Cowboys cap situation


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I'm old enough to remember when the Cowboys still spent big and ended up getting nowhere too. They paid big dollars in the past for guys like Rocket Ismail, La'Roi Glover, Anthony Henry, Marco Rivera, Terrell Owens, Brandon Carr, Greg Hardy, etc. By 2016 they started over-relying on the draft and went dumpster diving in free agency instead.

Then you remember Dallas brought in Joey Galloway and had Rocket Ismail because Jerry tried to supports the WR corps after Irvin went down. Then Galloway wrecks his knee and later that year Ismail also wrecked his knee. Aikman ended his career in April 2001 before the season began, that left Quincy Carter as the QB. Ismail played three seasons for Dallas. One ending in injury. His production was limited by the QB under center and the fact he was a complimentary WR and not the #1 WR, which he was thrown into when Galloway went down. Circumstance had as much to do with his production than anything else, I believe.

Hardy played one game for Carolina the year before Dallas brought him in. He had chronic knee injuries and fought that for a while with the Panthers. Jerry was trying to put the guy who had 15 sacks two years before on the field, but Hardy was past his prime. He played one year with Dallas and then retired. Or had a domestic abuse issue which retired him.

Glover was a stud. Glover anchored that defensive front.

Henry had 12 picks in four years. His best year was 2007 where he had 6 with a pick six and 81 total yards for returns. He was serviceable, but I would hardly suggest he was a top flight player. Maybe in Jerry's eyes. But then Jerry paid a fortune for Roy Williams of the Lions. So, there's that.

Rivera played two years in Dallas after being in GB for 8. He had 16 penalties in those two years, but did start 30 games during that time. Not certain he was a reach for the star player, but more a reputation of his heyday in GB. Jerry loves those reclamation projects. If they pan out he looks like a "real football guy."

TO produced here. He was a head case, but he delivered.

I understand your point, but in the history of this team under Jones' leadership, I don't see any time when they actually went balls to the wall and got themselves a guy who wasn't on the back end of his career. The miss I hold up as the ultimate tragedy was Julius Peppers. That guy went to his second team and put up even better numbers than his first.

All I can think of is when Jerry goes shopping is that Indiana Jones (no relation) film where the spare guy was picking out the real Holy Grail to drink from. It was not the Grail. The Grail Knight said:

"He chose..............poorly."


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I'm not sure what this has to do with the topic.
you responded to me responding to someone else. they said that the giants and commanders have showed signs of catching us in regards to talent. i said no they haven't. dallas is clearly a more talented roster than either team. yes the giants had an impressive season, but they have a talent depleted roster.


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Imagine being a fan of a team that hasnt reached a conference championship in nearly 3 decades and criticizing a team that recently won a Super Bowl….
Perfect example of how Cowboy fans are so gullible and susceptible to the gambler's fallacy logic.

What we're doing now to build the franchise has nothing to do with the 1990s teams of the Jimmy Johnson era.

At least we were still relevant this year, and will likely also be next year. When Jerry got it right the first time, by building a team capable of multi-year runs, he won 3 over a 4 year span.

Granted, it was in the pre-salary cap era, but similar things have happened in the cap era with teams like the Patriots.

Should you build a team with a core of players who can be competitive over several years? Or should you risk all of your future just to have a shot at it for one year?

The truth is, Dallas, Philly and the 9ers were all pretty well stacked with talent. I'd rather have a shot for several years, rather than blowing my wad and mortgaging the future like Jim Carrey, "so, you're saying there's a chance?" For a slightly better chance in a single year.

Imagine the desperation someone would have to have to do that. Desperation is never a good look.


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I get it looks bad on the surface but we are actually in a pretty strong position at the moment cap wise. Certainly much better than the final years of Romo where we’d kicked the can do the road for a good 5-years.


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you responded to me responding to someone else. they said that the giants and commanders have showed signs of catching us in regards to talent. i said no they haven't. dallas is clearly a more talented roster than either team. yes the giants had an impressive season, but they have a talent depleted roster.
Right. Where are you getting that NYG roster is 'depleted' and clearly less talented when we had 2 close games with them and they made it just as far in the playoffs as the Cowboys?


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Can’t look at the cap in one year increments - 2024 we have $95 million in available cap space. In other words we aren’t in cap trouble. But Stephen will use it as an excuse!
It's about timing.

In other words, this year they are in a better position with the cap to acquire more talent in free agency or trades. The way they won Super Bowls in the past was by trading the right players to acquire picks in the draft, and we are at least drafting better than most teams, per capita. But fans want instant gratification and their fear of failures by the team in the past leads them to impulsive thinking when it comes to making personnel moves. And drafted players take time to develop.

At least we have the talent in the FO to scout young players. Before McClay, Dallas' success rate was rather low, if I remember correctly.
There are some nice players in this draft. Not necessarily loaded with QBs, but it's not completely void of guys who have the potential to be franchise quarterbacks and perennial pro bowl type players.


