Controversial T-Shirt Sold At Bookstore At Penn State

JBond;4656700 said:
Name one player that lost their scholarship. You can't because it did not happen. There are plenty of schools the students could attend that do not allow pedophiles the use of the facilities to molest children.

A bunch of greedy of men built a kingdom the profited handsomely from it (Joe Pa and his slimy deal to walk away comes to mind). That kingdom should be destroyed and maybe the next time they will not be so greedy. Harboring a pedophile for profit is one of the most disgusting things to ever happen in college sports.

Penn State will lose up to 65 scholarship. That is up to 65 students who are getting screwed here.
Sam I Am;4656637 said:
Wow. :facepalm:

You think these kids that had absolutely NOTHING to do with what happen deserve to be punished for what that idiot and Penn State officials did? ...but it's okay to punish them for the fact that they were hoping to get a scholarship for football that would pay for their education? (which, may I say is WAY WAY WAY overpriced in the United States compared to other countries) :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm:

Fine Penn State a billion dollars and force everyone evolved to leave/go to jail, but leave the kids out of it.

How exactly are the student body being punished by the Penn State football program receiving sanctions?
CashMan;4656708 said:
I did. You are saying, someone who outright buys a car from a company and drinks/drives, and hurts another person, you should go after the car company.

Just a side note. That is the logic used by gun control nuts.

Sorry for the diversion...

Carry on.
Trendnet;4656712 said:
How exactly are the student body being punished by the Penn State football program receiving sanctions?

See my post right above yours.
JBond;4656718 said:
Just a side note. That is the logic used by gun control nuts.

Sorry for the diversion...

Carry on.

I know this, but you know what those people, and people like this have in common? The thread would be shut down, if you discussed it.
Sam I Am;4656710 said:
Penn State will lose up to 65 scholarship. That is up to 65 students who are getting screwed here.

Name one student that lost their scholarship this year. There were no loss of scholarships this year.

In fact the NCAA made it very simple for them to transfer to a school that does not harbor pedophiles. No one year wait time.
JBond;4656718 said:
Just a side note. That is the logic used by gun control nuts.

Sorry for the diversion...

Carry on.

I likened the current situation to that. Punishing the students for what the institution and that freak did.
CashMan;4656722 said:
I know this, but you know what those people, and people like this have in common? The thread would be shut down, if you discussed it.

I expect that comment to disappear. I just could not help myself.;)
JBond;4656726 said:
Name one student that lost their scholarship this year. There were no loss of scholarships this year.

In fact the NCAA made it very simple for them to transfer to a school that does not harbor pedophiles. No one year wait time.

You still don't get it. 65 kids not receiving a scholarship is 65 kids not receiving a scholarship.

Look, even if you look at it indirectly, it still affects 65 students somewhere.

Say John McFootball was going to get a scholarship to Penn State. Due to the fact that he now cannot, he instead gets one to Ball State. Jimmy McNotThatGood who was going to get a scholarship to Ball State is now not getting one and will have to pay his own tuition to Ball State or some other school.

The point being is there are kids that are SOL because of this. Penn State can still afford scholarships, but they cannot give them out. When you attack the scholarship program, you are attacking the students directly.

Now, if the NCAA had fined the school so harshly that the school couldn't afford to allow scholarships, then that would somewhat be a different story. The NCAA attacked the scholarships and therefore up to 65 kids (somewhere) will now be paying for their own tuition to college when they could have had a scholarship.

Believe me, with the situation that Penn State is under concerning bowl games and stuff. Even if they still had all of the scholarship. Many student athletes that would have attended Penn State would now choose to go elsewhere. That would have open the door for other kids not only to get a scholarship, but to get one to a major University.
Sam I Am;4656755 said:
You still don't get it. 65 kids not receiving a scholarship is 65 kids not receiving a scholarship.

Look, even if you look at it indirectly, it still affects 65 students somewhere.

Say John McFootball was going to get a scholarship to Penn State. Due to the fact that he now cannot, he instead gets one to Ball State. Jimmy McNotThatGood who was going to get a scholarship to Ball State is now not getting one and will have to pay his own tuition to Ball State or some other school.

The point being is there are kids that are SOL because of this. Penn State can still afford scholarships, but they cannot give them out. When you attack the scholarship program, you are attacking the students directly.

