Classy guy that Gibbs/Picture says a 1,000 words

Lifer said:
I live in the DC area and have been to 6 Cowboys/Skins games (4 in DC, 2 in Big D).

Every Cowboys/Skins game in DC is attended by legions of Skins fans with T-Shirts that read:

F&*K Dallas <---the word is actually spelled out on the T-Shirt.

Is there someone that can design a T-Shirt that says...

Cowboys v. Skins
13 and 1
Nobody's Perfect

If you design and print a T-Shirt that says this, I'll buy it and wear it proudly.

There were tons of fans at the game with this classy T-shirt:



of excitement after losing a close, emotional game too. But, what's the big deal? Did you expect him to be gleeful? I don't think it was personal in any way. Let's just get ready for the Giants.
Monte51Coleman said:
You guys can really make a mountain out of a molehill can't you. If Gibbs is all that the bright scholars on this board make him out to be how come your lord and savior Jerrah Jones wanted to hire him?
Is all the vitriol due to the fact that Joe Gibbs would never coach again if he could only coach the Cowboys? You sound like a bunch of school girls. Bill Parcells is a future Hall of Fame coach, though not because of anything that he has done yet in Dallas, who is greatly respected throughout the country by knowledgeable fans and by those in the business. Rightly so. But so is Coach Gibbs. If you can move past getting your feelinsg hurt you will see how silly you all are being. Gibbs classless? Get real. :rolleyes:

Gibbs is a Hall of Fame coach....but he was classless last night...just as simple as that.
E-dog said:
I'll have to chime in on this one. Gibbs is a b***c. Classy my butt. By just that little gesture, I just lost a ton of respect for the guy. Now he can go home and cry.

Because he didn't fully shake Parcells' hand? Wow, you guys are sensitive over here. Good Lord.... :rolleyes:
Monte51Coleman said:
You're too sensitive...simple as that.

Sensitive has nothing to do with was a lack of class.

If the boys would have lost under the same situations or worse bill would have went straight up to the opposing coach, looked him in the eye and shook his hand.

We got our butts SPANKED last year to the patriots...and even with a rocky history between big and little bill....Parcells still went to center field, shook little bills hand and gave him a hug and slap on the back.

If it were anyone other then gibbs or if you were not a skins fan, you would see it for what it was...classless.
Hussein said:
of excitement after losing a close, emotional game too. But, what's the big deal? Did you expect him to be gleeful? I don't think it was personal in any way. Let's just get ready for the Giants.

Well, Gibbs was never one to get excited on the sidelines anyway. Shoot, he barely ever cracked a smile, unless he was being hoisted onto his teams shoulders.

I'm sure he didn't mean anything personal by it & even if it was, who cares? He's not your (everybody) friend! It could also be that Gibbs felt a little humiliated last night & just wanted to duck out of there. What's the matter with that? I can see ya'll makin' fun of it for that reason, but to say it was classless? If he he had kicked Parcells in the nuts & spit of his face as he writhed on the ground & then kicked him in the head as he went to step over him, & then started kicking him in the back...sorry. I gotta little carried away! then that would have been classless. But he didn't. All he did was barely shake another man's hand. Another man who just beat him at their respective sport. It's understandable. Ya know how many times I've seen coaches just nod at the other? I don't see no thraeds up here or anywhere about when coaches do that kinda stuff. Wonder why...
CowboysHater said:
Well, Gibbs was never one to get excited on the sidelines anyway. Shoot, he barely ever cracked a smile, unless he was being hoisted onto his teams shoulders.

I'm sure he didn't mean anything personal by it & even if it was, who cares? He's not your (everybody) friend! It could also be that Gibbs felt a little humiliated last night & just wanted to duck out of there. What's the matter with that? I can see ya'll makin' fun of it for that reason, but to say it was classless? If he he had kicked Parcells in the nuts & spit of his face as he writhed on the ground & then kicked him in the head as he went to step over him, & then started kicking him in the back...sorry. I gotta little carried away! then that would have been classless. But he didn't. All he did was barely shake another man's hand. Another man who just beat him at their respective sport. It's understandable. Ya know how many times I've seen coaches just nod at the other? I don't see no thraeds up here or anywhere about when coaches do that kinda stuff. Wonder why...

Maybe because it just does not happen very often...once again we have been spanked by teams last year and Bill always went to centerfield, looked the other coach in the eyes and shook his hand.
BrAinPaiNt said:
Sensitive has nothing to do with was a lack of class.

If the boys would have lost under the same situations or worse bill would have went straight up to the opposing coach, looked him in the eye and shook his hand.

We got our butts SPANKED last year to the patriots...and even with a rocky history between big and little bill....Parcells still went to center field, shook little bills hand and gave him a hug and slap on the back.

If it were anyone other then gibbs or if you were not a skins fan, you would see it for what it was...classless.

Different strokes for different folks. Sounds a lot like a young'un b*tching about being dissed.
Could they be related?


Monte51Coleman said:
Different strokes for different folks. Sounds a lot like a young'un b*tching about being dissed.

And it sounds like YOU...a skins doing a bit of the same on this board.... :rolleyes:
calico said:
skins= ***** *** cowards.

He was pissed off. Are you tellin' me that if YOU are coaching & YOU just lose a very emotional game, YOU are gonna just run up to the other guy & shake his hand? You're that good of a sport? Excuse me a second...BULLSH*T! I'm not that good of a sport, not by a longshot. I'd just as soon run up & kick ya in the shins...& tell ya to go f yourself. Ya'll find the simplest things amusing. It's so...cute.
Monte51Coleman said:
You guys can really make a mountain out of a molehill can't you. If Gibbs is all that the bright scholars on this board make him out to be how come your lord and savior Jerrah Jones wanted to hire him?

