CFZ Cowboys training camp location history


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Sounds like you are just a cosmopolitan who looks down on "hick towns". I VASTLY prefer Wichita Falls to both that crap hole Austin and that lesser crap hole San Antonio.
Actually I’m an old farm boy who retired in the country which lived most of my life in metropolitan lifestyle. And I love the country even if it’s in a dumpy old town with nothing to do. Fortunately it’s not too far a drive for civilization.

You’re certainly entitled to prefer WF but should recognize it’s a dump compared to others. It’s why Jethro chose it cause he felt the players couldn’t get in trouble cause there’s nothing to frikin do. Lol


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if they really wanted to be smart about the Americas team label, they should just move it somewhere new every year…
Vaq, if this organization really wanted to remain “America’s Team”, they would have made major changes at the top and focused on winning more playoff games. Winning 14 playoff games in a decade is how they became “America’s Team”.


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Vaq, if this organization really wanted to remain “America’s Team”, they would have made major changes at the top of this organization and focused on winning more playoff games. Winning 14 playoff games in a decade is how they became “America’s Team”.
Correct me if I’m wrong but our AT label had more to do with we were the most watched team on TV. Which of course was driven by our success and Captain America , Roger Staubach.

We weren’t even the greatest team that era . The Packers were in the 60’s , Steelers were in the 70’s and 49ers in the 80’s. We became more of the country’s team to root for as we were the darlings . America loves getting behind an underdog .

It wasn’t until we were labeled AT that we became the country’s team many hated because of the label. Which while Tex embraced and endorsed, Landry was vehemently against for exactly what it became.

I think I’ve been on record over the years hating the AT label. And agree with Toms concerns . And it was only worthy of bragging rights or needling our competition if we were having success.

But despite our lack of more success we are still the most favorite or most popular team to watch whether you’re rooting for or against us which I’d argue was the basis for the name.

And unfortunately to this owners credit he’s been able to remain the most popular and watched team despite not having more success.
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Chocolate Lab

Run-loving Dino
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It is kind of weird that some fans who complain about Jerry being too focused on things other than football think training camp should be in a bigger city where there are better hotels and more tourist attractions for the fans.

Most training camps used to be held in small college towns - - and many still are - - for team bonding and lack of distractions. But I guess they're wrong because there's not enough for the fans to do there?


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Some of the craziest moments in Cowboys history happened at training camp:
  • 1960- Bats and rats in the facilities at Pacific university.
  • 1971- RB Duane Thomas cops a major attitude during TC and gets traded to New England who promptly voids the trade and DT comes back to Dallas. He stays for the entire season and the Cowboys win their first SB. He gets traded for good in ‘72.
  • 1976- Backup QB Clint Longley, “The Mad Bomber”, sucker punches Roger Staubach in the locker room at Thousand Oaks. Roger gets about 10 stitches and Longley gets traded to the Chargers.
  • 1984- After an epic QB competition, at the end of TC Tom Landry is ready to announce whether Danny White or Gary Hogeboom will be named starting QB. At the press conference Landry has a brain fart and announces T Phil Pozderic as the QB starter. After some chuckles, he corrects himself and Hogeboom is named. Only lasts a few weeks before White regains the spot.
  • 1987-88- Two years in a row Cowboys speedy WR Mike Sherrard breaks his leg, both during TC. First in practice, the second while jogging the beach.
  • 1993- After winning SB 27, Emmitt Smith holds out TC awaiting a new contract. Jerry plays hard ball. Emmitt enrolls in classes at Univ of Florida and threatens to retire. When the Cowboys start 0-2 Jerry caves. The Cowboys win back to back SBs.
  • 1997- at the end of TC at St Ed’s in Austin, the players completely trash the dorm. On player in a mask smashes the video surveillance system so no one can be identified. It’s the last time the Cowboys trained in Austin.
  • 1998- “Scissorgate”- Long story. Look up Everett McIvor.
What else?
1990- didn't ES2 hold out as rookie ? that's news worthy., Mr, Hold out a 3rd legacy deal all washed up, no big news unless it happens to our current players and its huge deal all selfish generations now but not then?

What I find is most of training camps were held in cooler climates or indoors everyone says how tough they used to be how somehow they made it like it was some college in Alabama playing two days outdoors or some high school two days here in Texas no even way back in the 70s you can see that they were trying to go to a different climate because most coaches and owners feel you can get more done when your player's tongue isn't hanging out.... So I guess even back then they had camp cupcake it just had scat in


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My point is that the turning point is getting a great GM and we dont have that option. Laugh all you wont about another team having success but we are run by a guy who hasnt changed his model of management in 30 years regardless of the terrible results.
I will laugh. The chiefs also have a "Great GM." It is amazing how the great GM's happen when they hit the right QB. It is also amazing how the Gm loses his touch when they lose their QB. IM tired of repeating it over and over and over again, so I wont start listing all of the teams and QBs that make my point to glaringly obvious.


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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
Vaq, if this organization really wanted to remain “America’s Team”, they would have made major changes at the top and focused on winning more playoff games. Winning 14 playoff games in a decade is how they became “America’s Team”.
Winning playoff games had nothing to do with it Bob. They got that name because of the perception of how well run the team was and most notably led by Tom Landry. One of the most decent men in football ever.


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I will laugh. The chiefs also have a "Great GM." It is amazing how the great GM's happen when they hit the right QB. It is also amazing how the Gm loses his touch when they lose their QB. IM tired of repeating it over and over and over again, so I wont start listing all of the teams and QBs that make my point to glaringly obvious.
Well, Im glad youre so impressed w our gm and the great post season results almost 3 decades later.


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Well, Im glad youre so impressed w our gm and the great post season results almost 3 decades later.
What supporters or defenders of our ownership this era miss is that there are numerous franchises who haven't hit on a QB arguably any greater than ours but were able to have more success advancing to at least a championship game and some a SB.

The Cowboys historic futility in the playoffs this era is monumental. And there’s only been one constant. It’s shameful that any Cowboys fan would defend our owners this era.