***Cowboys Chris (aka Quarterback Coach) Mega Thread***

Maikeru-sama;2500653 said:
So that guy was CC too huh :lmao2: ?

That guy ripped the Cowboys and their staff every which way from Sunday after that game.

I could be wrong but I am 99.9 percent that was him too. Now you're going to make me go validate my claim by finding the video. BRB. :)
Bleu Star;2500657 said:
I could be wrong but I am 99.9 percent that was him too. Now you're going to make me go validate my claim by finding the video. BRB. :)

Bring the new one with ya too, I haven't seen it :D .
Bleu Star;2500657 said:
I could be wrong but I am 99.9 percent that was him too. Now you're going to make me go validate my claim by finding the video. BRB. :)

Don't bother. It was him.
LeonDixson;2500460 said:
Theebs, I haven't posted much about this Werder thing, and just so you know my position on Owens; I despise the person that is Terrell Owens. I root for him as a Cowboys player because any success he has helps the Cowboys, but that's as far as it goes.

I agree 100% with this statement above... GO COWBOYS!!!
Someone mentioned it earlier but the mods should make a CowboysZone HOF and the first member inducted should be Cowboys Chris he's a legend now!!!!!!! Haha gotta love that guy!!!
Randy White;2500624 said:
Plluuuaaasseee.. Go read the Constitution again and show me which article of which amendment states: " Thou shall not heckle members of the media "

I'll wait..


You do not have a Constitutional right to harass someone. I do not have the right to stand in a public street outside of your home or workplace, shouting at the top of my lungs and disprupting your home life or livelihood. If you think I do, then kindly disclose where you live or work and we'll test your tolerance levels.
YoMick;2500640 said:

It hasnt been ammended yet?



Working on it...

Amendment #28, Article 1, Section A:

" thou... shall... not.. heckle.. the.. media... but MEDIOTS, aka BSPN.. are fair game ".

There, done


Sending to congress and then to the states to retify..

*whew* that was hard.
If ESPN is going to continually roll out a crappy product you can't blame the consumer when he expresses his disappointment about it.
Maikeru-sama;2500659 said:
Bring the new one with ya too, I haven't seen it :D .

I can only post the edited (clean) version.

[youtube]p31mlFmtbDY[/youtube]<-- verbal beatdown

If you want the unedited version I can't post a link directly to it but a little birdie told me you can find it over at http://larrybrownsports.com/ ;)
Scroll down to the TO video on the bottom of the page and then look in related videos under it.
bbgun;2500677 said:
You do not have a Constitutional right to harass someone.

But you do have a constitutional right to express your opinion in a public place as long as you're not threatening anybody.

I do not have the right to stand in a public street outside of your home or workplace, shouting at the top of my lungs and disprupting your home life or livelihood. If you think I do, then kindly disclose where you live or work and we'll test your tolerance levels.

As a matter of fact, YOU DO if my livelyhood involves something you don't agree with. If that wasn't the fact, nobody would be able to protest in front of the White House.

And I live in Miami, FL. As soon as you get here, PM me and I'll personally pick you up and drop you off in front of my home.

I'll also be pulling out my lawn chair, with a cooler full of diet cokes ( sorry, I don't drink ) and a camera so I can enjoy the show. I won't interrupt you, but I'd be begging your pardon in advance if I roll over and sprain something from laughing so hard.

I'll even invite the neighbors so they can have a couple of laughs.

theebs;2500565 said:
And throw in the fact that he broke a major texas stadium violation of having a camcorder in the stadium, he has just helped in gaining momentum for the stadium security to check and remove peoples cameras.

People have cell phones that record video too (as well as digital cameras to take pictures that also record video)... I guess no cell phones also :confused:
Dallas22;2500695 said:
People have cell phones that record video too (as well as digital cameras to take pictures that also record video)... I guess no cell phones also :confused:

Indeed. My ATT Tilt records wonderful video. You would be surprised at the number of video recording options available nowadays that fit right into your pocket.
Bleu Star;2500692 said:
I can only post the edited (clean) version.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p31mlFmtbDY <-- verbal beatdown

If you want the unedited version I can't post a link directly to it but a little birdie told me you can find it over at http://larrybrownsports.com/ ;)
Scroll down to the TO video on the bottom of the page and then look in related videos under it.

Thanks for the link.

CC didn't do anything wrong but I could see the other side of it.

The guy who cursed him out will probably lose his job ;) .
Randy White;2500693 said:
But you do have a constitutional right to express your opinion in a public place as long as you're not threatening anybody.

CC didn't run into Werder at McDonald's and say something snotty. Instead, Werder was working at the time. CC knew this. CC was deliberately interfering with Ed's right to do his job and earn a living. They had to shut down the live transmit because of his interference. Have something to say to Ed? Do it in an email or when he's off the clock.

As a matter of fact, YOU DO if my livelyhood involves something you don't agree with. If that wasn't the fact, nobody would be able to protest in front of the White House.

And I live in Miami, FL. As soon as you get here, PM me and I'll personally pick you up and drop you off in front of my home.

I'll also be pulling out my lawn chair, with a cooler full of diet cokes ( sorry, I don't drink ) and a camera so I can enjoy the show. I won't interrupt you, but I'd be begging your pardon in advance if I roll over and sprain something from laughing so hard.

I'll even invite the neighbors so they can have a couple of laughs.

But will you love me at 3 AM when I'm still shouting? And will your fellow employees love me at all? I'm guessing "no."
bbgun;2500720 said:
Randy White;2500693 said:
CC didn't run into Werder at McDonald's and say something snotty. Instead, Werder was working at the time. CC knew this. CC was deliberately interfering with Ed's right to do his job and earn a living. They had to shut down the live transmit because of his interference. Have something to say to Ed? Do it in an email or when he's off the clock.

But will you love me at 3 AM when I'm still shouting? And will your fellow employees love me at all? I'm guessing "no."

bbgun, are you still tilting at windmills, again?

WoodysGirl;2500768 said:

gang...me again...please do not wish that the espn guy gets fired. i don't wish that on anyone (maybe bruce read). he overreacted simply because he has never dealt with that before. period.

they (the media) has no idea what to do when the shoe is on the other foot. you may not like that i upset ed (doing his "job"), but i was having some fun heckling someone who simply likes to broadcast gossip and rumors...

don't fire people though. especially around christmas.

by the way...if i did my job as poorly as ed you can all come yell at me too.

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