Clinton-Dix not starting in practice


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[QUOTE="AsthmaField, post: 10340486, member: 428"]I do know that McCarthy was an advocate for Biadasz, which can’t hurt his chances. Mike loved him at Wisconsin and watched him a lot there.

If he hits, that’ll be huge for the future of the OL.

Gee another term for advocate is telling or pushing for him so again give me a link where he is quoted as doing having anything to do with the Cowboys drafting him and then a link that quotes him saying he watched him a lot at Wisconsin. My guess is you're assuming because McCarthy coached in Green Bay that he automatically watch Wisconsin. Here's a news flash for you, head coaches often say they have little to no time to do things they like especially during the season. They're to busy taking care of the team they are coaching and rely on the college scouts to do the watching of college teams.

Lol, I’ve already told you how I meant it. I meant it synonymously with a fan of. I made it clear in my last post to you that I wasn’t saying that Mike pushed for Biadasz to be drafted, though that might be the case. I made it clear that I only meant that it won’t hurt Biadasz that the head coach likes him and watched him at Wisconsin.

And now you’re still asking me to produce a link? For something that I already told you I wasn’t saying? All because I said that McCarthy was an advocate of Biadasz’s and one synonymous term for advocate is pushing for?

When I’m trying to convince no one of anything? Simply saying that McCarthy likes Biadasz and that won’t hurt?

You know, everyone can see what we’re writing here, right?

All this shows me what you’re all about and that the squabbles that I see you having frequently on here are likely instigated and pushed by you. You’re just looking to argue.

So argue away, but you’re going to have to do it without me because I’m not going to squabble with you about the word advocate.


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That may be about what coaches do. However, I do think McCarthy probably had quite a bit to do with drafting Biadasz. I think McCarthy knows his stuff, especially on offense.

I'm not disputing McCarthy's knowledge of offense or football. It's all to often fans think they know what coaches think or say in private and then state it like it's fact.


Outta bounds
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I remember him saying something about following him.

Makes sense since he lived locally.

Biadasz was mocked as a much higher pick prior to last season.

Some people are Clinton-Dix sometimes.

Speaking of which....that dude better figure it out quickly.
Thanks. I remember hearing Mike say that he watched Biadasz all season long... which, as you say, makes sense geographically speaking. He also said that he was a big fan of the kid.

And yeah, Dix needs to figure it out but I’m not looking for him to, although I hope he does. He didn’t figure it out in Green Bay, Washington, or Chicago, so I don’t expect it. It’s a shame too because he is a very good athlete.


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Lol, I’ve already told you how I meant it. I meant it synonymously with a fan of. I made it clear in my last post to you that I wasn’t saying that Mike pushed for Biadasz to be drafted, though that might be the case. I made it clear that I only meant that it won’t hurt Biadasz that the head coach likes him and watched him at Wisconsin.

And now you’re still asking me to produce a link? For something that I already told you I wasn’t saying? All because I said that McCarthy was an advocate of Biadasz’s and one synonymous term for advocate is pushing for?

When I’m trying to convince no one of anything? Simply saying that McCarthy likes Biadasz and that won’t hurt?

You know, everyone can see what we’re writing here, right?

All this shows me what you’re all about and that the squabbles that I see you having frequently on here are likely instigated and pushed by you. You’re just looking to argue.

So argue away, but you’re going to have to do it without me because I’m not going to squabble with you about the word advocate.

Gee if you meant as a fan that it's your opinion that McCarthy like him why not just say that instead of McCarthy was an advocate which can have many meanings, that can be walked back on later when called on it. Again where is your link of McCarthy saying he watched him at Wisconsin when most people know that head coaches rely on the scouting dept. to watch and find the college talent because there's not enough hours in the day for a head coach to do it during the season.


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It's almost like some of us have been saying for two offseasons now that HaHA isn't a better player than Heath.
This led me to look at the Raider depth chart.
Wow. I knew they had some talent, but whoa....more than I realized on both sides of the ball.


Go Seahawks!!!
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Gee another term for advocate is telling or pushing for him so again give me a link where he is quoted as doing having anything to do with the Cowboys drafting him and then a link that quotes him saying he watched him a lot at Wisconsin. My guess is you're assuming because McCarthy coached in Green Bay that he automatically watch Wisconsin. Here's a news flash for you, head coaches often say they have little to no time to do things they like especially during the season. They're to busy taking care of the team they are coaching and rely on the college scouts to do the watching of college teams.

Lol, I’ve already told you how I meant it. I meant it synonymously with a fan of. I made it clear in my last post to you that I wasn’t saying that Mike pushed for Biadasz to be drafted, though that might be the case. I made it clear that I only meant that it won’t hurt Biadasz that the head coach likes him and watched him at Wisconsin.

And now you’re still asking me to produce a link? For something that I already told you I wasn’t saying? All because I said that McCarthy was an advocate of Biadasz’s and one synonymous term for advocate is pushing for?

When I’m trying to convince no one of anything? Simply saying that McCarthy likes Biadasz and that won’t hurt?

You know, everyone can see what we’re writing here, right?

All this shows me what you’re all about and that the squabbles that I see you having frequently on here are likely instigated and pushed by you. You’re just looking to argue.

So argue away, but you’re going to have to do it without me because I’m not going to squabble with you about the word advocate.[/QUOTE]

According to this article on CBS Sports it says McCarthy almost literally would not let Jerry pass on trading up for Tyler. Mike was advocating for him.



Outta bounds
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Lol, I’ve already told you how I meant it. I meant it synonymously with a fan of. I made it clear in my last post to you that I wasn’t saying that Mike pushed for Biadasz to be drafted, though that might be the case. I made it clear that I only meant that it won’t hurt Biadasz that the head coach likes him and watched him at Wisconsin.

