Comparing Zeke to HOF RBs


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They do have him as 2nd Team All Pro. They have a little All Pro Team table. for each player.

In their All Pro Monitor, they don't tally 2nd Team All Pro, just 1st Team.

Let's say 2nd best in the league one year, never in the top 2 again, a few other pro bowls. Never led the league in rushing yards, was only 3rd in 2006, never in the top 5 again. Never led the league in any stats.

Tony made 2nd team All Pro in 2014, top in the league for passer rating and QBR, and top 5 5 times and 4 times respectively. But for longevity, Tony was just a better player. And he's even a much bigger part of the NFL's story than Gore.

HOF should be about players who are in the discussion of elite players for a few years. Maybe you could give Gore 2 years, and that's generous. He's been a quality grinder for a long time. That shouldn't get you into the HOF.

I say Gore eventually gets in (not that I care)
you say he won’t




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Your definition of the word "style" is poor.

Attacking the LOS.

Zeke is excellent at all the things you listed if he gets his act together. I have no idea if he will.

Last year was some timid, some attacking. And even the attacking didn't seem as aggressive as simply playing downhill, which I appreciate, but it didn't show excellence as much as will.

Even playing with will, Zeke is close to Frank Gore territory before Gore fell off a cliff - a very good grinder. He's an increasingly a poor fit for an offense that *should* be more wide open with what we've got at WR, McCarthy, and Moore.

We *need* that jet sweep guy on the field if we want to attack the edges. Zeke hasn't shown he has that anymore, and often simply takes it inside rather than try to take the edge and fail.

He's increasingly given me the feel of Dez after 2014. Lots of "here it comes now ... oh I guess not." The big plays I anticipate just don't quite happen, and I'm not anticipating them so much anymore.


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Your definition of the word "style" is poor.

Attacking the LOS.

Zeke is excellent at all the things you listed if he gets his act together. I have no idea if he will.
Actually no he isn’t and if any of you actually took the time to click on the links I provide and read the articles which are based on REAL stats then you would know that. How many times do I really need to post these?


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I say Gore eventually gets in (not that I care)
you say he won’t


Gore will easily get in (these people who are saying he's not hall of fame have zero idea what there talking about).

7 of the top 8 RBs in yards made hall of fame 1st attempt/ballot and the one who didn't make first ballot only waited 4 years . Gore is 3rd all time and literally just made the all decade team in April......... (Yeah the committee is 100% going to keep an all-decade team 3rd all time yardage RB out of Canton :facepalm:)

People complain that he wasn't flashy. Not being flashy doesn't mean he isn't hall of fame, it means he might have to wait 3 years to get in tops.......


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Like I said, you can live in whatever fantasy world you want to live in... get one of your great grandkids to pull up the numbers for you. He had arguably the greatest 5 year run for an RB ever, and then wasn't good after that. It's getting close to 5 PM so off to bed with you, Boomer.

Gee if only all of the analysts and football experts and historians agreed with you then you would have a valid point, but NONE OF THEM DO. All you have is name calling and suggesting that the majority of yards he gained after turning 26 demonstrates he wasn't very good during those years. So you take your insane idea and be happy with it knowing that you;re the only one that thinks that.


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Just to clear it up for future reference, whenever I say something that may be perceived as bad against zeke because it’s most likely true and some people can’t handle the truth...I’m not joking. I don’t want there to ever be any confusion about that.

If you think that because you're saying that if you say something in the future and that only you know the truth and nobody can question you, well guess what, it will happen.


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Actually no he isn’t and if any of you actually took the time to click on the links I provide and read the articles which are based on REAL stats then you would know that. How many times do I really need to post these?
Yes, he is. But, only if he gets in shape. (Read that last sentence 100 times!!!)

As you said, how many times to I need to post that? Zeke is a monster if you can keep him in shape. That's actually blatantly obvious w/ the slightest of evaluations. However, your bias is keeping you from seeing it. You're convinced he sucks, so no matter what you're going to see him as sucking.

As Beware said, Zeke at times was a beast and attacked the LOS. And all too often he didn't. He is capable, but not if he's fat and out of shape as he was last year.


