Columbo / Rivera doing well????


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NovaCowboy said:
whatever helps you sleep at night.

Fact is, he was a B list free agent. If he was so in demand he would have lasted longer on the larket as other teams bid for him.

He took the first offer that probably came his way.

LOL... cowboys fans bitten by the homer bug, its funny.

Actually top free agents sign early every year, particularly if the position is thin in FA talent, which it is this year at several positions, including guard. Other than Steve Hutchinson there weren't any blue chip guards out there.
By your flawed logic, LeCharles Bentley and Edgerrin James would be B list free agents because they signed very early into free agency.

Kozier has proven to be a below average tackle but he could be an above average guard. By all reports he's technically sound and gives great effort. The main complaint about him is he needs to get physically stronger. As a tackle he struggles in space and has trouble with speed rushers- that won't be much of an issue at guard. It's the Cowboys job to make sure he does get stronger- he has the frame to do it. He's still a young player and still has upside.


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NovaCowboy said:
Either do you.

Did you know who Kyle Kosier was before we signed him? I rest my case.

Irrelevant to the point. You're the one who claimed that all of our OL were short-term, stop gap solutions. He's not.

You used his short timeline of being signed as some sort of evidence against him not being really sought after, which had nothing to do with your claim.

Also, irrelevant to the point is the fact that I didn't know who Kosier was before we signed him. I didn't know who Bentley was either, and he's not a short-term, stop gap solution in Cleveland.


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Gosh, by your reasoning Fabini must be a stud. He lasted so long in FA and I guess we just won the bidding war.


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NovaCowboy said:
we'll draft a RT on day 1 and more depth / projects on day 2.

Rivera is old as dirt and gimped. The guys we picked up this FA period are all stop gap, short term players.
WE may not go RT on day one now that we have signed Fabini. I think BP still believes that Pettiti will develop into that RT and Fabini was brought in to start for a year while Pettiti develops and be insurance for another year or two in case he doesn't develop. Also, Fabini can play LT in a pinch and would not be near the drop off from Flo that Tucker was last year.

I agree that Rivera is gimped; a Bad Back just screams a fall off in production and eminent retirement. We need to add some more strength to the interior line but Kosier WAS NOT brought in to be a stop gap player. You don't give a 5 year $15 mil contract with a $5 mil signing bonus to a stop gap player. The OF expects Kosier to be a player for us. Just because we (the fans) had never heard of him doesn't mean the scouting department hadn't; they obviously saw something they liked. Also, I have seen where guys like Gil Brandt were also touting this guy before we signed him but I just didn't notice it until after we got him.


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CactusCowboy said:
The lack of OL in FA may be a sign that Rivera's back is healed and Columbo is looking good...Just an opinion.......

We've signed a G and a T already.... I wouldn't call that a lack of OL in FA.


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burmafrd said:
Nova, you have been punked totally. Ready to quit?

Have I been punked? What are you talking about? Have you?

Its amusing how this dude, that was a nobody playing for a crap team that couldnt protect Harrington for nothing is now our long term answer at replacing Larry Allen at LG.

I think Im more suprised that Im the only one that questions this.


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theogt said:

Gosh, by your reasoning Fabini must be a stud. He lasted so long in FA and I guess we just won the bidding war.

No Fabini lasted so long because he's over the hill and not that great to begin with.


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SultanOfSix said:
Irrelevant to the point. You're the one who claimed that all of our OL were short-term, stop gap solutions. He's not.

You used his short timeline of being signed as some sort of evidence against him not being really sought after, which had nothing to do with your claim.

Also, irrelevant to the point is the fact that I didn't know who Kosier was before we signed him. I didn't know who Bentley was either, and he's not a short-term, stop gap solution in Cleveland.

If you didnt know who Bently was, then you obviosuly have no latitude in this conversation to be stating facts based on your opinions.

You dont know that he's NOT a short term fix just as much as I dont know for certain that he is.

Im using logic here. Logic tells me he's a very average guard that couldnt cut it a tackle and we were bargain shopping waiting on TO. This guy has just as much of a chance being out of the league in 2 years as he does starting for us 2 years from now at LG.


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NovaCowboy said:
If you didnt know who Bently was, then you obviosuly have no latitude in this conversation to be stating facts based on your opinions.

You dont know that he's NOT a short term fix just as much as I dont know for certain that he is.

Im using logic here. Logic tells me he's a very average guard that couldnt cut it a tackle and we were bargain shopping waiting on TO. This guy has just as much of a chance being out of the league in 2 years as he does starting for us 2 years from now at LG.

Don't worry, the Cowboys will probably pick up an Olineman in round 2. Hopefully they don't bust out like the did with Rogers and maybe Peterman.


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NovaCowboy said:
If you didnt know who Bently was, then you obviosuly have no latitude in this conversation to be stating facts based on your opinions.

You dont know that he's NOT a short term fix just as much as I dont know for certain that he is.

Im using logic here. Logic tells me he's a very average guard that couldnt cut it a tackle and we were bargain shopping waiting on TO. This guy has just as much of a chance being out of the league in 2 years as he does starting for us 2 years from now at LG.

