***Cowboys Chris (aka Quarterback Coach) Mega Thread***

theebs;2500802 said:
No offense but Werder has been covering the cowboys for probably nearly as long as you have been alive. I am pretty sure he knows how to do his job.

That is a load of shiznit. Name one "legitimate" story Ed Werder has ever broken pertaining to the Cowboys before any other credible media outlet. If Werder is even half as knowledgeable as you allude he is, you shouldn't have any problem doing so.

Werder is a glorified gossip hen and nothing more.
Kilyin;2501047 said:
That is a load of shiznit. Name one "legitimate" story Ed Werder has ever broken pertaining to the Cowboys before any other credible media outlet. Werder is a glorified gossip hen and nothing more.

oh nevermind then.

I will just go sit in the corner then since I am so dumb.
theebs;2501048 said:
oh nevermind then.

I will just go sit in the corner then since I am so dumb.

If Ed is such a journalistic juggernaught in regards to the Cowboys, you shouldn't have a problem fulfilling my request. And I never said you were dumb, although I do not agree with many of your opinions, I wouldn't personally insult you based on such.
Kilyin;2501056 said:
If Ed is such a journalistic juggernaught in regards to the Cowboys, you shouldn't have a problem fulfilling my request. And I never said you were dumb, although I do not agree with many of your opinions, I wouldn't personally insult you based on such.

Well I could go back and look up stuff, but I really dont care. I hate this entire topic. I think he broke the jimmy johnson is leaving story back in the 90s though and many more. He has been covering the cowboys forever.

We are playing the last game ever at the stadium. We are on the cusp of making the playoffs. We are finally playing defense the way a championship caliber team plays defense and all anyone wants to talk about is Terrell owens and Ed Werder. Its totally ********. And I know it is going to get worse next week when the team is getting ready for the eagles.

So this guy has hijacked the last two games at texas stadium and basically will dominate all the talk about our team for as long as we play. I find it sad.
Hostile;2500954 said:
Some people liked Quarterback Coach's video beration of Ed Werder.

Some didn't.

Some people like broccoli.

Some don't.

Some people like Fords.

Some don't.

Can we all just agree to like sex and move on from this topic? You're never going to change the other side's mind.

Oh, and for the record, I thought it was funny, I love broccoli, and I love Fords. If you didn't, hate broccoli, and hate Fords I will not feel any differently about you in any way. Mature adults can accept differences in others without labels.

:lmao: How ironic is that someone with a username of Hostile playing peacemaker...

I agree 100% my friend I also thought it was funny and like Broccoli (especially as a cream soup) and Fords
RainMan;2501034 said:
Because Chris is so obviously in Werder's head in all these videos. It's fairly obvious watching these things that Werder tries to act unaffected, but you know he hears it. And you know it bugs him when he sends others.

Plus, Werder is human like any of us. He can walk over to a fan and spare five minutes and strike up a conversation to diffuse a situation, as opposed to sending one of his irate handlers who makes an arse of the entire network.

But if Chris is just a speck, I guess that would be below the big, bad ESPN employee?

Geez, they're both regular joes. Werder could walk over and strike up a conversation and, if he had any personality at all, probably turn Chris into a fan. You might say why would it matter? Well, for one, it'd spare Werder from looking like a spineless twit in these videos. Secondly, it might let him do his job without someone constantly screaming in the background.
Good post. I think this is why I find it so funny.

I have nothing against Werder. I have nothing against any of the media who report on the team. I do think this story was taken from a comment made by someone and pushed to the point of ridiculous. They tried to make a mountain out of a molehill.

TO met with Garrett. So what? So did Roy and Crayton.

It was to say they are open on a lot of plays. Good. I still don't see anything wrong with it.

It went from something relatively minor like that and made it all the way to TO and Witten were in an altercation and had to be separated. An allegation they both deny.

