Controversial T-Shirt Sold At Bookstore At Penn State

And the NCAA can't do anything about it.

The Student Bookstore, an independent Penn State store just off campus, is selling t-shirts dubbed the “NCAA Overstepping” shirt.
TheCowboy;4656818 said:
Like my coach (who played at UConn) said when you play college football, football will always come before school. You miss a practice because of school you will be punished and can lose scholarships. Football is what is keeping you from paying for school. It is your responsibility to make up your school work but when it all comes down to truth football has to be your #1 responsibility.

When you sign - Football is your job 1.
Anything that get's in the way is brushed aside.
CashMan;4656847 said:
You are specifically talking about what is being punished. So, I do not see a prob with that being taken away.
Just pointing out that the punishment (for the scholarships, not the bowl games) are for the recruits, not the players. I respect your opinion.
hipfake08;4656855 said:
And the NCAA can't do anything about it.

Nope, you just have a bunch of idiots wearing these shirts, thinking they are supporting Penn, when really they are ** to the victims. These are people who just do not get it. Tragic things happened, things that have changed people for the rest of their lives(not in a good way). And a university that knew it was happening and tried to cover it up.
TheCowboy;4656781 said:
It affects the recruits like Sam I Am said, not the current players. The current players still retain their scholarships but the high school players who have nothing to do with it will not be receiving scholarships.
True but nearly all NCAA sanctions which takes away scholarships and ban a school from bowl games affect current innocent players and future players who have aspirations to play for that school. Effects of PSU future players from this sanction is not an isolated situation. Few years ago, when USC lost scholarships and was banned from bowl games and all football players but Reggie Bush was innocent but they were affected by the sanctions.
Cajuncowboy;4656636 said:
I'm buying one of those. I completely agree it was a vast overreach and the punishment went outside the normal procedural guidelines for the NCAA.

And this has zero to do with the victims of Jerry Sandusky.


I hate Penn State so Im happy they got what they got, but the NCAA was out of control here.

I dont blame the kids who want to wear those shirts.

Nobody is dissing the victims here. You have college kids proud of their school and feel they have to bend over.
WPBCowboysFan;4656902 said:

I hate Penn State so Im happy they got what they got, but the NCAA was out of control here.

I dont blame the kids who want to wear those shirts.

Nobody is dissing the victims here. You have college kids proud of their school and feel they have to bend over.

Bad analogy given the situation...
WPBCowboysFan;4656902 said:

I hate Penn State so Im happy they got what they got, but the NCAA was out of control here.

I dont blame the kids who want to wear those shirts.

Nobody is dissing the victims here. You have college kids proud of their school and feel they have to bend over.

They are not bending over the same way Sandusky's victims did. Big difference.
I think T-Shirt with something along the line of "PSU Students Against Child Abuse" shirt would have been a better choice, but whatever, it's their opinion and I have mind, don't matter much to me.
hipfake08;4656862 said:
When you sign - Football is your job 1.
Anything that get's in the way is brushed aside. a bit coarse, but accurate.

I look at it as a real opportunity. Don't lose or throw away your opportunity.

You can just imagine how many young men would be much more intellectually stunted if they had not had the years they were given by athletic scholarship.

A US college is a US college. This is an institution of higher learning. Often we see athletes in pro sports and wonder how can they be so stupid.

What would be much more scary to me is how much more stupid would they be if they hadn't attended college or even had a chance to be in a college environment.

Imagine what a mess the NFL would be in if we accepted high school age players.
JBond;4656978 said:
They are not bending over the same way Sandusky's victims did. Big difference.

To you it is.

To them they feel violated. Obviously not in the same way, but to them its a bad deal all the way around. Put yourself in the college students shoes that had absolutely nothing to do with any of the garbage. And remember, college kids are at a stage in life where they are very idealistic. To them it is a great injustice that they must suffer these consequences.

And its probably safe to say that for college kids, while aware of the grotesque nature of what happened, they still are pretty self centered in many ways.
A big show of power. Yeah, it may have something of a deterrence effect, but it's more about appearing to be doing something. Of course, it's the NCAA, and they are as full of **** as a Christmas turkey.
Trendnet;4656712 said:
How exactly are the student body being punished by the Penn State football program receiving sanctions?

Aren't the football players part of the student body?

Sure they can transfer to another school and play but they are still having their live changed forever for something they had I part of.
bsheeern;4657640 said:
Aren't the football players part of the student body?

Sure they can transfer to another school and play but they are still having their live changed forever for something they had I part of.

I guess that's the way the cookie crumbles.

To be so fortunate that the greatest tragedy you've ever experienced in life is having to accept a scholarship from a school other than your top choice.

This whole idea of "innocent victims" is completely overblown.

Best post in the thread from trick,

Punishments RARELY effect just those directly involved... and those instances where individuals conspire to cover up anything, make it even worse. Collateral damage is a fact of life...

Institutions/businesses are regularly punished for the actions of their leaders. It greatly effects innocent employees (and in this case), students as well. Always has been that way, always will be. The fact that many are too emotionally involved to see that doesn't change it. I happen to think a few of the sanctions went too far, but if Penn St. fans/students expected a slap on the wrist, they were in total denial...

Think of the innocent that have suffered for the actions of their leaders. Enron, innocent Catholic Priests, The Japanese people, the German people, SMU, Solyndra, Car Company layoffs, Steel Worker layoffs etc...

I think it's ridiculous that students and athletes who's scholarships won't be available now are being made out as "victims".
Hoofbite;4657855 said:
I guess that's the way the cookie crumbles.

To be so fortunate that the greatest tragedy you've ever experienced in life is having to accept a scholarship from a school other than your top choice.

This whole idea of "innocent victims" is completely overblown.

Best post in the thread from trick,

I think it's ridiculous that students and athletes who's scholarships won't be available now are being made out as "victims".

"Victim" may be overstating it a bit, but there is no denying they are paying a price for something they didnt do. However, they did choose PSU so its hard to feel sorry for them.

I think what most here are bothered by is the fact that the NCAA always punishes those who didnt commit the crime far more than they do the guilty parties.
WPBCowboysFan;4658206 said:
"Victim" may be overstating it a bit, but there is no denying they are paying a price for something they didnt do. However, they did choose PSU so its hard to feel sorry for them.

I think what most here are bothered by is the fact that the NCAA always punishes those who didnt commit the crime far more than they do the guilty parties.


you Penn State apologists need more cheese with your WHINE
I feel bad for those who weren't involved, and didn't do anything wrong, who are affected by this.

But what should the NCAA have done? Do nothing to the football program? Just let it get by, completely, because most of the people are now gone?

Yeah that would have sent a fantastic message to people who would want to do awful things in the future.

You can do these things here, as long as you don't get caught and in trouble while your here, we won't do anything to the program afterwards.

Classy message.
The NCAA punishing the innocent along with the guilty is nothing new, they been doing it for decades.

About 30 years ago Oklahoma got caught cheating and were punished for it. Part of that punishment was the NCAA would not allow the Texas-OU game to be televised. In my view, this punished the TU fans as well as the OU fans. It also cost UT a million dollars in TV income. In my opinion, they should have let the game be televised and Texas given their portion and Oklahoma's share should have been put into an NCAA scholarship fund. I guess that would make too much sense.

I have a very low opinion of the NCAA.


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