Commanders apologize for Portis' remarks on dog fighting; Samuels says he was wrong

iceberg;1507601 said:
and many would tell you their dog/pets are NOT property but family.

they can be bought, sold, given away - but so can kids. adoption for example - ain't cheap. isn't that "buying" a human?

i'm out dude. you wanna think animals have no rights fine - i'll think what i think of you and move on. arguing is pointless cause no one is going to change their mind in here.

Judge away.

You have your view because of an emotional attachment. However if an animal truly had rights i could codemn you if you decided to euthanise it for any reason. If the dog tried to get out of the yard and you prevented it you are limiting its freedom.

At best you can say a dogs right to life and liberty is limited and i choose to be consistent.
Hostile;1507608 said:
Ah, Lord of the Flies. ;)

This very easily could go into a political discussion and Im not going that way out of respect for the mods and this board.
FuzzyLumpkins;1507612 said:
This very easily could go into a political discussion and Im not going that way out of respect for the mods and this board.
See the ;) ?

I was kidding.
I have a hard time myself with the concept of animal "rights". That all too often gets twisted by fanatics like PETA.
BUT I think that anyone that knowingly abuses animals and gets enjoyment out of it- dog fighting, cock fighting, whatever; is a lower form of human.
Maybe a step above a drug dealer; not much above a pedophile. And someone I hope roasts merrily in the afterlife.
Vintage;1507535 said:
That only applies if you put pickle relish on the hot dog.

Fortunately, I don't.

I counter it with either cheese/chili or cheese/ketchup.


Ah - the timeless art of seduction. It's good to combine food and......buns.
Hostile;1507617 said:
See the ;) ?

I was kidding.

I know brah. But it did go right to the core of something that I feel very deeply about.

In actuality i really have appreciated this discussion. i seemed to have upset some people and for that i apologize but over the last few months i have begun to attempt to flesh out my philosophy. Ive used this thread as an exercise to do jsut that.

it does sadden me that some have decided that i am some sort of monster because of my view but one thing that is important to me is to be consistent in my beliefs.

While i would never actively participate or facilitate dogfighting, in order for me to be consistent i cannot condemn those that do. If that offends people then i apologize.
FuzzyLumpkins;1507598 said:
How is it preposterous? And dont quote dooms.

:rolleyes: no problem

under the law, certain animals have rights, and torturing them is in violation of that right
FuzzyLumpkins;1507636 said:
While i would never actively participate or facilitate dogfighting, in order for me to be consistent i cannot condemn those that do. If that offends people then i apologize.

it's fine to stick up for what you believe in, but to try and brand the rest of us who don't see it your way as hypocrites isn't the best way to go about it, cuz you get it thrown right back in your face
FuzzyLumpkins;1507636 said:
I know brah. But it did go right to the core of something that I feel very deeply about.

In actuality i really have appreciated this discussion. i seemed to have upset some people and for that i apologize but over the last few months i have begun to attempt to flesh out my philosophy. Ive used this thread as an exercise to do jsut that.

it does sadden me that some have decided that i am some sort of monster because of my view but one thing that is important to me is to be consistent in my beliefs.

While i would never actively participate or facilitate dogfighting, in order for me to be consistent i cannot condemn those that do. If that offends people then i apologize.
IMO Fuzzy, no one can avoid being hypocritical to some degree. It can't be done. We're all hypocrites to some degree or other. Most of the time it is probably minor things like telling our kids not to cuss while we ourselves cuss.

Am I saying you shouldn't have that as a goal? No, but be realistic about it.

In other words, don't put such a high value on "consistency" if it means you also have to lose touch with reality. That is a step backwards not forwards if you know what I mean.

Golding was a bright man. ;)
Bob Sacamano;1507668 said:
it's fine to stick up for what you believe in, but to try and brand the rest of us who don't see it your way as hypocrites isn't the best way to go about it, cuz you get it thrown right back in your face

Certainly not by you.
Hostile;1507673 said:
IMO Fuzzy, no one can avoid being hypocritical to some degree. It can't be done. We're all hypocrites to some degree or other. Most of the time it is probably minor things like telling our kids not to cuss while we ourselves cuss.

Am I saying you shouldn't have that as a goal? No, but be realistic about it.

In other words, don't put such a high value on "consistency" if it means you also have to lose touch with reality. That is a step backwards not forwards if you know what I mean.

Golding was a bright man. ;)

I can understand that but to me killing and torturing is killing and torturing. Golding had more to do with rationalizing phenomenon and this is different.

I could very well eat vegitarian, not wear leather or eat veal but as long as I choose not to I am facilitating the torture and killing of animals. it might be convenient for me to pick and choose but i cannot do that and truly believe that it is right
FuzzyLumpkins;1507678 said:
I can understand that but to me killing and torturing is killing and torturing. Golding had more to do with rationalizing phenomenon and this is different.

I could very well eat vegitarian, not wear leather or eat veal but as long as I choose not to I am facilitating the torture and killing of animals. it might be convenient for me to pick and choose but i cannot do that and truly believe that it is right

I thought you wanted to be "consistant"!

So, you do eat meat, fish, wear leather? Or not?

How about some McDog Burgers?

FuzzyLumpkins;1507694 said:
Hey 5Stars your still on ignore buddy so youre wasting your breath.

Why am I on ignore? Because you cannot hang with me?

It's cool to just look the other way when something does not please you...just act like it's not there, huh?

I couldn't care less if I'm on least the other posters know what my stance is!

If you are so much of a coward running to the corner so that you cannot see mean 5Stars...that tells me alot about why you think the way you do!

You cannot handle the REAL live in your little own "consistant dream world"...

At least I'm your buddy...that you are afraid to talk too!


Chicken !! Squawk, squawk...
Bob Sacamano;1506654 said:
I thought Portis was stupid before, but his recent actions just magnify my thinking towards that angle

how can anyone be that dumb, that soon?


Portis has joined Vick on my POS list.
iceberg;1507702 said:
some guys have all the luck.

Carefull Iceberg...

If you overpower him with your will end up on his "little ignore" list!

That's what cowards do...they cannot handle the pressure...they bury their little heads in the sand...


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