Could you stomach T.O in the land of the Star?

Two years ago the EXACT same things were being said here about Keyshawn becoming a Cowboy. The same things said about his character.

And when you come right down to it he did more towards disrespecting the game then TO ever has done. Keyshawn mocked and ridculed a respected head coach on the sideline. Even arrogantly rubbed Grudens head like he was a little boy. Hmm, yet here he is. Hmm, yet here he is "walking that fine line" and fitting in. And hmm, here he is being productive for this organization and respected.

Point being... Don't be so quick to judge TO as a player, 90% of ya saw where that got you with Keyshawn, and where Keyshawn ended up being got. Parcells can control Keyshawn whereas nobody else in this league can or was even willing to after Tampa...why can't it be the same with TO.
mperfection said:
I'm just many of you were as adamant that Charles Haley should not have come here in '92, especially after hearing about the uproar he caused in Frisco after urinating on Debartolo's office floor? Could TO's debacle be any less distracting?? And we ALL know what the end result of Haley's trade was - Super Bowl XXVII, XXVIII.:rolleyes:

Charles Haley's issues were not nearly as public as T.O.'s road show, nor was he considered a bad teamate.
No comparison between the two. T.O. has cursed out coaches during games on national TV and publicly criticized the QB's on both teams he's played on. You throw in the "blasphemy" that he committed at Texas Stadium and as you can see, most Cowboys fans say T.O. can go blow. :confused:
phillycowboyslover said:
give me a f@#@$$% break.

no self respecting cowboys fan would want t.o. after what he did to our star.


F%^&&* him.

i would seriously hunt down and kill jerry jones.
Dang , they make 'em different up there in Philly.Calm down there big fella, it's only hypothetical.Breathe deep.Repeat after me ,Emmit Smith,Troy Aikman,Moose Johnson,Jay Novacek,Roger Staubach.Now thats the kind or players we are currently trying to bring in.There is no way Mr. Jones is gonna throw a malcontent into what he's currently trying to accomplish. :D
Yeagermeister said:
Close :D


One of my best friends attended Treadwell through the 5th grade.... Michael Antle ring a bell?

Do you follow Bartlett football? They have a runningback this year that might light it up!
Sifillest said:
honestly, i think the lot of you are hypocrites!(sp) if TO came here and with his help we got to the bowl or even teh nfc championship,you all would be frothing at the mouth because our beloved cowboys made an impressive run in the for bryant, bryant was pretty much just a whiny kid with potential only....he had FLASHES of brilliance whereas TO is already established as one of the top 4-5 receivers in the league, and its undeniable.....and also i think maybe the eagles,being the first time in recent memory they actually did something worthy of noise in teh offseason, did not shell out enough cash for TO to want remain there....regardless of the presence of mcnabb...however tho there have been some FA hiccups and whatnot jerry is pretty good at keeping the players he wants.....but let the discussion continue!

Honestly, I think you can take your opinion and shove up your........ OK, it's obviouse that the overwhelming majority of fans do not want TO regardless of what he might be able to bring to the table. Winning at any cost is not my idea of how it should be done. You asked for opinions. You got them. Be on your way now.
Trophy#6 said:
Two years ago the EXACT same things were being said here about Keyshawn becoming a Cowboy. The same things said about his character.

And when you come right down to it he did more towards disrespecting the game then TO ever has done. Keyshawn mocked and ridculed a respected head coach on the sideline. Even arrogantly rubbed Grudens head like he was a little boy. Hmm, yet here he is. Hmm, yet here he is "walking that fine line" and fitting in. And hmm, here he is being productive for this organization and respected.

Point being... Don't be so quick to judge TO as a player, 90% of ya saw where that got you with Keyshawn, and where Keyshawn ended up being got. Parcells can control Keyshawn whereas nobody else in this league can or was even willing to after Tampa...why can't it be the same with TO.

