Comics and Movies

I was never a big fan of FF, I don't dislike them, just never read many FF comics, but I really like Galactus, Dr. Doom and Silver Surfer. The only time I really ever read any FF comics was due to one of those three....... :laugh:
LOVED Fantastic Four. There was story, in an Annual issue I believe, where Victor had beaten and captured Sue, Johnny and Ben. He and Reed went toe-to-toe, mano o mano, for about HALF that issue. The artwork alone was outstanding.

I mention that in part because the CGI for Dr. Richard's on screen stretching abilities has been very subpar up to now. I did like the little that what I saw in Dr. Strange and the Multiverse of Madness but believe the technology exists to do much better.

Pixar has produced the best visuals in this area with Elastigirl in The Incredibles 2. The sequel is the better example than the original because the movie centers around the character and shows EVERYTHING she is capable of.

I am not certain how well computer animation technology can be mimicked as live action computer animation imagery but it MUST be accomplished. Whoever plays Dr. Reed Richards of the Marvel Cinematic Universe deserves it.
I was never a big fan of FF, I don't dislike them, just never read many FF comics, but I really like Galactus, Dr. Doom and Silver Surfer. The only time I really ever read any FF comics was due to one of those three....... :laugh:
I never liked them all that much except when it involved Doom, Galactus, or Silver Surfer. Fantastic Four issue 250 was really good though. I liked that one a lot as a kid. Started off with Spider-man finding a weird, fleshy warm tube stretched over many buildings.
FF is a book I enjoyed more as an adult than a kid. I like the family stuff. So much better than Avengers and the superficial team junk that honestly, I can't ever look at the same after Watchmen, The Boys and others and their satires on spandex crews.

FF is great because of Reed Richards and the many directions you can take it. Give it to authors like Mark Millar and Hickman with big imaginations and it becomes an epic story.

Probably only villain line-up too that comes close to Spider-Man or Batman, whom I consider the gold standard.
Looks like Dr. Doom is the most popular, and probably most logical, choice as the next big baddie for the MCU, at least according to all the buzz and rumors on the good 'ol intrawebs. I've seen a few names thrown around so far, including Cillian Murphy, Ralph Fiennes, Jason Clark and Mads Mikkelsen. I really like the idea of Mads, he just has this sinister aura that would fit the Dr. Doom character, Murphy wouldn't be a bad second choice.

Another name has emerged as a possibility and supposedly and had a recent meeting with Kevin Feige, Ryan Gosling..... All I have to say about that is....

Of course, it could be about another character, there has been speculation of casting him for Ghost Rider. I can see Gosling as Johnny Blaze, but as Victor Von Doom? That might crush whatever faith I still have in the MCU...... :(
Looks like Dr. Doom is the most popular, and probably most logical, choice as the next big baddie for the MCU, at least according to all the buzz and rumors on the good 'ol intrawebs. I've seen a few names thrown around so far, including Cillian Murphy, Ralph Fiennes, Jason Clark and Mads Mikkelsen. I really like the idea of Mads, he just has this sinister aura that would fit the Dr. Doom character, Murphy wouldn't be a bad second choice.

Another name has emerged as a possibility and supposedly and had a recent meeting with Kevin Feige, Ryan Gosling..... All I have to say about that is....

Of course, it could be about another character, there has been speculation of casting him for Ghost Rider. I can see Gosling as Johnny Blaze, but as Victor Von Doom? That might crush whatever faith I still have in the MCU...... :(
What is the freaking fascination with Ryan Gosling??? Ken doll? Sure. Victor Von Doom? Give me a break. :rolleyes: I would not mind seeing Gosling's head on fire but not as The Rider.
Give us someone with a real Romanian/Serbian/Hungarian type accent for Doctor Doom....even some unknown. He has to be charismatic, imposing, and egotistical. After all, that's where fictional Latveria is situated, between those three.

Maybe someone like a younger Mads Mikkelsen (but with a slightly different accent.)

Don't give him the Batman vs Superman Lex treatment!

Give us someone with a real Romanian/Serbian/Hungarian type accent for Doctor Doom....even some unknown. He has to be charismatic, imposing, and egotistical. After all, that's where fictional Latveria is situated, between those three.

Maybe someone like a younger Mads Mikkelsen (but with a slightly different accent.)

Don't give him the Batman vs Superman Lex treatment!

A younger Rutger Hauer would have been good.
Give us someone with a real Romanian/Serbian/Hungarian type accent for Doctor Doom....even some unknown. He has to be charismatic, imposing, and egotistical. After all, that's where fictional Latveria is situated, between those three.

Maybe someone like a younger Mads Mikkelsen (but with a slightly different accent.)

Don't give him the Batman vs Superman Lex treatment!

I agree. Especially considering he would be in a mask. Pedro Pascal did it pretty darn well in Mandalorian, maybe they should look that direction for some tips.

Do the Superman: The Movie strategy - any Marlon Brandos left in the acting world?
What is the freaking fascination with Ryan Gosling??? Ken doll? Sure. Victor Von Doom? Give me a break. :rolleyes: I would not mind seeing Gosling's head on fire but not as The Rider.
So long as it's Not Ryan Reynolds ...again.

Reynolds has portrayed 3 different superheroes in 5 different movies ...
- Deadpool (three times)
- Green Lantern
- Hannibal King (Blade Trinity)
Confirmed Superman Legacy cast:

The ones that stand out to me are Marvelous Ms. Masel’s lead as Lois Lane, Anthony Carrigan from Barry as Metamorpho and Nathan Fillion from Serenity as Guy Gardner.

I can easily see all three of those doing a great job in the role based on what I’ve seen them in, and knowing the character.

The two casting choices that I’m not sold on are Superman and Lex Luthor, I’ll wait until the trailer. The rest of them, I don’t know the actor,actress and/or character.

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