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Gore will easily get in (these people who are saying he's not hall of fame have zero idea what there talking about).

7 of the top 8 RBs in yards made hall of fame 1st attempt/ballot and the one who didn't make first ballot only waited 4 years . Gore is 3rd all time and literally just made the all decade team in April......... (Yeah the committee is 100% going to keep an all-decade team 3rd all time yardage RB out of Canton :facepalm:)

People complain that he wasn't flashy. Not being flashy doesn't mean he isn't hall of fame, it means he might have to wait 3 years to get in tops.......
It's shocking how many people don't realize how good Gore is.


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Zeke has all world talent. The guy can do it all. That said he needs to not take himself out of the game in big moments and get in shape this season. He is a HOFer physically. Mentally he is JV. I hope he matures and becomes one of the greats.


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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
You just proved you don't know me, but if you want to sling names around that's OK Sally.
Sally!!! Lol!!! Sally is actually used for Italian men! Eve is all woman! Thanks for proving my point. Nancy....


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Sally!!! Lol!!! Sally is actually used for Italian men! Eve is all woman! Thanks for proving my point. Nancy....

When or IF you ever grow up then I will discuss things with you, but until then you're just a childish user that their whole regiment of replies is calling others names.


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If you think that because you're saying that if you say something in the future and that only you know the truth and nobody can question you, well guess what, it will happen.
That’s not why I’m saying it, I’m saying it because I want to say it and if you think I’m saying it just because I said then what you’re saying is wrong. Would you like me to say it again? I don’t say things just to say them, I say them because I want to say them and to prove the misconceptions of zeke that people keep repeating with nothing to back it up.

I’ll say it again if you want me to say it.


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That’s not why I’m saying it, I’m saying it because I want to say it and if you think I’m saying it just because I said then what you’re saying is wrong. Would you like me to say it again? I don’t say things just to say them, I say them because I want to say them and to prove the misconceptions of zeke that people keep repeating with nothing to back it up.

I’ll say it again if you want me to say it.

I see you're claiming to be the be all expert that knows everything and your OPINIONS can't be challenged. You should of let us all know when you were designated the know all never wrong ultimate expert. I'm sure there was some kind of ceremony where a crown was placed on your head and scores of dignitaries and celebrities were there all praising you and shouting your name.


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Yes, he is. But, only if he gets in shape. (Read that last sentence 100 times!!!)

As you said, how many times to I need to post that? Zeke is a monster if you can keep him in shape. That's actually blatantly obvious w/ the slightest of evaluations. However, your bias is keeping you from seeing it. You're convinced he sucks, so no matter what you're going to see him as sucking.

As Beware said, Zeke at times was a beast and attacked the LOS. And all too often he didn't. He is capable, but not if he's fat and out of shape as he was last year.
Do you have any stats to back this up or am I supposed to take your word for it? Let’s play a game, I’ll ask a question to myself and answer it, I just want you to pay attention.

Just to get this out of the way so no one can claim he always faces more stacked boxes than everyone else.

How many RB’s faced 8 man boxes more than Zeke last year?
Answer: 26 That would be TWENTY SIX (he faced them almost 1/3rd more his rookie year)

Where was the ewok ranked for broken tackles last year?
Answer: 28th That’s TWENTY EIGHTH

Where did ezekiel rank for yards after contact last year?
Answer: 20th (4th his rookie year)

Where did zeke rank for break away run rate last year?
Answer: 39th

Where was zeke ranked for elusiveness last year?
Answer: 22nd

How many 20+ yard runs did zeke have last year?
Answer: 4 (16 his rookie year)

Now please tell me how you can support your claim that he is good at everything I mentioned which included elusiveness, broken tackles, yards after contact and short yard situations which I’ve already posted the link for about 3 times in this thread that shows he’s not even top 10 in most short yard situations?

I understand you said not last year but his numbers have been consistently trending down since his rookie year, as do most RB’s which is why you don’t give them fat contracts, so logically we should use last year as the current measuring stick. He could possibly get better but every year he’s become worse and there’s little reason to think that even if he does improve that it will be that much better than last year which was below average in almost every case. He also faced less stacked boxes last year then anytime in his career.

