ColinCowherd: defends the Dallas Cowboys' HC

Name one that's ever turned him down.
Thats not the pertinent question as he hasn’t ever offered to an up and coming top prospect .

Most since Jimmy he’s pulled from off the couch - Bill, MM and Barry. Or never HC before. Chan, Campo and Garrett.
If you’re alluding to Super Bowl or bust- then you may as well also wait for the Easter bunny to come so you can give him a hug. It’s fantasy land talk. Saying Super Bowl or bust is low hanging fruit, bumper sticker stuff for simpletons. Of course he was brought here to win a Super Bowl- spoiler alert ; every team makes a hire with the intention of that coach bringing them a super Bowl.

The reality tho- is that under Garrett and other coaches the cowboys organization was a roller coaster, up and down, up and down, 8-8, 12-4, 5-11. There was no consistency or the consistency for Garrett was .500 teams. So while yes, goal 1A is always a championship or championship game, the franchise needed to first become a team that could consistently be competing in the playoffs and winning double digits games year in year out.

McCarthy has brought more stability here than anyone else has in 2 decades, far from perfect and we should be far from satisfied but he has made the team competitive and respectable and in contention for the playoffs every year which allows them to be able to try and achieve the ultimate goal of number 6.

He also was brought here to work with dak, and dak while flawed, while overpaid had his best year ever under McCarthy. That matters.
Yep. So we’d conclude we are in a better place since MM took over ?
Yep. So we’d conclude we are in a better place since MM took over ?

Better place than we were? Yes. Where we need to be? No. Is there a slam dunk hire (the jones would make) that on paper is better than big Mike? No. So I am fine staying with him, under the assumption guys like Ben Johnson (again a roll of the dice), vrabel, BB (UNC) are all off the table.

Bring him back
It’s amazing to see the same fans say that this job isn’t desirable and the franchise and simultaneously expect the top available candidates to come here. How can it be both?

With the cowboys - we always have to have the perspective of who would Dallas actually hire and who would actually come? When those 2 things factor in, you’re hard pressed to do better than McCarthy on paper
Hard to believe that the majority of fan base has yet to recognize this.
Any of them.
Another fan myth thinking no decent coach wants to work for Jerry.
Please explain fan myth. You are dead wrong on this assumption. No coach having ambitions of building a SB caliber team would consider working with the idiot. I know…but the money.
Big Mac should win Coach of the Year. Booger, our favorite buffoon, would jump in claiming this was his plan all along.
I've said it before, and I'll keep saying it, I don't think McCarthy is a bigger problem than certain players completely choking when the stage gets too big. Count me in the very small minority of Cowboys fans that actually want to keep Mike McCarthy.
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Please explain fan myth. You are dead wrong on this assumption. No coach having ambitions of building a SB caliber team would consider working with the idiot. I know…but the money.
Fan Myth = your post

He's too tentative; freezes up and gets too conservative with the offense when the game gets to the last quarter if it's close.
That being said, I think he is a very good head coach.
Everybody has weaknesses. If he can get past that, he can be great.

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