Signed by Cowboys Cowboys Sign DE Kerry Hyder


Cowboys Diehard
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It's a tough road back for anyone returning from an Achilles injury.

I've been there and it's an uphill climb. Only time will tell.

With all due respect, good luck with this guy! :rolleyes:

. . . we surely do take our chances!! ;)
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Well-Known Member
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look alot of these guys are camp bodys and if they show some ablilty are in backup rotation..all teams have them yet fans rip and mock when we sign about this if they are a yawn type non story stop posting them here..jeez..

going against the seemingly popular stance taken here, the Cowboys did NOT have ton of real holes to fill after last season and the draft is still to far they are adding depth and camp guys, competition.

hopefully someone like S Berry or the like, cobb or a guy like Brown or Wilson already on our roster, and ??? will step up and help..if they dont all is not lost..sure we need to improve but we were not desperate to go hard in tier one guys..


Cowboys Diehard
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Anything can happen -- I'll be awaiting this guy's return to prominence with the patience of a saint . . . I kinda do mean that. ;)


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It's a tough road back for anyone returning from an Achilles injury.

I've been there and it's an uphill climb. Only time will tell.

With all due respect, good luck with this guy! :rolleyes:

. . . we surely do take our chances!! ;)

When was your injury?

I've heard they made a radical change in how they do the surgery in recent years as compared to many years ago.

It killed Kevin Pup Smiths career back in the early nineties but in the past decade many players have returned with no obvious decrease in performance.


Cowboys Diehard
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When was your injury?

I've heard they made a radical change in how they do the surgery in recent years as compared to many years ago.

It killed Kevin Pup Smiths career back in the early nineties but in the past decade many players have returned with no obvious decrease in performance.

It was pretty severe, actually . . . I severed my left Achilles tendon about 20 years ago. The total recovery took well over a year after spending 17 weeks in a hard fiberglass cast and then a boot. Yep, I realize mine was a severe case. I do hope this guy's return will be much gentler than mine was. Hopefully, his case wasn't a severed tendon like mine. It's infinitely simpler when it's just a tear and not severed. ;)


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It was pretty severe, actually . . . I severed my left Achilles tendon about 20 years ago. The total recovery took well over a year after spending 17 weeks in a hard fiberglass cast and then a boot. Yep, I realize mine was a severe case. I do hope this guy's return will be much gentler than mine was. Hopefully, his case wasn't a severed tendon like mine. It's infinitely easier when it's just a tear and not severed. ;)

How did it happen if you don't mind me asking?


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I tripped over a curb and my left foot went down under me, being bent backwards. Very painful. I wouldn't wish that on anyone!

That really is a freak accident.

Any lasting problems?

I broke both bones in my lower leg last April. A large dog running full speed ran into the back of my leg and I didn't see it coming.

I now have metal plates and a large number of screws in my leg right at the ankle.


Cowboys Diehard
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That really is a freak accident.

Any lasting problems?

I broke both bones in my lower leg last April. A large dog running full speed ran into the back of my leg and I didn't see it coming.

I now have metal plates and a large number of screws in my leg right at the ankle.

I can relate to your pain and the recovery it required. No lasting problems, although I still have to be careful not to overdo straining my left leg. The result can be a sore left Achilles for a few days but nothing serious, so far. I also had a broken right leg as a result of a motorcycle accident later on and had to have a steel rod implanted in my right fibula. The bone was shattered, so the steel rod was necessary if I ever wanted to walk again. Radical, huh? Something tells me we both need to be extremely careful in the future! :)
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
I can relate to your pain and the recovery it required. No lasting problems, although I still have to be careful not to overdo straining my left leg. The result can be a sore left Achilles for a few days but nothing serious, so far. I also had a broken right leg as a result of a motorcycle accident later on and had to have a steel rod implanted in my right fibula. The bone was shattered, so the steel rod was necessary if I ever wanted to walk again. Radical, huh? Something tells me we both need to be extremely careful in the future! :)

The ironic part is that I've done many dangerous things over the years from Bullriding, motocross, extreme skiing, etc. without any broken bones other than a hairline fracture from Wakeboarding BUT I get 2 complete breaks from taking my dog to the dog park.


Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
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The ironic part is that I've done many dangerous things over the years from Bullriding, motocross, extreme skiing, etc. without any broken bones other than a hairline fracture from Wakeboarding BUT I get 2 complete breaks from taking my dog to the dog park.

You were due.


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I dont know why I do this to myself. I swear during free agency I just get depressed.


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Great signing for the Cowboys. Better then Reid. Upgrading team one position at a time. Great job management.


Cowboys Diehard
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The ironic part is that I've done many dangerous things over the years from Bullriding, motocross, extreme skiing, etc. without any broken bones other than a hairline fracture from Wakeboarding BUT I get 2 complete breaks from taking my dog to the dog park.

Similar experience here -- I've had six motorcycles, competitively riding them in races, hill climbs, done auto racing, skiing and more, yet get an Achilles tendon severed tripping over a curb. Ya never know . . . :rolleyes:
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Red, White and Brew...
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He was good before he got hurt. Kinda like Eric Berry.


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Saw Kerry Hyder play 4 times in person when he was in college at Texas Tech. Since two of my kids went there, I watched a lot of Tech football. Hyder is a good but not great, solid DLineman. He is very strong and gets a good push. At Tech, he was underrated because he usually played on bad defenses.

If he’s healthy he will be a dependable rotation guy. Not spectacular, but capable of making plays on occasion. A star player he is not. But he has potential to be an excellent role player.