Video: Clip Emerges of Jerry Jones Making Racially-Charged Joke

Not that I really saw anything wrong with what jerry said, it's always funny to see non ethnic people deciding what is and isn't racist
I think if one has any cooth, it doesn’t matter the skin color. Ya just know what’s demeaning and what isn’t.

And that’s all I have to say about that.
I love the Cowboys but Jerry should know better than this. He's definitely making me curious about him.
Yeah, I don't get it. I'm not saying he's racist (yet) but what's the purpose of mentioning race at all? How is that supposed to be funny unless he's making a joke about race?

I honestly don't see it as being a huge deal and I think most jokes told by comedians involving race are funny. People take things way too seriously and we need to be able to laugh at ourselves and stereotypes BUT as an NFL owner that was really a stupid freakin' thing to say regardless of whether the other guy thought it was funny or not. Typical dumb azz Jerry.
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A video has been leaked to The Blast of Jerry Jones making racially charged comments to a fan in, just days after he's gone to war with the league.............

yet, there appears to be a black male in the video

needs more context

Blk dude is marrying a Caucasian in the am, Jerry teases her and basically says her fiancé’s last fling is with a blk girl...
Yeah, I don't get it. I'm not saying he's racist (yet) but what's the purpose of mentioning race at all? How is that supposed to be funny unless he's making a joke about race?

I honestly don't see it as being a huge deal and I think most jokes told by comedians involving race are funny. People take things way too seriously and we need to be able to laugh at ourselves and stereotypes BUT as an NFL owner that was really a stupid freakin' thing to say regardless of whether the other guy thought it was funny or not. Typical dumb azz Jerry.
Blk dude is marrying a Caucasian in the am, Jerry teases her and basically says her fiancé’s last fling is with a blk girl...
I think everyone is being a little obtuse with the whole "I don't see anything wrong" stuff

A drunk old white guy shouldn't be making racial jokes period

He was just teasing the bride to be but bringing race into was inappropriate at best

And I guarantee you Jerry has said some racist things in his life..... most everyone in the world has at one time or another or laughed at a stereotypical joke

But that being said, this is a one day story but the first in many attempts to smear is on
I think everyone is being a little obtuse with the whole "I don't see anything wrong" stuff

A drunk old white guy shouldn't be making racial jokes period

He was just teasing the bride to be but bringing race into was inappropriate at best

And I guarantee you Jerry has said some racist things in his life..... most everyone in the world has at one time or another or laughed at a stereotypical joke

But that being said, this is a one day story but the first in many attempts to smear is on

Horse apples, waaaaaaaaay overblown....
What I'd really like to see is ALL the owners cannabalize themselves. It sure would make things interesting and fun if all kinds of dirt started coming out about all of them. On the other hand I just want to watch some f'in football without all the extracurricular bs that's been going on. Perhaps they can call a truce until the off season then go at it.
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Horse apples, waaaaaaaaay overblown....
Race is the Third Rail for billionaire sports owners

It needs to be avoided at all costs.........unforced errors are Jerry's specialty.....#nofilter
I’m white. I don’t have any black friends. Not because I don’t like black people, but because people don’t like me. I don’t have any friends.
Awe, that's sad. Why don't people like you?
Race is the Third Rail for billionaire sports owners

It needs to be avoided at all costs.........unforced errors are Jerry's specialty.....#nofilter

People act like it’s 1960 when in reality, there’s another sinister agenda...
Race is the Third Rail for billionaire sports owners

It needs to be avoided at all costs.........unforced errors are Jerry's specialty.....#nofilter
Lol "unforced errors". That's hilariously accurate and sad. Can't wait for Stephen, he seems much less of a liability all around.
Not that I really saw anything wrong with what jerry said, it's always funny to see non ethnic people deciding what is and isn't racist


Everyone is a race. Racism is what it is. No race is more capable of defining it than another.

Everyone is a race. Racism is what it is. No race is more capable of defining it than another.

or, or, hear me out. maybe the races who are more experienced in dealing with racism, or the ones who are the butt of these crappy jokes may have a better perspective than others.

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