College athletes arise! You half nothing to lose but your chains!

what is the percentage of college players that ever get any kind of a paycheck in the pros? 1% maybe? so I find it laughable that College Football is considered a farm league for the NFL.

Guess what: College football existed before the NFL. And when only 1% makes it then you cannot call it a farm league. The vast majority of those on scholies - all they get is a free education and nothing more. Hard to claim they really are owed any more.

Now I do agree that any injury suffered by that student while in college has to have lifetime coverage FOR THAT injury and possible consequences in the future because of it.

But beyond that its a pile of HS that they are OWED any more.

And as regards the jersey sales, etc. Whoop te doo. Tiny fraction ever really are sold because of THAT athlete. Johnny Football is one of the few college students that have ever sold a lot of jerseys, etc. And even in his case just how much? Now giving that athlete a cut of that money; that is fair. College jerseys and such are sold because of the TEAMS not the individuals.
Are big universities farm systems for pro sports??? Seems to be, but then again, big universities are farm systems for every major corporation in america.

The difference is colleges don't make millions of dollars off other students, while they are in college.
what is the percentage of college players that ever get any kind of a paycheck in the pros? 1% maybe? so I find it laughable that College Football is considered a farm league for the NFL.

That's one way of looking at it, another is 100% of NFL players played college football.

And fwiw, if the NCAA gave college players the things you mentioned, they'd never garner enough support to unionize, mainly because only 1% or so would truly benefit
Great points! Your last statement is really my main point. How can one be forced into accepting a "scholarship" merely because of the rules put in place by the NFL (in coordination with NCAA ;)) and the school that just so happens to profit IMMENSLEY from the rules in place? Somthing smells, and it isn't just my lack of hygiene :D

Why stop at just NCAA and NFL.

High school kids aren't paid a damn thing to play in the NCAA's farm system.
Why stop at just NCAA and NFL.

High school kids aren't paid a damn thing to play in the NCAA's farm system.
BC High School football isn't profiting from the players in the grand way that colleges are (D1 powerhouse programs). Fans of HS football are fans of the brand of the school that ties into a social ineractive influence that makes them relevant; regardless of wins and talent, etc. No on one would watch Alabama just to watch Alabama (television ratings) outside of currents students and alumni. They must be relevant to garner a national audience to tune in to their games, buy their merchandise, etc. in order to derive a profit for the program.
This is laughable. Once you introduce money into the equation, all that control flies out the window. They'll pay the same amount for uniforms and medical costs as the pros do, and you won't be able force them to take "real" classes anymore than you can now.

Actually you half no plan.

Laughable is the ide that players would be paid enough for uniforms and medical costs. Do you really thin that a 2nd-string corner for Texas Tech would be paid enough to even purchased a state of the art helmet, much less the rest of the 75 percent of uniform. How much do you think a health plan (private because players require way more and more intensive and quick surgical and treament than the average man)?

(Do you thin colleges will automatically gift their labor free unis and health plan? That is laughable.)

What do you pay Jameis Winston? What do you pay the emergency walk-on kicker on the same team.
Yeth, Jameis will be able to afford crab legs and crab meats for he and his posse. Beyond that, he will be broke when he pay for his uniform, medical play/costs and tuition.

Education for athaletes is a laff. We all know it. You knows it, I knows it, Bob Dole know it. So the making them take classes argiment is laughable.

You need a plan. Call 800-I half no plan and get back to me. I will be boiling some eggs and making a cake for my cat and we can chill and disucss this while Ms. Busty walk back and forth and make the room smell and look good.
Yeah, it half began at Northwestern University where a has-been athlete led the fight for the right to unionize "student" athletes.

Undoubtedly the main point by the athletes will be SHOW ME THE MON-AY!

Ok, pay them, all you rich colleges. This would be fitting at places like the Univese of Texas that half more money than Arthur Godrey and Leonard Nimoy combined.

But what of the small colleges barely making money and barely getting by on ticket sales?

If i am a college, this is what I would tell unionzed players who want monies:
OK, we will pay you as per the new contract between the college and your athletes.
Now, here is your bill for your four years of college education: $20,000 for small colleges or maybe $200,000 for what it costs to be schooled at top-tier universities.

And We will charge you for you unis, transportation to and from games, all medical and rehab and surgical costs and all publicity associated with your attendance here.

Also, as per the contract, you must maintain a C+ average in "real" courses that "real" students take as course requirements.

The following year, the student unions, faced with the realities of real life, disband and return to their cushy status as "student" athletes.

problem (for the colleges) solved.

Maybe not Nimoy..........

It could be argued, the Jimmy Dean Sausage Company wouldn't have been so successful, had it not been for Dean's Grammy winning country music/TV career.

That so ridic! His food products are marvelous. It makes me happy and healthy.
Were you wone of them ruffians who would climb the fire lookout towers in the forest and eat mushrooms?

Nah you must be thinking of someone else. Just grew up in a time of Men, not these cave dwelling pasty face nerds sitting in front of their video games.

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