No. You don't get it. It's irrelevant whether I didn't know the player. That's a point YOU brought up. I just used your point against you by pointing out the case of Bentley.

From what I can tell, you're using "Bizarro" world logic, and are bringing up irrelevant and useless points with respect to your claim. No wonder you keep contradicting yourself.

The age of the player, the signing bonus given, and the length of the contract and its parameters tell me whether someone is considered a short-term, stop gap solution. Neither case applies to either Kosier or Bentley. Therefore, they can't be considered as such.


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SultanOfSix said:
From what I can tell, you're using "Bizarro" world logic, and are bringing up irrelevant and useless points with respect to your claim. No wonder you keep contradicting yourself.

What is Bizzaro about it? Bizzaro is believing this guy is something he is not just because he's a Dallas Cowboy now. He is what he is and there isnt anything irrelevant about it.

The age of the player, the signing bonus given, and the length of the contract and its parameters tell me whether someone is considered a short-term, stop gap solution.

Well this explains it all. If youre using signing bonus and length of contracts to determine for yourself a players true worth, no wonder you think he's a god. I for one, prefer to use common sense.


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NovaCowboy said:
What is Bizzaro about it? Bizzaro is believing this guy is something he is not just because he's a Dallas Cowboy now. He is what he is and there isnt anything irrelevant about it.

Well this explains it all. If youre using signing bonus and length of contracts to determine for yourself a players true worth, no wonder you think he's a god. I for one, prefer to use common sense.

Man, you still don't get it. Who's using any of the above to determine a "player's true worth." Is there even such a thing that isn't relative to what market value is at the time? Regardless, that's NOT THE POINT.

The point is the parameters I pointed out are for considering whether someone is a "short-term, stop gap solution."

Geez. I feel like I'm debating a certain 'Skins fan.


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SultanOfSix said:
Man, you still don't get it. Who's using any of the above to determine a "player's true worth." Is there even such a thing that isn't relative to what market value is at the time? Regardless, that's NOT THE POINT.

The point is the parameters I pointed out are for considering whether someone is a "short-term, stop gap solution."

Geez. I feel like I'm debating a certain 'Skins fan.

Uggh...youre the one thats not getting it. You just said that you use a players signing bonus and lenght of contract to determine whether he's a short term or long term solution.

Using that logic. Marcelus Wiley should still be starting at DE for us no?

Think about it, it will come to you.


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Guys, you might as well be trying to reason with Nors, or Kartr. No point in it.


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I really hope our line can gel and atleast be very solid. JJ deserves it lol.


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Kosier was brought in to start and if he does he's signed long-term enough where we have favorable negotiating power to extend him and if he stinks we can upgrade his spot with another player and not take a big cap hit. He's 26, so unlike most free agents he can be a long term solution.

I think we've found a player who has taken some years to mature, has outgrown his pedigree, and is poised to come into his own. That might be the fan in me speaking (or typing), but there's no doubt he's 1) young and 2) has improved greatly since arriving in the league.


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NovaCowboy said:
Uggh...youre the one thats not getting it. You just said that you use a players signing bonus and lenght of contract to determine whether he's a short term or long term solution.

Using that logic. Marcelus Wiley should still be starting at DE for us no?

Think about it, it will come to you.

Actually, I said his age, signing bonus, and length of contract, which are better parameters (which ALL have to do with length of time, like the phrase "short-term, stop gap") than what you provided which were the following:

1) He was an "unknown." Not only is he known by many coaches and players, many teams were pursuing him as has been already proven. It's irrelevant whether he's "unknown" to fans because most of them don't know anything with respect to what is involved in playing offensive line, and many don't even care about who plays on the line. It's also irrelevant because it proves nothing with respect to being a "short-term, stop gap" guy.

2) He is no more than a B-lister because he should have lasted longer on the market. Lasting longer on the market could imply many things: he's not wanted (the complete opposite of what you're suggesting), he's asking for too much money, he is wanted and being pursued by many teams, he's taking along time to decide, etc. Staying on the market for a long time is not conclusive at all when determining whether someone is a "short-term, stop gap" player. It's practically irrelevant.

3) You're usage of "probably" and "maybes" just proves that you really don't know what you're even arguing.

4) The fact that Marcellus Wiley got a four year, $16 million dollar contract proves that he wasn't considered a "short-term, stop gap" solution by the organization. He was a complete bust and didn't even turn out to be the latter. However, that is irrelevant to what he was considered to be.

I get it very well. You really have no argument.


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Diverging from the A-List, B-List argument, I am intrigued by the story of Columbo. The Dallas media have been mostly silent on this guy. We picked him up in the middle of last season even while we were desperately hurting for people because Parcells thought he had a real chance to be something if he could come back from the injury. Since then we have heard little to nothing. I'm guessing our media types (informed as they are) have decided that such a long shot is not worth investigating.

I, like the orginal poster in this thread, would like to know if he is showing any improvement in this efforts as part of the offseason program.