Classy guy that Gibbs/Picture says a 1,000 words

CowboysHater said:
He was pissed off. Are you tellin' me that if YOU are coaching & YOU just lose a very emotional game, YOU are gonna just run up to the other guy & shake his hand? You're that good of a sport? Excuse me a second...BULLSH*T! I'm not that good of a sport, not by a longshot. I'd just as soon run up & kick ya in the shins...& tell ya to go f yourself. Ya'll find the simplest things amusing. It's so...cute.

Um, that's EXACTLY what happened last year, when Parcells went up against Belichick--& he DID behave in a classy manner. He went up & hugged Belichick afterwards. That's a game that everyone has acknowledged Parcells wanted desperately to win. And I defy you to claim that Parcells is a good loser--he's well known to hate losing & make everyone at Valley Ranch totally miserable when the team loses. Somehow, he still managed to behave with real class after that loss.

He also went out of his way to express his real regard for Gibbs last week--you can log on to & listen to last Thursday's press conference. He went on at length about his admiration for Joe & how he really roots for him. He also talked about Belichick & how much he appreciates everything Belichick had done for him over the years--this despite press reports earlier in the week on some nasty comments made about Parcells by Belichick. Joe made some grudging, & frankly slightly snotty, comments about how the many times Parcells beat him, & that was it.

Frankly, none of us give a flying fig about Gibbs. It's just that we're tired of all the hype. He didn't deserve it, & it's fun to see the balloon deflate. It's also satisfying to see the real Gibbs emerge, despite all the PR spin.
The look-away handshake was probably something Gibbs learned on the NASCAR circuit since 1990.
Oh well, BP and Gibbs will have another chance to repeat this in a few months at Texas Stadium; fun to see what he does then.
montgod said:
..the time back in the day when you played Madden (playstation) and won by running the time out or something like that...and your opponent is pissed because you won that way! :D
or when the score is tied and you kick a FG to win and ur opponents says "cheap win"....bunch of bull caka caka !
Guys, come on. Gibbs is one of the classiest men youll ever see. That was probably the end of the handshake and he was leaving. I hate the Commanders but Gibbs deserves more respect than this.
In watching the live game, I thought the handshake seemed a little queer.

This image is pretty accurate IMO
HeavyHitta31 said:
Guys, come on. Gibbs is one of the classiest men youll ever see. That was probably the end of the handshake and he was leaving. I hate the Commanders but Gibbs deserves more respect than this.
You obviously didn't see it live...he turned away and stuck out his hand which Parcells had to take...he never even made eye contact...maybe he didn't want parcells to see him crying.

The hell with Gibbs and the Commanders....
HeavyHitta31 said:
Guys, come on. Gibbs is one of the classiest men youll ever see. That was probably the end of the handshake and he was leaving. I hate the Commanders but Gibbs deserves more respect than this.

No it wasn't. That was the entire handshake. I couldnt believe it when I saw it live.
HeavyHitta31 said:
Guys, come on. Gibbs is one of the classiest men youll ever see. That was probably the end of the handshake and he was leaving. I hate the Commanders but Gibbs deserves more respect than this.

Guess you didn't watch the broadcast then. The time it took for the shutter to click was roughly the time the two actually shook hands. It was very obvious just watching the TV coverage.

Not that this is really a big deal. It is comical and makes for a good sig pic, but nobody really cares that much. Jimmy Johnson never spent much time hugging and exchanging pleasantries with other coaches after a loss. He was an angry loser. I think it's just the untouchable image that Gibbs has right now as the second coming of Landry - an honest, lovable, family guy who has a great football mind. Eh, whatever.
You guys need to stop picking on Gibbs...especially the nitpicking of a Hall of Fame coach over a silly handshake.

Put yourself in his shoes...would you want to look up and burst into tears in front of Bill Parcells??? :D

I think Bill was pulling Gibbs' hand towards his crotch saying "I've got your win right here".
aikemirv said:
Would that be the three points that were scored after Portis was down too. Would that be the seven after Wileys gift too. If that was even a good call!

I know you are confused by looking at your username. So I'll help you, the call on Wiley was a good call and a stupid play by Wiley. Whether Portis was down or not they still would have come away with points on that drive.

Our shutdown corner (laugh) was being used all night . I've noticed that teams are attacking him more than the other corners.
I know you are confused by looking at your username. So I'll help you, the call on Wiley was a good call and a stupid play by Wiley. Whether Portis was down or not they still would have come away with points on that drive.

Our shutdown corner (laugh) was being used all night . I've noticed that teams are attacking him more than the other corners.

1. The Skins would not have scored on that drive (the one where Portis was down, but not ruled down).

It would of been 4th and 1 from the Washington 17 yard line had the ref made the correct call on that play. It was only about halfway through the second quarter at that point. They would NOT have scored on that drive.

2. That Wiley roughing call was highly questionable. It looked like he hit Brunell on the shoulder pads, and even if he did hit his helmet it was incidental and a weak call.

3. Newman is being aggressive. He's TRYING to make plays. You don't make plays be sitting back and never taking any chances. He's not getting beat outright, the times he's getting beat is cuz of his own aggression. I have no problem with that as long as he picks his spots more wisely.
Here's the video of the 'handshake', so, enough of all this business.

Seriously,, this thread sounds like a bunch of girls.

Good game last night,, pretty close, came down to the wire. Seriously,, could you want more? I'd rather the Commanders had won, but overall, a good game, and congratulations.
Bang said:
Here's the video of the 'handshake', so, enough of all this business.

Seriously,, this thread sounds like a bunch of girls.

Good game last night,, pretty close, came down to the wire. Seriously,, could you want more? I'd rather the Commanders had won, but overall, a good game, and congratulations.
It's hard to keep up with the "Parcells dissed Cooley" whining, but we try.
F*** the Commanders. F*** their fans, f*** their stadium, f*** their crossdressing ways. We own their sad little team and there aint a thing they can do about it yet they are still in denial about it. It makes me sick listening to those excuses. Yopu got more bad calls than we did, you had every opportunity to win and we stopped you, now ****. Stupid crossdressing swine. :mad:

You know that Parcells went to bed with the largest grin in history last night lol.
HeavyHitta31 said:
F*** the Commanders. F*** their fans, f*** their stadium, f*** their crossdressing ways. We own their sad little team and there aint a thing they can do about it yet they are still in denial about it. It makes me sick listening to those excuses. Yopu got more bad calls than we did, you had every opportunity to win and we stopped you, now ****. Stupid crossdressing swine. :mad:

You know that Parcells went to bed with the largest grin in history last night lol.
You need to realize something. Commanders fans will never let on to how jealous they actually are. Its all as made up as Art being an internet tough guy.

Now enjoy the win and the streak and don't worry about all the excuse making they are liable to make.

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