realistic" tone. The premise is what if the human-looking alien that can fly and is almost invincible REALLY showed up in OUR world. I'm worried, but if anyone can make this particular Batman and Superman work on film it's Nolan, David Goyer, and Zack Snyder.
IMO they'd have to do more than Superman and Batman for it to be bigger than the Avengers. Too bad Green Lantern was a flop or they could add Ryan Reynolds to the cast and JGL as Robin. I agree Superman and Batman are getting stale movie-wise. Christopher Reeve ruined Superman for all other actors IMO.
I would love this.

And... I have no problem saying that neither one is better than the other. ie. Avengers over Justice League. I just WANT IT! lol

IMO the best done SuperHero movies in this order

1. Spider-Man 2 w/ Doc Oc - that has to be one of the best comic book to screen movies I have ever seen. Doc Oc and Spidey on the train. AWESOME SCENE!

2. Batman - Dark Knight - All 3 Batman movies were done in a real, dark "epic" way.

3. Iron Man - I actually feel like the first two movies were let downs but there were a couple of scenes in each that put it in the top 3. IronMan 3 looks interesting. Maybe 3rd time is the charm here.

I really want them to find a way to do WonderWoman and to do it well.

WonderTwins and Aquaman were always funky hero's.

"I'll turn into a mop....and I will turn into a bucket of water" - WOWWWEEEE
agreed. Spider Man 2 was the best of the franchise. And I think Robert Downey Jr. has nailed Tony Stark! It sucks they can't get Incredible Hulk right. **Hulk sad**. :(
So far the reviews for the new Man of Steel movie is that it's great and one of the best movies of the year already. I think they knocked that one out of the park. They need to reboot batman like the original plan. Have the new cast shown for the first time in Justice League. Nolan's Batman doesn't play well with the JLA world so they need to start fresh. They screwed up Batman anyway with the last one :/ He needs to be the same age as Superman and have 5 or so years experience as Batman. Then you can bring in Green Lantern, Flash and Wonder Woman. Casting Wonder Woman is going to be tough though.
CowboyGil;5016373 said:
Jennifer Lawrence=Wonder Woman
I seriously doubt she would want to take that part on at this stage of her career.
CowboyGil;5016373 said:
Jennifer Lawrence=Wonder Woman

God no. Horrible casting. Wonder Woman has to look like an amazonian.

Someone like Lynn Collins if she was younger...

They need to just not include Wonder Woman. The character is horribly outdated.
theogt;5016761 said:
They need to just not include Wonder Woman. The character is horribly outdated.

Not really. She's no more outdated than Thor and that came across great in the movies. They just need to handle it the same as she's from a hidden place on earth and half god. Then she's allowed out for one mission and comes to the US. She'd be a good role model for girls that's sorely missing from the super hero movies now.
Just for the people who haven't seen the trailer. watch in (1080p)[youtube]KVu3gS7iJu4[/youtube]
kmp77;5016777 said:
Not really. She's no more outdated than Thor and that came across great in the movies. They just need to handle it the same as she's from a hidden place on earth and half god. Then she's allowed out for one mission and comes to the US. She'd be a good role model for girls that's sorely missing from the super hero movies now.
Thor is hardly outdated compared to Wonder Woman. That name -- ugh -- and the outfit. She's more comparable to Captain America. And they only way they could make that work was to (a) make a movie about him in the 40s (his solo movie) or (b) constantly make fun of him being outdated in the 21st century (The Avengers).

I couldn't care less about a role model for young girls. I want a good film, not a Disney cartoon.

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