Twitter: Competition Committee says Dez caught it **merged**

No, he was wrong for several reasons, including that the initial ruling on the field was that it was a catch.
So you are saying it wasn't a catch? Even thought the competition committee is saying it was?
Im suprised the usual suspencts havent ran to this thread to post and the NFL is rubbing it in the Cowboys face having Mara announce it and laugh at the Cowboys.
You just wont give up will you? This says in plain English Dez caught it. They are reviewing the rule at the time and then discussing change. Not saying Dez catch would have stood with new rule. They haven't even announced a change to the rule.
Read for understanding? I am so happy you said that. "Should have been ruled complete" Should have indicates a past tense pretty much telling you and everyone else here that said he didn't catch it, that you are wrong. Past tense infers they are speaking about the RULE AT THE TIME

Do you not know how the media works? Is there a direct quote from Mara or anyone else, or is this some reporter's summary to rile up emotional fans who only react without investigating?

One more time, in plain, rational English. The competition committee is currently reviewing the rule. If they are indeed leaning towards revising the rule to take away the going to the ground requirements, then those controversial catches would be catches under any revised rule that would take away the going to the ground requirement. The reporter here is obviously playing on the uninformed outrage from fans who think all those plays should have been catches but were not under the rules at the time. Do you understand this now?
This is simply more indication the NFL is being run like a banana republic. What purpose did making this decision public achieve? They set the rules. And three years later they decide to make this announcement, which contradicts their own rules from before.

There was a time, and not too far in the past, that I thought this league would dominate sports for a very long time. I am beginning to believe this league with its petty jealousy's and actually offering a contract to a despot who has the ultimate power over the league with impunity is the beginning of the end for the NFL.

Then toss in the political aspect of the league trying to be PC about everything when this was one place you were certain stayed neutral on everything politically correct.

Now this ruling against Jones, which to my way of thinking is spurred by Mara and the ***-hats in Pittsburgh is another indication the league is crumbling from within.

There will be a point when the NFL is irrelevant. That may be sooner than anyone here believes.
No, he was wrong for several reasons, including that the initial ruling on the field was that it was a catch.

Well if the official on the field was obscured by seeing the ball actually hit the ground, then I understand why he called it a catch on the field. The ball hitting the ground was revealed on the reverse angle which was directly opposite to that official. Replay is there to make sure the call is right and that's what happened in this case.
Do you not know how the media works? Is there a direct quote from Mara or anyone else, or is this some reporter's summary to rile up emotional fans who only react without investigating?

One more time, in plain, rational English. The competition committee is currently reviewing the rule. If they are indeed leaning towards revising the rule to take away the going to the ground requirements, then those controversial catches would be catches under any revised rule that would take away the going to the ground requirement. The reporter here is obviously playing on the uninformed outrage from fans who think all those plays should have been catches but were not under the rules at the time. Do you understand this now?

I agree with your summation. But man are you going to get lit up for saying it. Good luck with that.
None of this would even matter if Dez wrapped the ball up. Period.
I agree with your summation. But man are you going to get lit up for saying it. Good luck with that.

Lol. It's okay. I actually enjoy meeting emotion with rational thought just to see what happens.
lol, he snatched the ball out of the air, took 3 steps and lunged for the goal line. It was a catch and should have been ruled as such, period.
Too bad it was even a discussion because he lost control, period.
Do you not know how the media works? Is there a direct quote from Mara or anyone else, or is this some reporter's summary to rile up emotional fans who only react without investigating?

One more time, in plain, rational English. The competition committee is currently reviewing the rule. If they are indeed leaning towards revising the rule to take away the going to the ground requirements, then those controversial catches would be catches under any revised rule that would take away the going to the ground requirement. The reporter here is obviously playing on the uninformed outrage from fans who think all those plays should have been catches but were not under the rules at the time. Do you understand this now?
I understand you will do anything you possibly can not to admit you are wrong. That much is clear.
  1. I hope they get it right, so when they publish the definition of a catch, I'll be interested.
  2. Everything else is ancient history....
Geez, how do you guys not get tired of just rinse wash repeat? I mean, this is just pathetic.
It was a catch all along, the NFL's unwritten intent was wrong, the NFL's written rule in 2014 was inadequate to take the catch away.

The truth is nice to hear from the NFL.

Not surprised in the least, hopefully the rewritten rule clearly establishes 2 feet and possession, which everyone understands. Describing nuances detracts from the main thing-- it was an acrobatic catch. The debacle of Blandino years will finally be overruled and overwritten. FINALLY!!

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