Cowboy Tweets 11/19 Gameday
mardwin Well-Known Member Messages 7,192 Reaction score 10,280 Nov 19, 2017 #83 Everson24 said: I am so jealous of the way the Patriots can devise schemes to beat just about any team in any situation and we are still running the 1974 Rams offense. Click to expand... Is all about coaching. You want to debilitate your opponent at all cost, take away the attributes they are good at and make them adjust.
Everson24 said: I am so jealous of the way the Patriots can devise schemes to beat just about any team in any situation and we are still running the 1974 Rams offense. Click to expand... Is all about coaching. You want to debilitate your opponent at all cost, take away the attributes they are good at and make them adjust.
Nirvana Well-Known Member Messages 8,925 Reaction score 12,309 Nov 19, 2017 #87 https://encrypted-tbn0.***NOT-ALLOWED***/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTTfPy7b5VHV_xWh6G45LHF2_v_zv4IBu0DuIIId234QwdQ1E0G
Carson Well-Known Member Messages 37,956 Reaction score 66,832 Nov 19, 2017 #93 Nirvana said: Click to expand... I just don’t understand it. What glimpse of hope do we have to beat the Chargers or the Skins??
Nirvana said: Click to expand... I just don’t understand it. What glimpse of hope do we have to beat the Chargers or the Skins??
Nirvana Well-Known Member Messages 8,925 Reaction score 12,309 Nov 19, 2017 #94 No, we don't. We don't have a LT that can back-up Tyron Smith.