Mind you, that was with the SECOND best run blocking line in the league. It would be hilarious and eye opening for some of you to see how good he really is playing behind O lines the likes of the Jets, Giants, Steelers, even mediocre Philthy or the Rams. Dollars to donuts that guy would pout like the little baby he is, and possibly even quit like he did in Denver, if he had to run behind those lines.


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Gee if only all of the analysts and football experts and historians agreed with you then you would have a valid point, but NONE OF THEM DO. All you have is name calling and suggesting that the majority of yards he gained after turning 26 demonstrates he wasn't very good during those years. So you take your insane idea and be happy with it knowing that you;re the only one that thinks that.
LOL, you’re one of the biggest know nothing trolls on the board who is constantly laughed at, imagine thinking you were right about something. You’re beneath even giving a proper explanation to, you’re so clueless about football. Cling to all of those rushing yards at 3 yards per carry like the troll you are. People are still going to keep laughing at you.


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I see you're claiming to be the be all expert that knows everything and your OPINIONS can't be challenged. You should of let us all know when you were designated the know all never wrong ultimate expert. I'm sure there was some kind of ceremony where a crown was placed on your head and scores of dignitaries and celebrities were there all praising you and shouting your name.
. mean the opinions that I supported with FACTS backed up by STATISTICS like what I posted above? I keep hearing how great zeke is at so many things yet no one can provide any stats other then “he had the most yards” whereas I have posted different links and several different stats that back up my claims, that is not opinion, why do you continue to ignore these?

Funny you bring up that I should place a crown on my head because I think I’m so special, that would be a real dbag thing to do, wouldn’t it? Seriously, how big of an egotistical jerk do you have to be to crown yourself? Now THIS is just my opinion, can we at least just agree that only a dbag would crown themselves?


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LOL, you’re one of the biggest know nothing trolls on the board who is constantly laughed at, imagine thinking you were right about something. You’re beneath even giving a proper explanation to, you’re so clueless about football. Cling to all of those rushing yards at 3 yards per carry like the troll you are. People are still going to keep laughing at you.

Gee attacking me really supports your case that only you believe. Attacking me doesn't disprove that none of the Sportswriter, NFL experts or NFL historians have come out and said that Emmitt wasn't any good after turning 26 years old and gaining more than half of the total yards he had to become the NFL all time leading rusher. It's only you that feels that Emmitt was nothing after turning 26 and attacking me doesn't change that.


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Gee attacking me really supports your case that only you believe. Attacking me doesn't disprove that none of the Sportswriter, NFL experts or NFL historians have come out and said that Emmitt wasn't any good after turning 26 years old and gaining more than half of the total yards he had to become the NFL all time leading rusher. It's only you that feels that Emmitt was nothing after turning 26 and attacking me doesn't change that.
Boy you’re going to keep rolling with that logical fallacy aren’t you, troll? Do you even know what a logical fallacy is, did they teach that in school in the 1930s? Why don’t you point me to just one of the legion of sportswriters who think that Emmitt was so amazing after 1996... we can deal with the logical fallacy later.


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3,327 mean the opinions that I supported with FACTS backed up by STATISTICS like what I posted above? I keep hearing how great zeke is at so many things yet no one can provide any stats other then “he had the most yards” whereas I have posted different links and several different stats that back up my claims, that is not opinion, why do you continue to ignore these?

Funny you bring up that I should place a crown on my head because I think I’m so special, that would be a real dbag thing to do, wouldn’t it? Seriously, how big of an egotistical jerk do you have to be to crown yourself? Now THIS is just my opinion, can we at least just agree that only a dbag would crown themselves?

You still have a reading and/or comprehension problem. I didn't say you crowned yourself, I was poking fun at you because you think that you are never wrong so I said there was a big ceremony where the Ultimate NFL expert crowned you as the now know all never wrong ultimate expert with scores of dignitaries and celebrities to cheer your name as a crown was placed on your head