Twitter: Competition Committee says Dez caught it **merged**

Jeez guys, yall are getting a little worked up over this with all the name calling and back and forth.

I will say was not the last play of the dam game, there was still over 4 min on the clock and all Green Bay would have needed is a TD to win.


In what world does our defense stop Rogers from driving the field and scoring with 4 min left, seriously guys, we would have lost either way.

If Rodgers does that we may still have time for what would have been Romo’s 29th 4th quarter come back
So the brace and lunge were the things that made this a catch in 8.12?

Yes, since no other acts are shown to have occurred prior. Or rather they signified that the time element had been satisfied.
So it was the lunge that did it in 8.12. Lunge was the only thing listed in 15.95. When do you think the catch process was completed in that case play? Before or after the lunge?

The instance the lunge begins the process is complete as the time requirement has been met. The lunge indicates this is so.
Time enough to do the act of a lunge...which has been said by me over and over and over and over and over. Time enough to take a step, time enough to avoid a defender, time enough to turn up field, spin, hurdle, tuck the ball, or even reach all work as well because they are all acts common to the game performed by a runner.

Then how was "time enough" judged? Because you said the receiver was a runner BEFORE they lunged. That would make the lunge unnecessary.
Yes, since no other acts are shown to have occurred prior. Or rather they signified that the time element had been satisfied.
The instance the lunge begins the process is complete as the time requirement has been met. The lunge indicates this is so.

Right, I agree. So I think we have our magic lunge. Someone else disagrees I think.
The instance the lunge begins the process is complete as the time requirement has been met. The lunge indicates this is so.
This is just his weak attempt to claim that a lunge is the only thing that ends Item 1, it is laughable. Based on his theory, the case book would look like the NY city phone book, yet he is supposedly the one supplying logic and common sense to the discussion...:thumbup:
Then how was "time enough" judged? Because you said the receiver was a runner BEFORE they lunged. That would make the lunge unnecessary.
How about instead of focusing on before, which I already said was a bad way to explain it, focus on the fact that I am correct that any act common to the game or the time to perform it ends Item 1, which is exactly what the case play and rules say.
How about instead of focusing on before, which I already said was a bad way to explain it, focus on the fact that I am correct that any act common to the game or the time to perform it ends Item 1, which is exactly what the case play and rules say.

I don't know about a bad way to explain it. It's more like a WRONG way to explain it, which is why I had to correct you as I said.

You can't become a runner fulfilling the time element BEFORE the act that proves you had "time enough" to meet that time element. So it's the lunge that proved "time enough."
LOL, what you have is an act common to the game happening, and the rules say any act not just a lunge.

Then why didn't the multiple "any acts" that occurred in 8.12 get that receiver out of going to the ground? The lunge sure did.
Oh, brother. Do you expect a case play for every possible scenario? Logic and common sense my butt. Yeah, a lunge was so important to going to the ground that it never appeared in the rule book. It was simply an example of one possible football act, not the only football act. I really love how you keep saying you corrected me, when all you did was completely misinterpret the rules and case plays.

Still waiting on your rule citation saying that a lunge is the only act to end Item 1, and FYI case plays are not rules. You need rule, section, article, etc. Percy and I supplied ours with 3.7.2 and 8.1.2.c. So let's see yours or shut up.

I am even willing to one-up the poll challenge, you go bye. bye for 6 months if you lose, if I lose it is a lifetime ban. Time to put up or shut up.
How about carrying a signature under user name saying "Dez caught it"..or "Dez didn't catch it" for 6 months..he might take that challenge. Besides, I would hate to miss out on his pick prediction game he runs during the regular season.

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Right, I agree. So I think we have our magic lunge. Someone else disagrees I think.

And it could be multiple other acts, it just happens to be a lunge here. Also, the effectiveness of the act is irrelevant. Once it starts we know the time requirement has been met and the catch process complete.
I still don't think it's a catch at least under the old rules. Unless they change them I don't think it will ever be called a catch. If Dez had control of the ball as he crossed the goal line that would be another thing. He neither became a runner or controlled it to the ground. He didn't cross the goal line either. I still really don't know what the debate is. It was terrible that it happened in such a crucial situation but at least on that call I didn't blame the refs.
Then why didn't the multiple "any acts" that occurred in 8.12 get that receiver out of going to the ground? The lunge sure did.
What multiple acts? You are ridiculous. The player in that case play completed control, 2 feet and then braced and lunged. That is a, b, and c and it would have been the same if braced and lunged were replaced by any act common to the game. Just as 8.1.2.c and 3.7.2 says.
And it could be multiple other acts, it just happens to be a lunge here. Also, the effectiveness of the act is irrelevant. Once it starts we know the time requirement has been met and the catch process complete.

Well, we agree on the lunge but in 8.12 I see those "multiple other acts" you mention like the "switching of hands" and "tucking" the ball into his arm. I can't believe in a leaping one arm catch you have to accept to avoid those other acts that just about all the catch theorists said Dez performed and did happen here.
What multiple acts? You are ridiculous. The player in that case play completed control, 2 feet and then braced and lunged. That is a, b, and c and it would have been the same if braced and lunged were replaced by any act common to the game. Just as 8.1.2.c and 3.7.2 says.

Already told you. "Switching hands" and ""tucking the ball." Unless you believe in a magic leaping one arm grab where the ball never moves.
Already told you. "Switching hands" and ""tucking the ball." Unless you believe in a magic leaping one arm grab where the ball never moves.
Talk about a load of crap. More assumptions on your part. It said he gained control with one foot down, how the hell do you know at what point he moved the ball to his right hand? It doesn't say in the case play. He could have done it between the time his first foot hit and he got contacted, he could have done it after contact and before the second foot came down. If he did it before he had control and two feet it isn't an act common to the game yet. All the case plays says is where the ball was when he braced, not when it got there.

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