Could this be happening?


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No one is ok with jerry, it is just there is no way to get rid of him unless he was forced to sell cowboys.
So that being the case I accept jerry, and the jones clan, we all have to.

However coaches can be gotten rid of and it is time , or way past time for JG to be gone.
I understand but asking as we have Jerry our hope is limited.


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Phillips had as much success in a shorter period.

You overrate Garrett’s run.
I certainly wouldn’t argue Phillips had as much success. Especially since he inherited his team it steadily went down after taking over. And Garrett had more playoff success.


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First let me say that above all else, Jerry is a business man and a pretty good one from everything we know. He knows it is a bad business decision to bring JG back at this point. And I am a fan of JG but I can't see how he returns as the HC of this team after last year. But if he is bringing him back (I don't think he is, I think the delay is discussing another job in the Organization) but if he is, Jerry would have to give him total control of the Football Operations. That would be the only way to sale it to the fans and that may not be enough either.

I wonder how the fans would feel if bring back JG meant Jerry was removed from the Football Operations side?

I can see Jerry saying something like, I haven't been fair to Jason, he hasn't had the full control that he needed to be successful. I am stepping back as GM and giving Jason the full and complete reigns to the football team. That is how much faith I have in Jason to get the job done. ..


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Garrett and much of his staff are out the door already via expiring deals. Writing was on the wall this offseason when no deals were done. I am starting to think JJ and Stevie may actually explore trading one of our cornerstones for picks and retool the team in a big way. I think Jerry wants Adams badly.


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I am as a fan lol
I've said that many times over the course of 58 years especially the last 25 but when the game is on I'm right here watching LOL and some people accuse me of not being real fan or learn how to be a fan?


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At this point anything could happen

I, like the majority here, want Garrett as far away from this organization as possible. With that said, of course Jerry is the root of the problems with the Cowboys and until something changes at the top things will be the same.

That still doesn’t change the fact that Jason Garrett is not a good Head Coach and that he has proven incapable of winning over a long period of time.

Everybody knows Jerry doesn’t want to let Garrett go. If he did he would have already notified him and made it known he wasn’t being retained. Now that still may happen but in my opinion after this amount of time Jerry is clearly having a hard time with the idea of Garrett not being associated with the team. I think he’s crazy to have that kind of affection for him but it is what it is.

I keep holding out hope that Jerry will bring in a Jimmy or Parcells type and we will luck into a ring. I know it’s unlikely but considering how long it’s been since we’ve won what else is there to be excited about?


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While I know you can never put anything passed Jerry, I see no way Garrett comes back. The fan base and media will turn on him not to mention I think the players are tired of Garrett's message. There needs to be change.


Village Idiot
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You're right. A decade wasn't enough time to prove himself. I say 10 more years. We can't risk losing the next Tom Landry.


To The Moon
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Jerry is not holding off this long only to announce an extension for JG. What would be the point? To completely look like a bunch of fools to the rest of the NFL and further alienate and piss off the fan base? Not that that hasn’t been happening already, but that would just be a very bad look for the Cowboy’s franchise.


I'm not dead yet......
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
That seems to be the most logical explanation for the delay. If it was as simple as Jerry saying "screw all of you, I am keeping Garrett", then he would have just announced it by now. There has to be something else going on that would require multiple face to face meetings. The only thing that makes sense if what you suggested, that Jerry has offered Garrett a job in the organization, just not head coach. Garrett still wants to coach so taking a 9-5 desk job might not sound all that great to him and he needs time to think about it.
It's a long shot but everything else just makes me vomit lol


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I really dont think Jerry wants to lose JG. And Garrett clearly doesnt want to stop coaching the Cowboys. Theres a name that was mentioned by Slater and has had some recent developments on his team in Clemson.

Could Jerry be giving Garrett another yr to prove something with Tony Elliot coming and being the OC? With a position of HC in 2021 if Garrett cant get it done in 2020? Brandon Streeter has been promoted to passing game coordinator at Clemson as the co coordinator with Elliot is moving on.

Could Jerry be giving Garrett one more chance?

I know Jerrry does things his way and wants the headline, he's had the headline. When talking to players did they back JG? Theres no secret Jerry has always valued the input of players. I just dont see any reason JG would still be at valley ranch without a purpose. Im not buying the whole exit interviews stuff. Could Jerry have asked him bring me a pitch. Lets talk to Elliot, or not even just elliot. But whoever else they see as a guy. Obviously it wouldnt be a Rhule, Meyer or Riley type. This is what got me thinking about the name that nobody saw coming in Elliot that Slater mentioned as Cowboys interests.

IM sure he would be over his head coming into the league as a HC right away from OC in college. But giving him a 3 yr deal would give him some security and a yr in the NFL for 2021 if things dont go right for Garrett.

What position coaches would commit to a one year deal? I’m pretty sure the staff and players quit on Garrett this year.


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Define "go right for Garrett"...………….in other words, what is the bar. Is it making the playoffs? Winning a playoff game? The NFC Title Game?

I want a clearly defined bar stated and understood by everybody before the season starts if this is what is being thought of. No more, we will talk about it later. And if Garrett doesn't hit that bar, he is gone 5 min after the season ends. We are not doing this where is Waldo game anymore where Garrett just hangs out at the Star for no dam reason after the season ends.

I see you now think the fans are his board of directors and we can fire Jones as owner if he does something some fans don't like. Do we get paid as board of directors?


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
I really dont think Jerry wants to lose JG. And Garrett clearly doesnt want to stop coaching the Cowboys. Theres a name that was mentioned by Slater and has had some recent developments on his team in Clemson.

Could Jerry be giving Garrett another yr to prove something with Tony Elliot coming and being the OC? With a position of HC in 2021 if Garrett cant get it done in 2020? Brandon Streeter has been promoted to passing game coordinator at Clemson as the co coordinator with Elliot is moving on.

Could Jerry be giving Garrett one more chance?

I know Jerrry does things his way and wants the headline, he's had the headline. When talking to players did they back JG? Theres no secret Jerry has always valued the input of players. I just dont see any reason JG would still be at valley ranch without a purpose. Im not buying the whole exit interviews stuff. Could Jerry have asked him bring me a pitch. Lets talk to Elliot, or not even just elliot. But whoever else they see as a guy. Obviously it wouldnt be a Rhule, Meyer or Riley type. This is what got me thinking about the name that nobody saw coming in Elliot that Slater mentioned as Cowboys interests.

IM sure he would be over his head coming into the league as a HC right away from OC in college. But giving him a 3 yr deal would give him some security and a yr in the NFL for 2021 if things dont go right for Garrett.

Seems like the least likely of about 1000 scenarios that have been posted here...


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He has to be gone. If he's not Jerry falls to laughing stock status like pre Parcells.
He doesn't have time enough on this earth for more failure.

The other option is Jerry is just delusional and will give his son every possible excuse and benefit of the doubt to make it work.


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And if he's not?

Latin--- if Garrett is not gone i will seriously consider changing fanhood..i have been cowboys fan 49 years..since super bowl 5...if Jerry wants to keep Garrett then Jerry needs to admit he does not care his team is mediocre at best