Commanders apologize for Portis' remarks on dog fighting; Samuels says he was wrong

Bob Sacamano;1507888 said:
that's the point most of us are trying to drive home here

dog-fighting serves no purpose whatsoever other than the personal gain of a few individuals, again, this phrase pertains to this argument more than anything:

the end justifies the means

No way. That is completely not true. Kant > that

and quite frankly, I don't see what end dog-fighting is accomplishing other than the torture, maiming and ultimately the death of innocent animals

I guess Fuzzy doesn't think African-American's deserve reparations, or at least an apology, for being slaved, tortured and murdered because they had no rights back in the day:bang2:

In before thread lock.
Bob Sacamano;1507896 said:

honest observation there, since according to Fuzzy, anything w/o rights deserves inhumane treatment

and that's the ironic part - we have no rights except for what we take and "make" for ourselves as a society.

stronger society comes along, they can take 'em away and then what?
Bob Sacamano;1507896 said:

The end does not justify the means. Stating Kant was not a good way to put it, since it wasn't really applicable (he stated that people were an end and should never be used as a means to reach an end), but I still don't find that a good moral code in any situation.

honest observation there, since according to Fuzzy, anything w/o rights deserves inhumane treatment
I was commenting on the reparations portion of that. Your asking for this thread to turn political, because there are a lot of people who don't agree with reparations, not just Fuzzy.
iceberg;1507910 said:
and that's the ironic part - we have no rights except for what we take and "make" for ourselves as a society.

stronger society comes along, they can take 'em away and then what?

That's the debate between whether there are natural rights or not. Unfortunately, I have yet to see a definition of 'rights' in this thread.
Crown Royal;1507918 said:
That's the debate between whether there are natural rights or not. Unfortunately, I have yet to see a definition of 'rights' in this thread.

he may feel an animal has no "rights" but if he's stuck in the woods and a bear is hungry, he's dinner. his "rights" won't mean squat to the bear.

so if a society can carve out rights for ourself and defend them, we can extended them too - and we have to domesticated animals. if they have no rights, then we don't either.
riggo;1507228 said:
cant disagree with anything said. portis' cavalier, 'dont bother the man' attitude makes me want to vomit. i've grown to like the guy over the past couple of years, but, at the moment, he looks like a stooge.

That's pretty much my take on it too, Riggo... while some of our posters mocked those press conferences that Clinton gave in outlandish costumes, I found them quite funny... I always thought he was a good-natured goof...

But I've lost almost all the respect I had for him after those braindead comments... at least when Chris Samuels apologized for that lapse in judgement, he did so sincerely, believably...

i see someone found some comments at ES on the matter. i'm shocked there hasnt been more said about that. i've always said i call it like i see it, whether its the skins or their fans doing dumb things, or the boys. nothing bugs me more than a blind homer sticking up for imbeciles just cuz he wears your teams colors. i'm absolutely embarrassed by some of the things that have been said in defense of portis and about dog fighting in general. (i should add that its a very small minority doing the defending, thankfully)

From what I've seen of those threads, that's on the money... the vast majority of Skins fans are rather nauseated by what he said, too...

So it would seem that your boys and ours can agree on at least one thing-- we don't care much for animal cruelty...

hopefully i'll look back on this in a few weeks and not feel that way. but i doubt it.

Hey, it could be worse, as a Cowboys fan since the day they were created, I've had to suffer through a coupla sexual deviants wearing the uniform of my favorite team... it ain't like you or the team are responsible for Portis being a moron...
Crown Royal;1507918 said:
That's the debate between whether there are natural rights or not. Unfortunately, I have yet to see a definition of 'rights' in this thread.
I took classical political philosophy and modern political philosophy and I have no idea what a right is, though I probably thought I did before I took either class.

It's probably best if everyone just looked at the size of those jugs. Yes, those jugs.
AmishGangsta;1507295 said:
I agree with you, I'm trying to look at this as a person and not a Commanders fan.

