Counting on Aldon/Gregory is like playing Russian Roulette


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The old sports management adage applies here....”Hope is not a strategy.” I believe the Cowboys will add another player or two at this position before the season starts (if it starts)

We all hope injuries and suspensions do not affect any position. But it’s good practice for winning NFL front offices to hope for the best while planning for the worst. Jerry has always had a weakness as a FO leader for having overly optimistic plans without planning for the worst. It’s gotten better in the last 5 years, so let’s hope we are not just relying on “hope”.

Oh, I think the staff has seen enough and been on cutting edges long enough to measure, dedicate, as well as succeed. Reasonable and committed still works.


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Russian roulette only for know nothing fans.
During Desert Storm, we lost a Drill Instructor to a real game of roulette. Some will play any game and at any price. The first casualty in Bosnia, was another Drill Instructor who attempted to disarm a mine in a restricted area. His driver was wounded.


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During Desert Storm, we lost a Drill Instructor to a real game of roulette. Some will play any game and at any price. The first casualty in Bosnia, was another Drill Instructor who attempted to disarm a mine in a restricted area. His driver was wounded.
Idiots. I wouldn’t allow that and yes I was able not to allow that.


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I’m not staying up at night worrying about it. We have run stopping power and beef in the middle now and some pocket push with Poe and MCCoy. I expect better coaching and scheme will more than overcome a marginal drop off in talent at LDE along with an offense that scores 30+ per game.


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I’m not staying up at night worrying about it. We have run stopping power and beef in the middle now and some pocket push with Poe and MCCoy. I expect better coaching and scheme will more than overcome a marginal drop off in talent at LDE along with an offense that scores 30+ per game.
:) Chewbacca, the force be with you!:starspin:


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Besides those aforementioned two DEs, what quality starting vet DE did you have in mind that's out there like that to where we can sign him ? we can't be putting a vet DE out there, just to have him out there ? that's probably no better an idea and scenario than Crawford himself.

- Every time Crawford is in the base defense he hurts our pass rush - and teams do tend to throw on first downs in this throwing age.
Hes a subpar pass rusher from the DE edge. there's just enough edge rush burst agility or skill from him there whereas inside at DT, with a
closer inside path to the QB as he tiwsts and goes skinny vs OGs, in the nickel rush, he's more in his element.

- That's why it's more idea have a Robert Quinn on the edge than it is a Crawford despite the criticism of Quinn's lack of run defense.
and its' not like Crawford is an adept run defender, hes just adequate at that. But as of now there's no candidates that's been set up to make a more
serious challenge at RDE role. Adlen is supposedly bulked up to 285 pounds,(and they " say" he's low fat % at that weight as well,,ok for what that's worth
as i'm more from hearing from Cowboys trainers themselves with that instead of promoting gig. - but even at 285 lbs, that's about the same size as Crawford -and there's no question who is the better pure pass rusher between the two - but i'm not sure Alden has played pure DE and he has missed considerable amount of time away from the game.

- And it may take the bulk of this entire season for him to get back into playing form even in his nickel rush position, ..and there's also will always be the lingering
thought that one misstep by Alden off the field, and he could instantly be off the team (cut) and facing another indefinite ban away from the game again.

A couple of names to consider who would be better alternates to Crawford at the position: Marcus Golden, Jabaal Sheard.


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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
I'd be more comfortable if they brought Bennett back on a 1 year cheap deal just as a backup plan.


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Aldon no longer does. Been sober for a year, working out and teaching AA meetings to football players and athletes.

Gregory smokes pot for his anxiety disorder and cant get suspended for that anymore. NO reason for him to ever get suspended again.

Crawford coming off both hips? Didn't hear that one.

You also have McCoy that can switch out to DE which he played last year in the 3-4 if need be. Then we have the younger guys and Anea from the draft this year. Not saying anything guaranteed, but that is a lot of good possibilities to throw at the right DE spot.