Might they have disagreed on something? Sure. Do you work with someone that you agree with on every detail? If so, you're very lucky. If the two players reportedly involved don't see it as an issue, why make it one?

In Witten's interview yesterday you can clearly see Werder there asking him about the alleged incidents and he looks Werder right in the eye and says there is nothing to the inuendo. Theebs has already told us that Werder and Witten talk before every game. He even showed us picture proof of it.

So if a player says to Ed, Calvin, Todd, Jen, Mac, JJT, and the gang that Witten and TO don't get along that well it is probably their opinion of it based on their own observations. Might Witten and TO see it differently than this player? Of course they can.

So someone witnessed voices raised. Big damn deal. Werder and ESPN made it out to be Civil War in the locker room and the rest of the media mice followed the Pied Piper's tune.

People are saying, "everyone ran with this story. That should tell you there is something to it." Of course they ran with it. TO + Dallas Cowboys = Ratings.

If I may let me use a metaphor to explain what I am saying. This is like someone breaking a finger nail and getting a full arm cast.

It was nothing. This is per the team and the guys who were involved.

Werder did his job. Unfortunately there was nothing in Al Capone's vault.
Zaxor;2501100 said:
:lmao: How ironic is that someone with a username of Hostile playing peacemaker...

I agree 100% my friend I also thought it was funny and like Broccoli (especially as a cream soup) and Fords
If you want my advice, pour that cream soup broccoli over a baked potato. You'll thank me.

Back on the old site, boozeman used to give me some pretty good shots about how I didn't fit my username. I always enjoyed him giving me the business like that. So thanks for noticing my intent versus my call sign, because I really like irony.
Hostile;2501125 said:
Good post. I think this is why I find it so funny.

I have nothing against Werder. I have nothing against any of the media who report on the team. I do think this story was taken from a comment made by someone and pushed to the point of ridiculous. They tried to make a mountain out of a molehill.

TO met with Garrett. So what? So did Roy and Crayton.

It was to say they are open on a lot of plays. Good. I still don't see anything wrong with it.

It went from something relatively minor like that and made it all the way to TO and Witten were in an altercation and had to be separated. An allegation they both deny.

Might they have disagreed on something? Sure. Do you work with someone that you agree with on every detail? If so, you're very lucky. If the two players reportedly involved don't see it as an issue, why make it one?

In Witten's interview yesterday you can clearly see Werder there asking him about the alleged incidents and he looks Werder right in the eye and says there is nothing to the inuendo. Theebs has already told us that Werder and Witten talk before every game. He even showed us picture proof of it.

So if a player says to Ed, Calvin, Todd, Jen, Mac, JJT, and the gang that Witten and TO don't get along that well it is probably their opinion of it based on their own observations. Might Witten and TO see it differently than this player? Of course they can.

So someone witnessed voices raised. Big damn deal. Werder and ESPN made it out to be Civil War in the locker room and the rest of the media mice followed the Pied Piper's tune.

People are saying, "everyone ran with this story. That should tell you there is something to it." Of course they ran with it. TO + Dallas Cowboys = Ratings.

If I may let me use a metaphor to explain what I am saying. This is like someone breaking a finger nail and getting a full arm cast.

It was nothing. This is per the team and the guys who were involved.

Werder did his job. Unfortunately there was nothing in Al Capone's vault.

Good points, Hos.

Allow me another metaphor:

You and your wife have a spat. One or two curse words are dropped, but it's a fairly mundane argument if you're married long enough. You go to bed still a little upset, but have gotten over it for the most part. You have both begrudgingly apologized, still a little bitter, but are ready to sleep it off, knowing full well you'll have forgotten all about it the next day.

Then, you wake up the next morning, flip on the television, and see it reported by "disturbed neighbors" that the two of you got into a heated argument, that you took a swing at her and that if the divorce papers haven't already been filed, they are expected to be by week's end. One source, the network reports, says that your wife was seen moving out this morning and taking your children with her to an out-of-state family member's home. The story continues, according to a different unnamed source, that the spat was believed to have been over her catching you cheating on her with a -- get this -- man. A different source confirms a man was seen leaving your home two days earlier.

