Video: Clip Emerges of Jerry Jones Making Racially-Charged Joke

This has been out for at least 45 minutes and ESPN hasn’t even touched it yet from what I seen.

I doubt this turns into anything.
I'm shocked. It's usually something they love. Maybe saving it for First Take.
Hopefully there are no women that will emerge claiming JJ exposed himself or grabbed their butts.. We never know today. Mara and Kraft and Blank have deep pockets, you know.
If this starts to happen, I am willing to bet there 31 other owners in the league that are nervous wondering when their past transgressions might come to light.
Doesn't matter if it's innocent or not. The point of the leak was for the media and the internet to blow up the story. The Goodell mafia has struck.

Yup I agree. This is without question a hit attempt. What a wild world we live in today. It really is insane.
Oh okay? I kinda giggle too. I assume the black guy in the background got married to a white woman? Nothing to see here move along. This is stuff Goodell and the NFL is digging up to make to make JJ look bad.
Isn’t this what got sterling kicked out?
Sterling got caught up in telling a bimbo not to "date" magic Johnson because he had aids...magic just happened to want a NBA franchise....what a coincidence
Oh okay? I kinda giggle too. I assume the black guy in the background got married to a white woman? Nothing to see here move along. This is stuff Goodell and the NFL is digging up to make to make JJ look bad.
And I have to keep reminding myself that this is a sports league. I've never seen anything like this. lol

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