It was embarrassing for the Commanders, whether you agree with dog fighting or not (that's a different issue - that I don't want to get into), it's just stupid for Portis to act like such a complete moron for no apparent reason.

He's supposed to be a leader on the team,

AG, I knew that was a farce when they interviewed Sean Taylor about not taking part in the offseason program (I think it was last year, it might have been the year before), and he said that he'd talked to Clinton about the workouts, and ol' CP allegedly told him "man, we ain't did nothin'"...

Some "team leader", blowing off the importance of the off-season workouts designed in part to build team unity...

I like how Samuels came out and said they were joking and apologized

Yeah, Chris did it the right way... I got the feeling that he was genuinely sorry for coming off that way, as opposed to just apologizing in an attempt at damage control... then again, I never thought he was doing anything other than laughing at Clinton for being so stupid as to say what he did...
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FuzzyLumpkins;1507453 said:
i like veal for example so i in good consciousness cannot say Vick is bad for dogfighting if he indeed actually actively participated.

The "logic" of that argument escapes me... apparently you're incapable of grasping the subtlety of DEGREES of wrong...

Yes, what they do to put that veal on your table is wrong, but it's not being done for RECREATION, for AMUSEMENT... we have to eat, and man has long been a carnivore... we do NOT have to stand around betting money and cheering while two dogs rip each other to shreds... we do NOT then eat those dogs...

Perhaps if people were paying to watch while cattle are butchered, the two situations might be analagous, but until then, your argument is illogical...
theogt;1507938 said:
I took classical political philosophy and modern political philosophy and I have no idea what a right is, though I probably thought I did before I took either class.

It's probably best if everyone just looked at the size of those jugs. Yes, those jugs.

Yeah........those :D

do you have the full pic? ;)
LowTech;1507951 said:
Yeah........those :D

do you have the full pic? ;)
Sorry, no. But if you google "jugs" I'm sure you can find a few more.
FuzzyLumpkins;1507522 said:
A friend of mine found a dead cat. Now keep in mind the dude os kinda weird but anyway. he took the dead cat and wrapped in a towel and went to the local chinese restaurant. this was right after that story came out that some chinese restaurant in Cali had been serving rat.

Anyway he walks up to the counter slams the cat on it and lets the towel fall open and screams, "This is the last damn one youre getting out of me and i dont want any more of your <expletive> money." He leaves and so did the rest of the diners.

I would have paid to be there when that happened...

"Fluffy!!! My God, you KILLED Fluffy!!!" :D
1fisher;1507526 said:
the fight goes on......

Kill the beaver.... save the trees!!!!

Save the trees....... kill the beavers!!!!!

Which side are you on??:laugh2:

Oh, that's easy-- I'm all about the beavers... :D
jackrussell;1507544 said:
It is illegal in every state. Welcome to 2007.

And since you've equated it with laws that are unfounded jokes....well, I'd say welcome to my ignore user list...but for some reason...mine is labled as Ignore Scum of the Earth User list.

Hey, you gotta use what you have, right?

Just saw the "Beware of the Jack Attack" you appended to the DVS sig... VERY nice touch... LOL...
theogt;1507954 said:
Sorry, no. But if you google "jugs" I'm sure you can find a few more.

theogt;1507943 said:
<------------- CLICK ON THIS BUTTON WHEN POSTING!!!!! It's magical.

theogt;1507961 said:
<-------------THIS BUTTON IS STILL HERE WAITING TO BE PUSHED!!!! you feel better now? :D
MichaelWinicki;1507704 said:

Portis has joined Vick on my POS list.

I wish you'd stop adding people to that list, it's gettin' crowded in here... :D
fortdick;1507774 said:
So, beastiality is ok?

Hey, tread carefully there, I've dated a few beasts in my time... OK, they were two-legged, but they were most assuredly beasts...

Gawd, I'm glad I don't drink any more... :D

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