And so on...

I dunno...I just see this as a similar situation. Sure, they were peeved at one point, but not to the degree that Jerry needed to be prepared to break up the entire team. But instead of just reporting the news and asking the question "What does this mean," a certain network made it front-page news worthy of the president-has-been-shot type air time.

I was watching ESPNews last Friday night and they actually said they were going to have a 30-minute special on the "situation in Dallas" or some such. Don't know if they ever did, but I just found that downright comical and symbolic of the way this was overhyped -- like a run-of-the-mill spat between husband and wife.
Hostile;2500954 said:
Some people liked Quarterback Coach's video beration of Ed Werder.

Some didn't.

Some people like broccoli.

Some don't.

Some people like Fords.

Some don't.

Can we all just agree to like sex and move on from this topic? You're never going to change the other side's mind.

Oh, and for the record, I thought it was funny, I love broccoli, and I love Fords. If you didn't, hate broccoli, and hate Fords I will not feel any differently about you in any way. Mature adults can accept differences in others without labels.
Uhh, I received word from some "ANONYMOUS POSTERS" asking for a little more clarity on that sex comment Hos. They wanna know if manual fornication counts. If so, they happily agree on that, ixnay on the occolibray and they are split down the middle on Ford. Oh and they wanted to know how to navigate to this new Mature Adult Cowboy Forum you speak of, said this one here is the only one they have ever read. These guys are fans just like we all are and deserve to be treated as such, so a little clarity Hos. please. Oh and my drop down menu has no mention of mature adult. Probably 'cause I'm using Firefox or something, huh. Peace and Happy Holidays my brothers. I gotta go now and enjoy my 15 minutes of fame..........not manually, by the way. Not that there's anything wrong with that. Some people like hairy palms.
RainMan;2501152 said:
Good points, Hos.

Allow me another metaphor:

You and your wife have a spat. One or two curse words are dropped, but it's a fairly mundane argument if you're married long enough. You go to bed still a little upset, but have gotten over it for the most part. You have both begrudgingly apologized, still a little bitter, but are ready to sleep it off, knowing full well you'll have forgotten all about it the next day.

Then, you wake up the next morning, flip on the television, and see it reported by "disturbed neighbors" that the two of you got into a heated argument, that you took a swing at her and that if the divorce papers haven't already been filed, they are expected to be by week's end. One source, the network reports, says that your wife was seen moving out this morning and taking your children with her to an out-of-state family member's home.

I dunno...I just see this as a similar situation. Sure, they were peeved at one point, but not to the degree that Jerry needed to be prepared to break up the entire team. But instead of just reporting the news and asking the question "What does this mean," a certain network made it front-page news worthy of the president-has-been-shot type air time.

I was watching ESPNews last Friday night and they actually said they were going to have a 30-minute special on the "situation in Dallas" or some such. Don't know if they ever did, but I just found that downright comical and symbolic of the way this was overhyped -- like a run-of-the-mill spat between husband and wife.
There was a farmer had a dog, and Bingo was his name-o.


Tell me this oh maker of rain. When a husband and wife, or two friends, or two co-workers disagree on something, if it is a major disagreement can they put it behind them after 30 minutes? This was reported as near calamity to the chemistry of the locker room. Yet 53 guys plus a coaching staff put it behind them in 30 minutes? And one them accomplishing this miracle of Kumbaya is Terrell Freaking Owens?