I don't agree with this. KJ was, IMO, a good football player throughout his career. He had issues but not with football. I think I'd have to hear more about what you see in KJs behavior that would suggest he deserves to be compared to Owens.
I don't agree with this. KJ was, IMO, a good football player throughout his career. He had issues but not with football. I think I'd have to hear more about what you see in KJs behavior that would suggest he deserves to be compared to Owens.
I agree ABQ...Keyshawn was an entirely different situation. I admit to having some trepidation about us signing him because of his reputation and the situation in TB. But my feelings were not anywhere near as strong as they are about TO.

Keyshawn never reneged on a contract nor did he publicly ridicule his teammates (that I am aware of). He had some issues with a teammate or two (Cherbet in NY being the only one I know for sure) but not to the extent that it affected their play on the field or the chemistry of the team really. And he had issues with Chucky Gruden but he had no problems with any other coach including Parcells and Dunge so I was inclined to cut him some slack on that one personality conflict.
I could deal with R.Moss because I wanted him that one draft and I am a Marshall Homer.

However I say NO WAY to T.O.
I'd have no problem with it. I hate his antics and would love to see him sit out the final years of his career on suspension.

However, if Bill Parcells wanted him, I'd accept that...I'd assume T.O. would be on his best behavior and that BP could control him, knowing that he'd never get close to the situation in Philly because he'd have been gone or humiliated long before this.

That said, I was only being totally open minded. It's my personal belief that T.O will either finish his career in Philly or be forced into retirement...I don't think any team will touch him unless it's a team close to the SB and for a bargain basement price tag.
I would take him in a heartbeat!!!!! He is what is missing on the Cowboys Offense. A major threat at the receiver position.
Owens, no matter how good he is, is a complete jackarse and a bad role model for any teams' youngsters that play there (run on sentence!). I don't care that he a top receiver in the league, you have to stand on principles, and Parcells is a team guy first.
silver said:
i would. i would take randy moss too. anybody who can make us win another super bowl. same as i was ok with deion and haley at the time. winning is the only thing that matters.

having said all that, it'll never happen. no way filthy trades him within the division.
Cowboy fans are becoming Ranger fans. You know the fans that have no problem with losing every year. If we got T.O., not only would we have an outstanding receiver and be feared on offense, but if we didn't like him he would be instant trade bait.
We would be front page on every broadcast, and we could possibly draw high profile people who would be interested in playing here since he's here (that's if he could act right for 1 year) .
We could basically use him to get whatever we wanted and then dump him off on someone and get alot from him. If we could get him to act right for one year, his trade value would be out the roof. Otherwise, let's keep rolling out the 6-10's and the 8-8's.
It's never going to happen but for fantasy I would not want Terrell Owens to become a Cowboy. We have enough problems as it is. Why ask for another one?
harsh words for me abq,harsh words...but hey,you got seniority so i suppose you are entitled to em
Sifillest said:
harsh words for me abq,harsh words...but hey,you got seniority so i suppose you are entitled to em

These words were ment to be harsh but not personel. You must understand that for you to make a post on TO and ask for opinion is completely cool.

To make a post, ask for opinion and then call those opinions hypocritical is, in itself, hypocritical. It sits wrong with me, and I suspect, many who gave opinion contrary to your own.
Novacek84 said:
There is a difference between the 3 guys you mention and T.O. They may have done stupid things off the field and were showboats on it, but they were most certainly team guys. They never said it was merely all about them, where T.O. says that all the time. Thats a big difference to me.

Yep, TO has not got suspened for his stupidity.;)

You missed the point entirely. As a fan base and organization we have put up with several players that had "issues".

Now if playing baseball for ego's sake or getting suspensions for drug use is better, than being a pain for cash, stupid celebrations, or being critical of coaches and teammates in media...well that is all opinion.
I wasnt even going to read this thread but it got so many posts and theres no new camp news yet so here's my comment.

Living in philly and listening daily to the sports radio talk, eagles fans are fed up with TO and they know that their wr corps is completely inexperienced without him. Say TO ends up not playing for the eagles, if he continues to act up to force a trade or get released. Think about the situation he has put the eagles in, its pretty late in the game now to find a capable replacement, and that player would have 2-3 weeks to learn the eagles system, playbook and get on the same page as McNabb.

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