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Bicyclists on the highway. Esp on narrow 2 lane country roads. And the idiots will not move over. Seen many wrecks caused by them, and ton of close calls.
So much worse in NYC, but yeah, they all seem to think they have the right of way in any situation.
Lottery ticket buyers. And scratch off ticket buyers. Get out of my way my beer is getting hot!
Only the ones who read the numbers off to the clerk....and the ones who stand there trying to decide which scratch off tickets to get. "Do you have the $3 Crossword?"
"Okay, well..............Never mind, let me have the $5 Win For Life...........................and ............................umm...........................a $3 Crossword."
Only the ones who read the numbers off to the clerk....and the ones who stand there trying to decide which scratch off tickets to get. "Do you have the $3 Crossword?"
"Okay, well..............Never mind, let me have the $5 Win For Life...........................and ............................umm...........................a $3 Crossword."
There's different ones?

I truly didn't know, and this coming from a gambler!!!

The lottery is a voluntary tax for people who are really bad at math.
Not sure it could be any worse than these old country roads around here in Luckenbach. Piles of 1 and 2 lane roads, also.
I really, really wish for the days of when you get off work and you were off work until the next day. Now, with cellphones and email (among other ways to communicate) I never feel like I'm off work. I constantly get emails or texts that demand my attention. I hate it.
That brand is really inconsistent. I still see Mezzetta on the shelves and use that all choppy chopped for muffaletta's.

I am a fool for pickled stuff, love it all and I do my own okra and green beans for Bloody Mary's cuz I count that as a day's full serving of veggies. Mezzetta's Castelveltrano olives are flat outrageously good. I have proclaimed them as the house olive for martini's. I even drink martinis when I don't want one to have these olives.

I have just excited myself into another thread for us to share information, Brands I Endorse. Look for that coming to a thread near you soon. I excite myself often but this thread thingy may keep my hands off myself.


Good company with a strong product line. I'd bet I've got 10 -12 different items of their's in the frig right now.
:lmao: I had 3 empty/ bad gallon jugs of milk & 4 pickle jars of juice in mine up until I'd noticed i was having slight difficulty cramming more stuff in there a week or so back:facepalm:
4 pages of blather is not indicative of anyone caring about someone else's issues. Don't confuse quantity with quality. Folks like to talk... that doesn't mean they are saying something worth listening to. :facepalm: If someone cares then the simplest thing to say to let others know is "I care". Not seeing even one incident of that here.

Just the fact that someone set this thread up means someone cares. If you've read every post, then you apparently care, and if you haven't, how do you know nobody cares?

I care.
I'm Spartacus...I mean, I care.
May I suggest....

Rest in peace stupid Susie movie character, who could have swerved off the road practically any time before ending up smeared against a half-brick wall guard rail.

Ditto to you too, idiot movie character Mitch, who watched stupid Susie get crunched but kept pedaling straight onto a freaking bridge that looks like it crosses the Grand <expletive> Canyon.
This is pissing me off so much I started a thread about it but I have been trying to enjoy the Winter Olympics and the announcers just will not shut up. It's worse than trying to watch a NFL game with one of those morons that thinks we're seeing the game for the very first time.
Complaint: The 2018 Olympic Winter Games. I'm enjoying some of the more exciting events to an extent, but I don't care that other television shows go on hiatus, it doesn't leave much of an alternative.
Hollywood Henderson won 25M in the Texas Lotto.
Come on, really? I wonder how many he bought? My brother-in-law has an uncle who hit like 80mil in CA. Dude drives his RR to Wal Mart and parks it right next to clunkers. He don't care.
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