And now you’re still asking me to produce a link? For something that I already told you I wasn’t saying? All because I said that McCarthy was an advocate of Biadasz’s and one synonymous term for advocate is pushing for?

When I’m trying to convince no one of anything? Simply saying that McCarthy likes Biadasz and that won’t hurt?

You know, everyone can see what we’re writing here, right?

All this shows me what you’re all about and that the squabbles that I see you having frequently on here are likely instigated and pushed by you. You’re just looking to argue.

So argue away, but you’re going to have to do it without me because I’m not going to squabble with you about the word advocate.

According to this article on CBS Sports it says McCarthy almost literally would not let Jerry pass on trading up for Tyler. Mike was advocating for him.

Haha, thanks man. I know that I remembered Mike saying it, but no big deal either way.


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Gee if you meant as a fan that it's your opinion that McCarthy like him why not just say that instead of McCarthy was an advocate which can have many meanings, that can be walked back on later when called on it. Again where is your link of McCarthy saying he watched him at Wisconsin when most people know that head coaches rely on the scouting dept. to watch and find the college talent because there's not enough hours in the day for a head coach to do it during the season.

McCarthy had a lot of time to be able to watch Biadasz play last year - as he was unemployed. In the press conference after the draft, the Jones’ indicated that McCarthy stood on the table to advocate for taking him, and this was a big reason why they traded back into the fourth round to get him.


Cowboys Diehard
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based on discussions two days ago when ET was still "officially" a Raven.

Things can and oftentimes do, change. Whether, or not, the Cowboys still want ET should become obvious soon. Right now, they're probably biding their time and waiting to see if ET lowers his contract demands. They're prudently hoping it's cheap enough to make his potential acquisition affordable. Still, they'd be gambling that his mindset is stable enough to make his locker room presence tolerable. Without question, there's room for doubt.
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McCarthy making him earn his star...he's more talented than anyone we have, not sure why he's not stepping up yet. He needs to get his head on right


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According to this article on CBS Sports it says McCarthy almost literally would not let Jerry pass on trading up for Tyler. Mike was advocating for him.

Haha, thanks man. I know that I remembered Mike saying it, but no big deal either way.




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I tend to agree with this. I could see Biadasz overtaking him at some point even early to mid season.

I think the 2 factors are 1 how is Looney playing and 2 how much progress they see for Biadasz. Frankly I am confident in Looney ability at center should he play the entire season, However like anyone else I want to see our young draft pick develop into a quality player. I guess you could say I feel pretty good about where Dallas is at the center position.


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That's exactly false.

I agree. OL did struggle when Martin and Tyron went down with injuries, Looney playing next to Martin was a big help to him then losing Martin and Tyron really hurt the OL group as a whole.


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McCarthy had a lot of time to be able to watch Biadasz play last year - as he was unemployed. In the press conference after the draft, the Jones’ indicated that McCarthy stood on the table to advocate for taking him, and this was a big reason why they traded back into the fourth round to get him.

I don't remember any videos where Jones said that nor any articles that said that. In fact after McCarthy was hired and had an initial presser and a couple days later having another one, McCarthy had very little to say to the press until training camp started. So again I'll need something where there is a direct quote from Jones saying McCarthy stood on the table advocating for for him. I'll say it again that in all likelihood he saw what McClay and the scouting staff came up with and he may have said that he would like him if drafted. Yes McCarthy was unemployed last year and he also said after being hired that he spent last season reviewing every NFL game from last season and then all of a sudden he became interested in one player from Wisconsin too. I believe very little that fans say as fact without something to back it up. I respect some user's opinions and accept them as such, but claiming something as fact takes something more than a user just saying it.


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I don't remember any videos where Jones said that nor any articles that said that. In fact after McCarthy was hired and had an initial presser and a couple days later having another one, McCarthy had very little to say to the press until training camp started. So again I'll need something where there is a direct quote from Jones saying McCarthy stood on the table advocating for for him. I'll say it again that in all likelihood he saw what McClay and the scouting staff came up with and he may have said that he would like him if drafted. Yes McCarthy was unemployed last year and he also said after being hired that he spent last season reviewing every NFL game from last season and then all of a sudden he became interested in one player from Wisconsin too. I believe very little that fans say as fact without something to back it up. I respect some user's opinions and accept them as such, but claiming something as fact takes something more than a user just saying it.

Dude, with all due respect, get over yourself. No one owes you anything. Just because you don’t pay attention to the team, and what is said by personnel associated with the team, doesn’t mean that it didn’t happen. Do your own research. You do this in literally every thread that you post in, and are frequently wrong with your assertions. Try adding value to a thread rather than being the wet blanket that you come off as. It will make everyone’s experience better, including your own.


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Dude, with all due respect, get over yourself. No one owes you anything. Just because you don’t pay attention to the team, and what is said by personnel associated with the team, doesn’t mean that it didn’t happen. Do your own research. You do this in literally every thread that you post in, and are frequently wrong with your assertions. Try adding value to a thread rather than being the wet blanket that you come off as. It will make everyone’s experience better, including your own.

I spend al lest an hour, most of the time much more reading articles and watching videos about not just the Cowboys but the NFL. Doing this it's funny, not ha ha funny, that I don't find articles and/or videos that some fans claim they have seen or read or they take what a sportswriter says as gospel fact when we all know that much if not most of what they write is speculation to start out with. Gee I'm sorry if I don't believe what users say without having some kind of direct quote. All to often when asking for that instead of providing it they do as you have and turn it on me for wanting their proof. That's what politicians do when asked a question they don't like too.