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Schultz will be gone....only hope of keeping Pollard is if they franchise tag him at a cost nearly $10M for 2023.....they will be stuck restructuring the POS QB which means Dallas will be in purgatory for more years.

I will laugh if Schultz goes to the Chargers and has a great season.
I hope he does go to the Charger next season. #soft

Risen Star

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I get it looks bad on the surface but we are actually in a pretty strong position at the moment cap wise. Certainly much better than the final years of Romo where we’d kicked the can do the road.
We have to extend the contract of an albatross QB in order to have any cap room to function over the offseason.

We're sitting pretty.


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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
Man, how mad would everyone be right now if we had gone willy nilly and signed every big name free agent we could have signed on 22?

Just be like the Rams, they said.
If they knew how to structure a contract they’d be able to participate in free agency and maybe even still be playing.

Fla Cowpoke

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They can create $32 million of space by restructuring Dak and cutting Zeke alone; and that doesn't even factor in all the other moves they can make with the contracts of Tyron Smith, D-Law, Zack Martin, etc..

Every year there is so much hand wringing about cap space and nothing ever changes. Last year Dallas was $27 million under and didn't spend any of it anyway.
Yep there is over 60m in cap space easily gained by restructures and cuts.

Dallas really should not lose anyone of significance if they don't want to, and they should be able to sign a few quality free agents.


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Stephen Jones and his Arkansas education got this y’all relax.
Let’s see you add the two and carry the one and daddy we can’t afford it


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Lamb and Diggs extensions will cost every nickel of any cap we can recapture from restructures…with Micah’s looming


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On,y we are not in purgatory And haven’t been since daks contract. Once again your way off and have been dead wrong about dak and his contracts affects on the team.
To hell with the contract Dak alone equals purgatory.

Fla Cowpoke

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Lamb and Diggs extensions will cost every nickel of any cap we can recapture from restructures…with Micah’s looming
Lamb will be worth it, but I'd seriously like to see them see what Diggs would bring in a trade.


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Lol. He ain’t Elliot. Elliot knows this is his best chance to stay with us. He will be healthy and have fresh legs next year. Will be the short yardage and hammer next year if he stays. If used properly with the formula he will be fine. This OC or Dak is so dumb for simply not sticking with the formula. Every team knows it and says how predictable we are yet when it’s simply stuck to they know they can’t beat us.
He saying that cause he wanna still get paid lol.


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Then you remember Dallas brought in Joey Galloway and had Rocket Ismail because Jerry tried to supports the WR corps after Irvin went down. Then Galloway wrecks his knee and later that year Ismail also wrecked his knee. Aikman ended his career in April 2001 before the season began, that left Quincy Carter as the QB. Ismail played three seasons for Dallas. One ending in injury. His production was limited by the QB under center and the fact he was a complimentary WR and not the #1 WR, which he was thrown into when Galloway went down. Circumstance had as much to do with his production than anything else, I believe.

Hardy played one game for Carolina the year before Dallas brought him in. He had chronic knee injuries and fought that for a while with the Panthers. Jerry was trying to put the guy who had 15 sacks two years before on the field, but Hardy was past his prime. He played one year with Dallas and then retired. Or had a domestic abuse issue which retired him.

Glover was a stud. Glover anchored that defensive front.

Henry had 12 picks in four years. His best year was 2007 where he had 6 with a pick six and 81 total yards for returns. He was serviceable, but I would hardly suggest he was a top flight player. Maybe in Jerry's eyes. But then Jerry paid a fortune for Roy Williams of the Lions. So, there's that.

Rivera played two years in Dallas after being in GB for 8. He had 16 penalties in those two years, but did start 30 games during that time. Not certain he was a reach for the star player, but more a reputation of his heyday in GB. Jerry loves those reclamation projects. If they pan out he looks like a "real football guy."

TO produced here. He was a head case, but he delivered.

I understand your point, but in the history of this team under Jones' leadership, I don't see any time when they actually went balls to the wall and got themselves a guy who wasn't on the back end of his career. The miss I hold up as the ultimate tragedy was Julius Peppers. That guy went to his second team and put up even better numbers than his first.

All I can think of is when Jerry goes shopping is that Indiana Jones (no relation) film where the spare guy was picking out the real Holy Grail to drink from. It was not the Grail. The Grail Knight said:

"He chose..............poorly."
Free agency usually doesn't work out for most teams and they overpay for average talent. The best free agent signings in my opinion tend to be these proven guys late 20s, early 30s that have some miles left in the tank but are available because their respected team no longer thinks they're worth top compensation at their position. If you're in win now mode and searching a specific upgrade these can make a lot of sense.


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Right. Where are you getting that NYG roster is 'depleted' and clearly less talented when we had 2 close games with them and they made it just as far in the playoffs as the Cowboys?
sorry man, what exactly are you doing here. reality says they have a depleted roster, their fans, most analysts. it’s just an accepted fact. they over achieved like crazy. that’s a tesrsnrhr to then and hard off, but it just is what it is.