-As you know, addicts do fall off after being sober for many months
-After seeing the details, Gregory appears safe, unless he misses tests or doesn't seek counseling if needed
-Yes, Crawford had surgery on both his hips
-Young prospects do take time, especially at this position, many few make an instant impact.
-McCoy's best and most natural position is as a 3t in a 4 man front

In my opinion, every team has to prepare for the worst. They did that recently with QB, swing tackle and now need to do the same at DE. It's a premium position that could potentially derail a season if disaster happens.


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Many believe that the team is covered at the DE spot due to the pending returns of Aldon Smith & Randy Gregory. Broaddus stated over draft weekend, he heard Aldon Smith has a better chance of reinstatement. Nobody knows what will the commissioner decide to do. He could impose in season game suspensions for prior infractions or even have stipulations to their reinstatement.

I am not aware how the new CBA will treat a player like Randy Gregory. If he continues to fail drug tests, will their be any punishment, will he be forced to get treatment? Does Goodell have the power to suspend him indefinitely? As for Aldon Smith, it's more clear, if he falls off the wagon, he will be suspended again.

Taking away the drugs/alcohol, neither has played any meaningful football in a long time, Aldon Smith hasn't played a single snap in 4 years. When he went to the Raiders, many thought his skills have greatly diminished to the player he once was with the 49ers. How will he be now with such a long layoff? As for Gregory, he has played in almost 30 games in his career, with just only 7 sacks. A realistic expectation for both, is that they are brought along slowly and hopefully are playing meaningful snaps down the stretch.

I would like nothing more to see both these players succeed as Dallas Cowboys, but with their track records, one mistake could end their comebacks. I don't believe the team has protected themselves enough at this position. The team has decided to play Russian Roulette and we all have to hold our breaths every time we read daily NFL news.
we have depth without them, they are simply an insurance policy and for sure we would be better but I think we can manufacture sacks and pressure with Nolans new schemes being creative., this isnt Marinelli/Richard sit back and take it defense coming.. tank will bounce back and we have some young players to rotate in and the middle push is tons better this season and will help flush sacks into the Des..

so calm down, those guys wont be counted on but will be a big boost of one for both make the entire season..


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-As you know, addicts do fall off after being sober for many months
-After seeing the details, Gregory appears safe, unless he misses tests or doesn't seek counseling if needed
-Yes, Crawford had surgery on both his hips
-Young prospects do take time, especially at this position, many few make an instant impact.
-McCoy's best and most natural position is as a 3t in a 4 man front

In my opinion, every team has to prepare for the worst. They did that recently with QB, swing tackle and now need to do the same at DE. It's a premium position that could potentially derail a season if disaster happens.

-Guess you haven't read about Aldon
-Yep, no reason to think Gregory will get suspended again
-Crawford had surgery a while ago and there are no issues. Saw nothing about "Major" surgery on both hips
-Yep they usually do take time and one or two have had a year already at least
-Mcoy played DE last year in the 3-4. He can play a DE in a pinch and be just fine.

There is no big hole at RDE, just question marks.


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-Guess you haven't read about Aldon
-Yep, no reason to think Gregory will get suspended again
-Crawford had surgery a while ago and there are no issues. Saw nothing about "Major" surgery on both hips
-Yep they usually do take time and one or two have had a year already at least
-Mcoy played DE last year in the 3-4. He can play a DE in a pinch and be just fine.

There is no big hole at RDE, just question marks.

Agree to disagree. We will see how it plays out. I will be pulling for both players to succeed. Would rather see a veteran replace Crawford, but it doesn't appear the team wants to go in that direction.


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Agree to disagree. We will see how it plays out. I will be pulling for both players to succeed. Would rather see a veteran replace Crawford, but it doesn't appear the team wants to go in that direction.

Admittedly for me its about Gregory. I think he is a great talent that now will be free to do his thing. My only concern was that he was sitting around getting stoned the last two years and it appears he is in incredible shape and is ready to go. Aldon is just a long shot bonus that could be surprising. Crawford is great on first down at stopping the run.

I really would like to see if Gregory can be the guy he was supposed to be. A great low cost option over there, which we need.

You bring in a guy like Griffin and its an expensive stop gap and Gregory is basically thrown by the wayside.