Monte--Remember that Jerrah also hired Barry Switzer, Chan Gailey, & Dave Campo. cough
BrAinPaiNt said:
And it sounds like YOU...a skins doing a bit of the same on this board.... :rolleyes:
With all due respect- How does it sound like I am crying about being disrespected?
I am simply saying that some of you are making way too much over what you percieve as a slight by Coach Gibbs toward Coach Parcells. If you react to every percieved slight like you react to this one I would hate to be your wife, child, employee, neighbor, or any other human being that you interact with on a regular basis. Heaven forbid someone doesn't live up to your expectation level for every moment of their life and have to be called classless by you because of it. In my opinion Parcells decision not to fly home with his troops after his Super Bowl loss with New England was a classless act. Calling Terry Glenn a "she" was a classless act. Neither though has caused me to consider him classless. Everybody, I'm going to go out on a limb here and even include you, has had moments they wish they could do over. When it happens to you and I there is not a camera to record it. I agree that it looked odd on tv. I am not sure that I saw the entire moment. Still pictures also don't show the entire moment. I am waiting to see if anyone outside of Cowboy fans even consider it an event at all. I doubt that it will lead off Sportscenter tonight.

Btw- Of course I am a Commander Fan. My screen name is that of an ex player. I am not however trolling. Never have, never will. That is unless voicing a differing opinion is considered trolling here.
LaTunaNostra said:
Geez, that does look poor sportsmanlike.

And also like a sequel to "Cocoon".
Now that is just plain wrong....true....but wrong, lol.
Monte51Coleman said:
With all due respect- How does it sound like I am crying about being disrespected?
I am simply saying that some of you are making way too much over what you percieve as a slight by Coach Gibbs toward Coach Parcells. If you react to every percieved slight like you react to this one I would hate to be your wife, child, employee, neighbor, or any other human being that you interact with on a regular basis. Heaven forbid someone doesn't live up to your expectation level for every moment of their life and have to be called classless by you because of it. In my opinion Parcells decision not to fly home with his troops after his Super Bowl loss with New England was a classless act. Calling Terry Glenn a "she" was a classless act. Neither though has caused me to consider him classless. Everybody, I'm going to go out on a limb here and even include you, has had moments they wish they could do over. When it happens to you and I there is not a camera to record it. I agree that it looked odd on tv. I am not sure that I saw the entire moment. Still pictures also don't show the entire moment. I am waiting to see if anyone outside of Cowboy fans even consider it an event at all. I doubt that it will lead off Sportscenter tonight.

Btw- Of course I am a Commander Fan. My screen name is that of an ex player. I am not however trolling. Never have, never will. That is unless voicing a differing opinion is considered trolling here.

Joe Gibbs may be a great coach and continue to be a great coach but IMO that was just classless.....just because it was a one time thing does not excuse it from being classless.

Does not take someone to be sensitive to see it...sorry we can agree to disagree.
Kittymama said:
Monte--Remember that Jerrah also hired Barry Switzer, Chan Gailey, & Dave Campo. cough

Point taken. Although witty for this thread I know that you're not comparing a drunken JJ coat tail follower and two average career assistant coaches to Gibbs. But the humor is appreciated.
Monte51Coleman said:
With all due respect- How does it sound like I am crying about being disrespected?
I am simply saying that some of you are making way too much over what you percieve as a slight by Coach Gibbs toward Coach

On the Total Access show last night, post game, Solomon Wilcots had a brief interview with Roy Williams.

# 31 mentioned that "Parcells wanted this one bad". Of course he did, and how much more so did Joe Gibbs.

Certainly any NFL fan can understand how Gibbs felt last night, losing a close game which in many areas his team statistically dominated in. In addtion, knowing not only did some calls not go his way, but his team could not overcome a couple of bad calls because of Gibbs own poor decision making and lack of creative play calling.

That game was billed asa coaching battle, and it certainly was. And Joe Gibbs was outcoached, once again, by Pill Parcells, who in his use of Anderson and Barnes alone, showed more innovation than his opponent did at any point of the game.

To my knowledge, this was the first time Parcells has ever met Gibbs head to head as an offensive playcaller. Giobs, the offensive genius, was out thought offensively by a defensive specialist, his old nemesis, true, but also a relative novice as an offensive play caller.

Gibbs had every reason to want to get off that field asap.

But for a professional, and in particular, one of that age, who must have a mature outlook and a philosophical perspective, it was disappointing to see Joe not manage to do what every fledgling coach from Pop Warner on up is professional enough to do - extend his hand in sincere graciousness after a competition.

My instinct as an NFL fan was to find every excuse possible for Gibbs, from just the dog weariness of a man in his mid-sixties after a grueling rain-soaked battle, to wanting to believe he gave Parcells short shrift because he wanted to get into the locker asap and address his team after a very difficult defeat. Both of those rationales and more, most likely apply, so call me a "Gibbs Apologist". But it would have taken only a moment to pay proper respect, not to Bill Parcells, not to the Dallas Cowboys, but to the coaching profession, the code of conduct that defines it, and the game we all know Gibbs love so much.

Gibbs chose not to do that, and a bit of tarnish will, as a result, dull his image and his reputation. A very small 'sin' over a long and illustrious career, but the "poor loser" vibes Gibbs gave off last night won't be easily forgotten.
LaTunaNostra said:
That game was billed asa coaching battle, and it certainly was. And Joe Gibbs was outcoached, once again, by Pill Parcells, who in his use of Anderson and Barnes alone, showed more innovation than his opponent did at any point of the game.Gibbs gave off last night won't be easily forgotten.
Did you see the Gibbs stat against all the other legendary coaches in the NFL.

Apparently it isn't just Parcells who owns him. Gibbs has a losing record against all of them.

The guy is a good coach but he is no Landry or Parcells.

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