Signed by Cowboys Cowboys Sign DE Kerry Hyder


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Hyder is not a star but Rod Marinelli and Kris Richard are going to love his motor. A nice option when Tank needs a rest.
You mean a blow. For some reason a rest in the NFL is called a blow by every game announcer. I never understood that as it just is weird to hear on TV. So, when Tank needs a blow, Hyder will be able to give him a blow. If any of the other defensive linemen need a blow, Hyder can give them a blow as well. He’s very athletic and probably can give the linebackers a blow as well if they want one.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
In-between "absolute homer" and "constantly negative" is a realm of good taste begging your acquaintance.

I like the move, I dont think it solves our DL problems but it certainly doesn't hurt.

It's like you people are incapable of separating concepts. Every DL acquisition is not an automatic failure just because we didn't get some other guy you wanted that was top 5 in some list you read. Whether you go get a star or not we still need to churn our roster with moves like this one.

The Lions were a 4-3 defense in 2016.

The Lions were a 3-4 defense in 2018.

In that draft I thought he would be a DT in the NFL (6-2, 290 pre-draft) but it appears he played DE with Detroit.

He appeared to have dropped weight when he got to the NFL.

The Cowboys love DLinemen that were bad fits in their previous team's 3-4 defense.


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The Lions were a 4-3 defense in 2016.

The Lions were a 3-4 defense in 2018.

In that draft I thought he would be a DT in the NFL (6-2, 290 pre-draft) but it appears he played DE with Detroit.

He appeared to have dropped weight when he got to the NFL.

The Cowboys love DLinemen that were bad fits in their previous team's 3-4 defense.
I've seen three weights on the web for him 290, 280, 270. I figure the 270 is correct since he was an end, but he may have gained back playing in a 3-4


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The Lions were a 4-3 defense in 2016.

The Lions were a 3-4 defense in 2018.

In that draft I thought he would be a DT in the NFL (6-2, 290 pre-draft) but it appears he played DE with Detroit.

He appeared to have dropped weight when he got to the NFL.

The Cowboys love DLinemen that were bad fits in their previous team's 3-4 defense.

People undervalue this. It's happened to several players over the years. They're ok in a 3-4 and have a career revival when they switch to a 4-3, or they do well in a 4-3 and get move to a 3-4 and become nobodies.

You'll see 2 gappers from 3-4s turn into monster 1 techs once theyve got help right next to them. Or they'll hear they only have to 1 gap from now on and they make great 3 techs after being set loose.

This guy playing DE in both, it wouldn't surprise me that his sack numbers disappeared. As a DE in a 4-3, you're getting after the QB. In a 3-4, you're not getting those chances. The guys that do consistently and effectively rush the QB from DE in 3-4 are guys like Watt or Suggs.

I kind of went on a tangent there but thinking about your DT projection and his DE experience in both systems, I wonder if they wont Tyrone Crawford him and play him across the line.

Risen Star

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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Plays into the "position flex" thing too.


How embarrassing is it that that was his reaction to drafting Joey Ivie?

I mean, how do you let that guy back in the war room after that?


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Why do we always sign high health and character risk players. I hope this one works out.


I Copy!,,, er,,,I guess,,,ah,,,maybe.
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Perhaps the cowboys are getting away from acquiring injury prone players. I'd say that's prudent.

You literally just posted this in the gathers thread.
,,,er,,,so?,,,and just what is the specific triangulation of yer' apparent thrust vector to begin with anyway,,,eh?:huh:



I Copy!,,, er,,,I guess,,,ah,,,maybe.
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Bye Bye D Law

The Cowboys FO playing hardball

Now D Law will come crawling
"And ye done knowed this forseenment prior to yer knowledged postment, for the labeling of yer' shingles handle is well suited unto thee, ye worthy servant ,a mere one of many, from amongst the ranks of legion FANDOM":bow:



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i love this signing, it tells the NFL to watch out, we mean business.

also the mediocre lover boys will be high fiving over this.