Cover Tunes

Yowza... I've recently bought a very nice harmonica with a slide and I've been heavy into trying to practice it.
My pit sings when I play. I should make a vid of him...
Lmao,,,I've always 'had' an harmonica since way back ,,,& still can't even remotely carry a tune in a 5 gal. Bucket,,,but sometimes when I'm all s*** faced, bored& alone,,, I think I'm setting the floor afire,,,tooting on it& cutting a dandy jig:lmao:
Tomorrow Is A Long Time...Elvis did a cover in '66 of this Bob Dylan song...Dylan said its his favorite cover of one of his songs.
I agree 100%,Bob:thumbup:
Best cover song ever done was Jimi Hendrix covering All Along the Watchtower.

Most attempts to cover Hendrix on the other hand fail badly, because almost nobody can seamlessly produce the wide range of sounds from the guitar that he could. Internet guitar nerds think Hendrix is no big deal because they can hit all the notes on the paper. Problem is, they all sound terrible doing it, because they're just working in such a narrow range of sounds compared to him, so you hit all the notes and it sounds unbelievably flat by comparison.
Can't really post it but Body Count does a great cover of Institutionalized by Suicidal.
Shoot 'em down : Motorhead
All along the watchtower : Jimmy Hendrix
Nobody knows You when You're down and out : Scrapper Blackwell

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