Anyone who believes that needs to talk to me. I got some choice real estate for sale. Amazing prices.
ndanger;2501154 said:
Uhh, I received word from some "ANONYMOUS POSTERS" asking for a little more clarity on that sex comment Hos. They wanna know if manual fornication counts. If so, they happily agree on that, ixnay on the occolibray and they are split down the middle on Ford. Oh and they wanted to know how to navigate to this new Mature Adult Cowboy Forum you speak of, said this one here is the only one they have ever read. These guys are fans just like we all are and deserve to be treated as such, so a little clarity Hos. please. Oh and my drop down menu has no mention of mature adult. Probably 'cause I'm using Firefox or something, huh. Peace and Happy Holidays my brothers. I gotta go now and enjoy my 15 minutes of fame..........not manually, by the way. Not that there's anything wrong with that. Some people like hairy palms.
So what your saying is, I gotta get to work and fix a lot of stuff.

Give me 30 minutes. In Dallas they can end a Civil War in that amount of time.
Maikeru-sama;2500632 said:
True that.

Frankley, I would not post here if all we talked about was X's and O's.

That would be boring.

I know most disagree, but I love it when the Cowboys are the talk of the town.

I will attest to that. Better the controversial cowboys than the barely there Seahawks or Lions.
GimmeTheBall!;2501183 said:
I will attest to that. Better the controversial cowboys than the barely there Seahawks or Lions.

Imagine a 30-minute special on why the Lions suck. You can almost hear all the Lions haters rushing to their TV sets...:laugh1:
Hostile;2501158 said:
There was a farmer had a dog, and Bingo was his name-o.


Tell me this oh maker of rain. When a husband and wife, or two friends, or two co-workers disagree on something, if it is a major disagreement can they put it behind them after 30 minutes? This was reported as near calamity to the chemistry of the locker room. Yet 53 guys plus a coaching staff put it behind them in 30 minutes? And one them accomplishing this miracle of Kumbaya is Terrell Freaking Owens?

Anyone who believes that needs to talk to me. I got some choice real estate for sale. Amazing prices.

I hope I'm not butchering the quote (or just remembering something that didn't happen) but I seem to remember Jimmy Johnson sitting on FOX a couple of years talking about the T.O. overdose before the Titans game. He said, as I recall, something to the effect of it's a distraction if they lose, but if they win it clearly wasn't a distraction.

I think that applies here. If there was something major brewing in the locker room, they wouldn't have gone out and beat the best team in the NFC. No team, no matter how good, could do that.

Which basically tells me the whole thing was a minor spat -- not a catastrophic one -- and that we were either over it by game time, or it was so minor that even if some egos were still dinged when they were playing, the spat wasn't big enough to affect anything.

And you know what? Egos will again be hurt if Romo misses open receivers in the critical juncture of a game down the road. These sorts of things happen when you lose -- especially when you have targets as high profile and talented as Witten, TO and Roy.

But based on this past week, I'm led to believe that egos won't be hurt to the point the whole team will have to be blown up following our next loss.
Hostile;2500637 said:
Me, you, and Jerry. Everyone else it upsets.


Makes me happy. Wish we threw some more Jessica pics around though just to spice things up. What can I say, I'm grimey, lol!:p:
theebs;2500269 said:
Its one of the most embarrassing things I have ever seen as a fan. He should be ashamed of himself and all the people that bring attention to this should be embarrassed that they are making such a big deal out of it.

I saw that cowboy chris dude standing outside the main gate sunday night. Myself and doctor32 walked right by him. IF he got thrown out of the stadium for heckling werder again, he should be tarred and feathered.

All this nonsense to heckle a guy all the players and coaches like, Ed Werder. Unless your the president of the T.O. fan club I dont understand why anyone cares what werder said.

Not only should cowboy chris be ashamed of himself he should feel silly for not even understanding the situation.

First off I want to thank you for your insight in regards to Werder and the interactions he has and/or had with this team's players, coaches and executive staff. You're right that most fans don't realize wht happens behind the scenes on a daily basis and I am not prevy to that fact myself.

