Cowboy fans: Where are you from?

Wow, I live in Dallas and I'm the freakin HUGE minority, pretty ridiculous.
5Stars;1460090 said:
What? Homeless random people? Are you too lazy to get out there and mow? Are you rich? Do you even own a lawnmower? How about a weedeater? Do you have a sprinkler system, or do these "random people" just pee on your grass while they mow? What do you use for fertilizer...the neighbors dog? Does your lawn have weeds? What kind of grass do you have? Can you smoke it?

Actually, I like to mow my lawn. I double mow it north to south, then east to comes out looking like carpet!

:D And it's green...

lol, no I think my parents pay for one. We have a sprinkler system, but I help out a bit :p:. And no, we prefer our neighbor's cow, yup weeds, normal grass?, and never tried to smoke anything, so I wouldn't know.

When I was younger, about 11,12,13, I wanted to mow the lawn, but I'm allergic to bees, and I have pretty bad asthma/spring allergies. For example, this time of year, if I spend too much time outside, I won't be able to see.
Mississippi Born and Raised...grew up a Cowboys fan and moved to Dallas after college!
bbgun;1460456 said:
nope. not a big fan of acne.

must be a fan of earhair then, huh?

and I guess you had a particularly bad case when you were younger, because acne rarely breaks out, for me anyway.
I was born in Rockville, MD

Raised in Frederick, MD/Walkersville, MD

Living in NYC until the middle of May.

After that, heading south, as long as it's below the line of Mason and Dixon.
DragonCowboy;1460461 said:
and I guess you had a particularly bad case when you were younger, because acne rarely breaks out, for me anyway.

Hey, that's great, champ. I guess body hair, voice cracking, and girl noticing is right around the corner. Good luck with that.
bbgun;1460472 said:
Hey, that's great, champ. I guess body hair, voice cracking, and girl noticing is right around the corner. Good luck with that.

Man, you do seem bitter.

I hope you get over it...sometime.
DragonCowboy;1460475 said:
Man, you do seem bitter.

I hope you get over it...sometime.

Aren't you the same little weasel who couldn't address my posts without accusing me of being a closet Skins fan? That kind of lame defamation does tend to make a man bitter--especially since my Cowboy fandom long outlives your time on this Earth.

Here's hoping you grow up...sometime.
Clove;1458809 said:
I lived just outside of Oakcliff growing up pre-teen, then moved to a small town just north on Cleburne Tx, what a culture shock it was for me, but I'm glad I grew up in that small town.

Funny cause I've lived in this heat all of my life, but I love the cold, but my wife refuses to move north.. Oh well...

Clove, what small town? I went to school in Alvarado.

Hostile;1460192 said:
Sheep and cattle do not mix. You can get :shoot1: for suggesting a cattle ranch has sheep.

Sacrilege i tell you!!!!! Just about as bad as pigs on a ranch.

although grandma kept chickens till the 70's :D
Hostile;1460315 said:
Where'd you go when you struck out on your own? If you don't mind me asking.

I turned 16 about a month after moving out. Filed for emancipation and received it. I lived with a teammate from our football team who parents had both died in a car crash and left him with his grandparents. They were both in poor health and Al and I pretty much had the run of the house. I went out got a job, played ball and continued in school until I joined the Army at 17. Jacked my knee up playing ball and pretty much shot my chances of a scholarship so I went the Army route. Served Honorably for 4 years, went to the Gulf for the first dance and got out and began my life.

A lot of people tell me how crappy I had it, but to be honest, living the way we did always being the new kid taught me two things.

1. I learned how to fight, because I was always being picked on as the new kid. So when I went to a new school I would try to find the toughest kid there and pick a fight with him to earn some cred. I won some and I lost some, but I learned that no matter how hard you get beat down you can always get back up. I apply that to my personal life now.

2. I learned that nothing in life is given to you, you have to go out and take what you want. Persistence is the key to chasing your dreams and because of that, I am launching our race series this year. It took me 7 years to do it, but I am quite proud of the fact, that I stuck with it and was able to get this off the ground. I wont go into boring details, but it is a pretty big deal.

I can honestly say that I am proud of my life and of who I am. I have a few regrets as we all tend to make ignorant choices during the course of our life, but the way I was raised prepared me for the challenges that I faced later in adulthood.

For those of you who are curious, yes I still have a relationship with my parents. They still live the way we grew up, they are living in a converted 5th wheel trailer that they built a little room off of for the living room. I don't hold grudges against them, but I don't respect them much either. I find it hard to accept the lifestyle they have chosen, but I also realize that I no longer have to live that way, so life goes on.

Well, that was way more than I was planning on saying, and I apologize to those of you who could care less, but I wanted to answer Hostile's question
in detail.

/end rant... LOL

Phrozen Phil;1458690 said:
Sylvan Lake, Alberta, Canada. I've been a Boys fan for a bunch of years. Never been to Texas.
Dude I envy you.

How's the health care and the legal music downloading?
MTRS-Jon;1460562 said:
I turned 16 about a month after moving out. Filed for emancipation and received it. I lived with a teammate from our football team who parents had both died in a car crash and left him with his grandparents. They were both in poor health and Al and I pretty much had the run of the house. I went out got a job, played ball and continued in school until I joined the Army at 17. Jacked my knee up playing ball and pretty much shot my chances of a scholarship so I went the Army route. Served Honorably for 4 years, went to the Gulf for the first dance and got out and began my life.

A lot of people tell me how crappy I had it, but to be honest, living the way we did always being the new kid taught me two things.

1. I learned how to fight, because I was always being picked on as the new kid. So when I went to a new school I would try to find the toughest kid there and pick a fight with him to earn some cred. I won some and I lost some, but I learned that no matter how hard you get beat down you can always get back up. I apply that to my personal life now.

2. I learned that nothing in life is given to you, you have to go out and take what you want. Persistence is the key to chasing your dreams and because of that, I am launching our race series this year. It took me 7 years to do it, but I am quite proud of the fact, that I stuck with it and was able to get this off the ground. I wont go into boring details, but it is a pretty big deal.

I can honestly say that I am proud of my life and of who I am. I have a few regrets as we all tend to make ignorant choices during the course of our life, but the way I was raised prepared me for the challenges that I faced later in adulthood.

For those of you who are curious, yes I still have a relationship with my parents. They still live the way we grew up, they are living in a converted 5th wheel trailer that they built a little room off of for the living room. I don't hold grudges against them, but I don't respect them much either. I find it hard to accept the lifestyle they have chosen, but I also realize that I no longer have to live that way, so life goes on.

Well, that was way more than I was planning on saying, and I apologize to those of you who could care less, but I wanted to answer Hostile's question
in detail.

/end rant... LOL


I always like to read story's like that.

Seems like you turned out OK.:D
Angus;1460526 said:
Clove, what small town? I went to school in Alvarado.

Keene TX. I also lived in Alvarado briefly, with a girl I met. She was from there, and I lived there for a year. But I basically grew up in Keene, lived there from 11 years old, until 28.

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