Cowboys tweets 4/14


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Are players getting paid to use twitter and other social media sites to air their laundry? If not, why are they tweeting? Case in point: Beasley and Hurns. Makes no sense to me. Nothing good is going to come out of it. Show up, play hard, and move on if the time comes.

Dez should have just let his agent do the talking. A simple "Thank you for the years. Looking forward to a new team in pursuit of a ring."


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Putting Dez aside for a second, I hope Garrett isn't really gossiping about players to the media. It's probably the worst thing any leader could do. Same goes for players in leadership positions.

“Losers assemble in little groups and complain about the coaches and players in other little groups. But winners assemble as a team.”

Parcells quote about winners and losers can apply to players and coaches alike. Constantly gossiping about co-workers and teammates is just as detrimental as tantrums. I hope that isn't going on to the extent that Dez suggests. Beasley's passive aggressive comments do make me wonder how much backbiting and whispering is going on with this team, though.


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Let's see....

We backed the truck up to your house in 2014....

No edge

The media scrutiny caused you to hire a route guru that turned out to only be a text buddy....

Still no edge.

Jerry Jones looks you in the face & says buhbye....

Now you have an edge?

It just proves the theory of many here absolutely spot on. You got fat , lazy, & happy when you got paid. Boybye

Naw, 2018 is either going to prove you or him right.