Now this isn't ideal fan etiquette but I'm happy Werder and ESPN are getting a taste of their own medicine. Plus this guy is right and he's passionate about this team. He heckles the players like Barbie Carpenter and the coaches like Brian Stewart when they need to hear it. I also see him applaud the good things like Witten, Ware and Romo. I've also heard fans that he doesn't know in the background of his tapings say "You guys suck!". Referring to the Cowboys. He didn't stand for that either, settled the guy down and that was after we took a loss. I'm not CC's agent or anything but Werder had it coming. CC never once used profanity and he never once threatened anyone or broke the law. Everything he has approached in all of his videos has been discussed on this board and represents how a lot of us fans feel. If I'm a Cowboy or ESPN guy this is very useful material to understand what the fans are thinking.

Now Ed Werder's meal ticket is the Dallas Cowboys and it is basically all he writes about. I haven't seen a positive report from Werder in ages. You keep saying how everyone on the team likes Werder. Well, Jason Witten and Tony Romo got dragged into his last report that he ignighted off of guess who again? T.O.

Werder's gone too far, no one did anything about it on the team until now and even fans are sick of it. Hate him or love him T.O has been the better man while interacting with Werder who only asks lined up reputation devistating questions to T.O anyways. Werder doesn't ask T.O football questions, he asks him gossip questions that tear him away from the team and it's the same mental game with him week in and week out. T.O just says next question and the drip can't get a new script.

I have no problem with a guy making a living and having to put his tail between his legs and do what his boss tells him but it can't be this negative all the time. He has sources you say, well absolutely yes. Those sources lined him up because they know what his true intentions have become. The guy has nothing else going on at ESPN and what does he do? He burns all of his bridge with his greatest journalistic asset. The Cowboys.

It is sad that if this team turns their back to the guy it's going to put a damper on his career that is going to make it harder to put food on the table, but you can't just be a good politician with the Boys club when you're a reporter/journalist and stick the guys in the back anytime a source coughs something up. Everyone see's the intentions and that's why they shy away after last week. too bad he spent almost a decade building relationships here and then burning them down. Too bad a guy who I thought a couple of years ago was a top notch honest sports reporter now comes across as a hack.

Once again, thank you for sharing your internal insight. It is greatly appreciated and lends knowledge to fans such as myself but responsible journalism means something to me.
bbgun;2500720 said:
Randy White;2500693 said:
Instead, Werder was working at the time. CC knew this. CC was deliberately interfering with Ed's right to do his job and earn a living. They had to shut down the live transmit because of his interference. Have something to say to Ed? Do it in an email or when he's off the clock.

So what you are saying is that CC was interfering with Werder doing his job, but wasn't Werder interfering with the COWBOYS doing their jobs as well? Last I looked defending yourselves or your teammates from idiotic claims by a worthless "sporting news outlet" wasn't necessarily what Jerry pays these guys for. Doesn't he pay them to play football?
theebs;2500802 said:
No offense but Werder has been covering the cowboys for probably nearly as long as you have been alive. I am pretty sure he knows how to do his job.

After finally reading this entire thread for the first time, my thoughts are as follows...

- You were upset that none of the players or the coaches would talk to Werder Sunday night before the game...

Why? Why would they want to? IMO he is TOO close to too many people in the organization already, and to me, the fact that they didn't want to talk to him is as simple as the fact that someone told him something about T.O. or the meetings or whatever and didn't think he'd run with it and detonate another T.O. time bomb. But he did, and I'd venture to say that all the players and coaches are now on "alert" as far as talking to him for fear he will conjure up another overblown story about the team.

- You have a problem with what CC did or said, as well as the way he went about doing it...

He did it his way (which I loved), you do it your way. Your way is to sit behind a computer and type away at whatever your upset about. His way is to go right to the source and let them know how he feels... I don't see the problem. Seems to me the only reason you didn't like what he did is because it may affect what you perceive to be your right, to sit on the sideline and take a picture or two... Fans have been heckling players for generations. Don't like it, don't pay attention to it... But don't put the guy down for showing his displeasure over the situation, when in fact you are doing the same thing to him by typing it.

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