Collingsworth massive bias

He's like sone of the fans here. They love the team when we're winning and hate everyone when we're losing.
The slobbering all over Philly in the 1st half was brutal. Actually changed over to Spanish Audio, had no idea what they were saying but it was much better
I was not offended by anything he said, Philly in the1st half played very good and Collingsworth complimented them had a lot of good things to say. I have seen him do the same with the Cowboys when we have played very well. These broadcast are not Cowboys broadcasting.
He goes overboard with his complimentary takes on both sides.

To the overly sensitive this might come across as dissing the other side but I don't see it.
Spot on. There was nothing to compliment us in the first half. So he was saying how great the eagles were. In the 2nd half, he was very complimentary.

Some of u guys need to get over it
Collisnworth’ bro

Dude was a baller - played on frozen astroturf that was cement .

Great player at Florida too.

He’s a lawyer as well .

He isn’t biased - he’s educated.
I didn’t see it. He gushed a lot about the Dallas defense and how much he likes to watch them. In the end who cares? Bring on all the hate.
LOL funny because I was reading Eagles fans saying he was gushing about the Cowboys.

Seemed pretty fair and balanced to me.

Yeah, whatever bias he may or may not have, he literally fawned over the defense & Parsons so I can't say he was only gushing one way.
Yawn. He basically licked Parson's ankles for half the game. I saw no bias overall. He had a lot of nice things to say about both teams. This is another post all about nothing. This site in turning into a tabloid newspaper.
I never really picked up on any bias. Collinsworth seems to just call the games as he sees them, and for 75% of that game the Eagles dominated, and the Cowboys shot themselves in the foot. For a game like that it probably does seem biased just because announcers are naturally going to cater to the team making more plays.

Even so if there is a bias these guys are still human, I can't fault them that much.
Doesn’t anybody remember Collingsworth saying on national tv that “ Dak bought his mother a new home last summer”.? ….. when in fact Raynes mamma had been deceased for 6 years.

That’s someone who is so clearly trying to boost up a Cowboys player that he fabricates feel good stories out of thin air.

it’s well documented
Note to all fans who watch sports:

When your favorite team is winning and playing well, all announcers and commentators talk about it and opposing fans hate it. When your opponent is playing well and beating your favorite team, the announcers suddenly get “biased” and talk about how well your opponent is playing.

Many fans here hate Joe Buck and Troy because they are “biased”. According to a Gallup survey done a few years ago ALL fan bases think sports announcers don’t like their favorite team. Especially those whose teams have most recently lost. We fans are just not objective.

Sports announcers are like flavors of ice cream. Some like the very talkative analysis you get from Romo. Some prefer the “boom” simplicity of a John Madden. But IMO, these guys are all fair.
Could this clown be anymore biased against the cowboys???? He was almost saying he was enjoying seeing the cowboys getting beaten. How inappropriate!!!
Interesting. If anything I always found him to almost favor the Cowboys a little. Or at least some of their players. I'd say he is pretty fair. He just picks a couple of players that he overdoes the praise on a little each week. Certainly Micah and Rush fell into this category last night - as did Hurts and Kelce.
I don't think he's bias, he's just an idiot who makes every single play out to be the greatest thing he's ever seen. He over reacts and over blows every play, every player and every team in real time as he watches them.
For example, the naked screen to Pollard that Slay made the instant tackle on. Anyone who knows anything about football could tell the play had zero chance to succeed because Rush took waaayyyyy to long to get the ball over to Tony. Slay was about 5yds off the line and there wasn't a single player between him and Rush. He could see the entire play unfolding in super slow motion as Rush lazily stepped back and telegraphed his lobbed throw of 15yds to Tony. I'm 50 and out of shape but I could have made that play. Ol' Collinsworth makes it sound like Slay is an amazing player, who just made this incredible read and insane play on a great RB in the open field to save a game winning TD.
Could this clown be anymore biased against the cowboys???? He was almost saying he was enjoying seeing the cowboys getting beaten. How inappropriate!!!
Says EVERY fanbase ever.

Anyway, I'm not sure what people were listening to last night, but I thought CC was VERY complimentary of the Cowboys. Even went out of his way to say that we were in great shape with our starting QB coming back soon.

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