Now, if the NCAA had fined the school so harshly that the school couldn't afford to allow scholarships, then that would somewhat be a different story. The NCAA attacked the scholarships and therefore up to 65 kids (somewhere) will now be paying for their own tuition to college when they could have had a scholarship.

Believe me, with the situation that Penn State is under concerning bowl games and stuff. Even if they still had all of the scholarship. Many student athletes that would have attended Penn State would now choose to go elsewhere. That would have open the door for other kids not only to get a scholarship, but to get one to a major University.

That's a fair take, I guess. I still think the process and system that allowed Sandusky to go wild at Penn State should be dismantled. Every dollar earned by the football program back to Sandusky's first day there should have been forfeited.

The penalty was mild compared to other punishments dealt out by the NCAA.
JBond;4656726 said:
Name one student that lost their scholarship this year. There were no loss of scholarships this year.

In fact the NCAA made it very simple for them to transfer to a school that does not harbor pedophiles. No one year wait time.
It affects the recruits like Sam I Am said, not the current players. The current players still retain their scholarships but the high school players who have nothing to do with it will not be receiving scholarships.
TheCowboy;4656781 said:
It affects the recruits like Sam I Am said, not the current players. The current players still retain their scholarships but the high school players who have nothing to do with it will not be receiving scholarships.


If you were these kids, would you really want to go into this situation? Give me a % of students who get a degree with those scholarships.

If this happened with the Dallas Cowboys, I would cease to be a fan, period!
JBond;4656779 said:
The penalty was mild compared to other punishments dealt out by the NCAA.

Oh I agree. Penn State (the school) should have been crushed for the cover up. A lot more people should be going to jail than just Sandusky. IMO, if you are involved in a conspiracy to cover up a crime, you should be just as guilty as of you committed the crime. Especially if the crime continued after you learned of it.
CashMan;4656789 said:

If you were these kids, would you really want to go into this situation? Give me a % of students who get a degree with those scholarships.

If this happened with the Dallas Cowboys, I would cease to be a fan, period!

Any student who doesn't have a scholarship and can't afford college tuition to a major university.
Sam I Am;4656790 said:
Oh I agree. Penn State (the school) should have been crushed for the cover up. A lot more people should be going to jail than just Sandusky. IMO, if you are involved in a conspiracy to cover up a crime, you should be just as guilty as of you committed the crime. Especially if the crime continued after you learned of it.

On that, we are in 100% agreement!

Thanks for chatting sam. Please do not take my posts in a personal way.
They can ***** about the NCAA all they want but if the NCAA did nto hammer them the Government was going to there was talk about Government action coming down on the University as well with the NCAA slapping them so hard it has most likely kept a second hammer from failing on their heads.

They are lucky that is all they have gotten.

Guess what innocent people get hurt all the time because of other peoples actions. Suck it up and deal with it.
CashMan;4656789 said:

If you were these kids, would you really want to go into this situation? Give me a % of students who get a degree with those scholarships.

If this happened with the Dallas Cowboys, I would cease to be a fan, period!
I'm 16 and play varsity football and getting semi-recruited and I can tell you even if Penn State was the only team that offered me a scholarship that I would accept it. Even with the situation. Call me crazy if you want.

If I had multiple offers from big name colleges than no way would I have any interest in Penn State. It all depends on the situation.

Like my coach (who played at UConn) said when you play college football, football will always come before school. You miss a practice because of school you will be punished and can lose scholarships. Football is what is keeping you from paying for school. It is your responsibility to make up your school work but when it all comes down to truth football has to be your #1 responsibility.
Stay classy, State College.

In an era of pointing the finger and passing the buck this doesn't surprise me in the slightest.

The victim card is a stupid and sad card to play if you're not actually victimized.
JBond;4656806 said:
Please do not take my post in a personal way.

Me? Bah! There is very little that can be said about me that I would take personally. We are cool. :thumbup:
TheCowboy;4656818 said:
I'm 16 and play varsity football and getting semi-recruited and I can tell you even if Penn State was the only team that offered me a scholarship that I would accept it. Even with the situation. Call me crazy if you want.

If I had multiple offers from big name colleges than no way would I have any interest in Penn State. It all depends on the situation.

Like my coach (who played at UConn) said when you play college football, football will always come before school. You miss a practice because of school you will be punished and can lose scholarships. Football is what is keeping you from paying for school. It is your responsibility to make up your school work but when it all comes down to truth football has to be your #1 responsibility.

You are specifically talking about what is being punished. So, I do not see a prob with that being taken away.

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